How many genders are there in total?

  • 258
  • 17
  • 35
One or the other buddy, most will choose, if they do not, then that represents the indecisiveness of one who desires to “change” gender. Most anyone’s getting out of me is possibly a “they”
Why can they not live the way they were born? Don't you think it's rather hard of you to call somebody indecisive just because they feel perfect the way they were born?

As far as I know, these people usually get this surgery while they're babies, obviously without asking their opinions on it. I would say as long as there's no negative effect of whatever going on, people (especially babies and children) should not be getting surgery just because they look different. I'm not a doctor, but I would think that every surgery goes along with complications and possible negative repercussions. I don't think babies should be put up to that risk just because society feels that they don't belong.
Additionally to that, you don't know what the person would've chosen if they could've, because they're a baby and can't make decisions yet. They might feel trapped in the wrong gender once they're older.
They shouldn't be getting surgery before they can make an educated decision on it.

Therefore, they'd have to get surgery, if at all, when they're older. Teenager maybe, or fill grown adult. Definitely older than 10 years. So what are they until then? There's only men and women, according to you, but they're neither male nor female. What are they until they decide if and when to get the gender affirming surgery? Do they not have a gender, or sex even?


Edited by isyes .



According to sex chromosome variations
01. XX female
02. YX Male
also possible
03. XXY (Klinefelter syndrome)
04. XXX (Trisomy 😆
05. XYY

2 (don't kidnap and kill me pls)

K__ K__

For your information, scientifically speaking:
1. male - If someone has a Y chromosome
2. female - If someone doesn't have any Y chromosomes

* this is just a scientific fact, no personal opinion or something *

Edited by K__ .

Seven types.
Male, female, neutral, male biased, female biased, incomplete male, incomplete female.

neutral, male biased, female biased, incomplete male, incomplete female.
What are those? I tried looking them up online for a few minutes but didn't find anything.


Edited by isyes .
just to add this here, anything I have posted here is by my previous self and I am a thoroughly changed person, I don’t want to state specifics, but yeah, dramatic change of my brain recently

Wow! So... what kind of person are you now?

Only one gender: humans

2 Genders, its been like that from the beginning of time and it will be till the end.


Unless you want to include options like "ghost" or "intergalactic space pirate," but last time I checked, those weren't officially recognized... yet.

According to sex chromosome variations
01. XX female
02. YX Male
also possible
03. XXY (Klinefelter syndrome)
04. XXX (Trisomy 😆
05. XYY

scientific explanation

Male, female, and no specific gender (like snails and some plants).

Male, female, and no specific gender (like snails and some plants).
for humans. Only one gender: humans

for humans. Only one gender: humans
That's a breed, not a gender.
But yes, you're right, humans are all humans. Although unfortunately some have less humanity than others...

There are two types of human of this Planet, and we call these two kinds of humans male and female, if you are not Happy with the gender you were born you can't do anything about It cause Life goes like this