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I ❤️

- my body
- my heart
- my skin

and of course my lips

Bearbeitet von Catdoggiegirl95 .

I love
-my Heart
-my smile
-my scars

Reason why I ❤️ my skin is silky softness

I love me, my eyes and body are perfect for me

I don’t love myself 🙃

I don’t love myself

I 🤍
-my eyes
-my lips
okay that’s it

Hmm... My moral codex and my V-shape 🤔 I think. And my ability to understand others.

I ❤️ my hair . And my mind .
and black oily men dancing

I dont love myself, i do love somebodyelse.

I dont love myself, i do love somebodyelse.

1 of the greatest persons on earth 🙂

I don't like my myself and I don't like anybody🕺

I love to eat lol

I dont lóve myself, i do like the way im, and i want tostay like that: weird/crazy/humorious. For me life is a huge big peace of shit, but im trying to make something out of it. I live in a familly of 6 people, and in the eyes of other people were all weird. Im not a sheep that walks straight the way the sheep keeper (government) wants to, im a goat that walks the way government doesnt want me to walk. But i keep walking this way, and anytime government trysto stop me, i ignore them. As a conspiracy theorist ihavetrouble finding someone i could handy fall in love with, but im not sure if i éver want to marry, and a conspiracy theorist cant actually marry somebody who took the covid vaccine.


No matter what people thing,

It matters if you know u arent weird.🙂

And you are here to live your life, not other's opinion!

I know im weird, i like to beweird. Thats my lif🙂

I don’t like myself I don’t like anybody

You arent!!!

You know what Mare?

You are the normallest person ive ever saw !!!

Others are living wrong ! But you are doing it right !

Im proud of u🙂

Do you mean that??? Im living on a farm where everything goes wrong. Im weirder then you ever could get.
But thx for the compliment 🙂