Solitudine Τα πάντα και οτιδήποτε

What do you think about loneliness?

"What do YOU think about 'Solitude', Lorenzo? " 🙂

For me, loneliness is the moment when I grasp my drowsiness of everyday life.
In that moment I can decide what is really important to me. But ... let us see
what some Great Souls have to say on this subject:

"The desire to be fulfilled is an escape from what we call loneliness. "


"The great man is he who, with perfect sweetness, preserves in the
midst of the crowd the independence of solitude. "

✨_______________________Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I felt the pain of my loneliness only when men praised the
fault of my loquacity and reviled the virtue of my silence. "

✨_______________________Khalil Gibran

What do you think about loneliness?
"A man without communication is not a man." (s.) Someone.

...I've got another nice & wise one:

"Loneliness is a state of mind. One who is attached to his desires
finds no solitude wherever he is, whereas the attachmentless
one always enjoys solitude. "

✨_______________________Ramana Maharshi

"Without great solitude no serious work is possible." (Picasso) For me, it is a chance to grow in personality. Work on myself, on character and a chance for spirituality. Silence is a good teacher to discover one´s weaknesses and to improve.

Solitude helps us reflect. Too much loneliness kills

Thank you for your topic, Lorenzo. Thank you all for your inspiration.

Here is my experience:
Neglecting lonliness and silence brings symptoms of the body.
A lot of my patients don`t have the patience to listen to their body.

Thank you for your topic, Lorenzo. Thank you all for your inspiration.

Here is my experience:
Neglecting lonliness and silence brings symptoms of the body.
A lot of my patients don`t have the patience to listen to their body.

If we remain alone too much there is the risk that our worst, darkest part will emerge

I think it's different from being alone. You can be alone without feeling lonely and vice versa, you can feel lonely even if you are surrounded by many people.
What I mean by this is that it can be very interesting to be alone, to do your things to take time for yoursef, but lonelinss is rarely a moment one will enjoy at all in my opinion. It's even a sign that something if off, not to say painful and should be treated by finding the causes of it and a potential solution.


🧙 "A heart that is filled with love is able to perceive
every arising sensation in every detail. A state
beyond suffering & deprivation. "


"Science talks and behaves as if it has gained all knowledge.
Wisdom wanders & hears the echo of her lonely steps on
the shore of immense seas. "

✨_______________________Sri Aurobindo

La solitudine non è una sola, ci sono diversi tipi di solitudine, possono aiutarci o distruggerci.
Se abbiamo bisogno di pace, di riflettere, di rilassarci, ci ritiriamo un momento in solitudine, ma se questa solitudine ci viene quasi imposta allora può distruggerci e poi si passa alla depressione.
Ci sono persone che non sono in grado di star bene con sé stesse quando stanno da sole, altre che hanno la solitudine nel cuore anche in mezzo ad amici, ognuno è fatto a modo suo ed ognuno deve imparare ad usare la solitudine in maniera costruttiva, non distruttiva, non è facile, soprattutto per chi deve impararlo da adulto, ma bisogna accettarla in certi momenti, combatterla in altri, la maturità della persona aiuterà in questo senso, perché l'immaturo avrà sempre bisogno di qualcuno che lo guidi, il maturo invece troverà soluzioni, se poi alla maturità si uniscono anche una certa dose d'intelligenza, di volontà e determinazione che danno forza, allora il gioco è fatto, come disse Montale "...e andando nel sole che abbaglia, sentire con triste meraviglia, com'è tutta la vita e il suo travaglio, in questo seguitare una muraglia che ha in cima cocci aguzzi di bottiglia" cosi non fare che la solitudine diventi un coccio aguzzo che t'annienta l'anima, reagisci!