The fear of death

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Sometimes this feeling just attacks me suddenly and I can do nothing to fight it, I can’t eat or sleep well, and I feel powerless, super anxious and can’t figure this problem out. So I have to do other things to divert my attention .

I don't have this fear. I am not afraid of death at all, only if it is not painful.

I had a heart attack seven years ago, it completely cured me of any fear of death that I may have had. I know for a fact know that I’m still alive because God wants it that way, and I’m not going to argue with Him.

if we know nothing about life, then what can we understand about death?

I'm not afraid of death. I'm content with it. Everybody dies. I believe that death is not destruction of our souls, but just our souls traveling to the after life, waiting for the Day of Judgement.

Obviously, seeing your life flash before your eyes will be scary for the moment.

I was told when I was 5 years old that I was going to die soon. I was shocked when I thought about what that meant because I couldn't then fathom anything before my earliest memories. I was too stunned to think about anything else for many days. Later in life, I entered the bardo and didn't want to come back. But as the funnel of energy fell away from me and I could hear the household bickering, I cried because I didn't want to face this trouble again. I was so selfish.

When I was a kid, I was constantly afraid of my own death and the death of my loved ones. Now I began to understand that it is the same part of life as birth, waking up and breakfast. Yes, it is sad and hard to accept, but you should not be afraid of it, because it is death that gives meaning to life.

Meditation helps me calm down well and deep breathing (bodyfle😆 but these are everyday things. if death gets a little closer (a deadly and incurable disease, for example), panic will overwhelm and hysteria will be unrelenting until I get tired and tomorrow everything will happen again

The longest life is no different from the shortest. After all, the present is equal for everyone, and consequently, losses are equal - and they are reduced to nothing more than a moment. No one can be deprived of either the past or the future. For who could take from me what I do not have?

Death has nothing to do with us - when we exist, it does not exist, when it exists, we no longer exist.

Death smiles at us all, but only the bravest can smile back.

Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
was Roman emperor and a Stoic philosopher.

Sometimes this feeling just attacks me suddenly and I can do nothing to fight it, I can’t eat or sleep well, and I feel powerless, super anxious and can’t figure this problem out. So I have to do other things to divert my attention .

Do you suffer under anxiety disorders?
You should talk about it with a psychologist and read about it.

tomorrow I’m going to do an HIV test, where the horror is not like your panic attacks, tomorrow I decide to live or die, if everything goes badly, then all that’s left is to die slowly or quickly, if everything goes well - the second birthday will be possible celebrate

Sometimes this feeling just attacks me suddenly and I can do nothing to fight it, I can’t eat or sleep well, and I feel powerless, super anxious and can’t figure this problem out. So I have to do other things to divert my attention .

Do you suffer under anxiety disorders?
You should talk about it with a psychologist and read about it.

Yeah maybe I will, I also pull my hair out very often. : (

tomorrow I’m going to do an HIV test, where the horror is not like your panic attacks, tomorrow I decide to live or die, if everything goes badly, then all that’s left is to die slowly or quickly, if everything goes well - the second birthday will be possible celebrate
OMG, good luck
Hope everything will be fine 🙏

The longest life is no different from the shortest. After all, the present is equal for everyone, and consequently, losses are equal - and they are reduced to nothing more than a moment. No one can be deprived of either the past or the future. For who could take from me what I do not have?

Death has nothing to do with us - when we exist, it does not exist, when it exists, we no longer exist.

Death smiles at us all, but only the bravest can smile back.

Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
was Roman emperor and a Stoic philosopher.

That’s beautiful but terrible

As a child and an adolescent, I was a bundle of fear. Death would have been
more of a liberation but I was too scared to do it myself. It's a bit funny too
– isn't it? Anyway.

The years drag on and as I watched my body collapse again and again in the
downward slide of my burnout – I saw my mind-maltreated body lying on
the floor with absolute blood-low-presure
– acceptance finally overtook me.
I no longer had any control ... I NEVER had control over anything important!

Now I am writing a book about all these experiences and I remember a
statement by Albert Einstein:

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.
It is the basic feeling that stands at the cradle of true art and
science. He who does not know it and can no longer wonder,
no longer marvel, is dead, so to speak. His eye is extinguished. "

✨________________________Albert Einstein

Good thing ... to live a little... 🙂

Love & Light

Thxxx, these words are powerful

tomorrow I’m going to do an HIV test, where the horror is not like your panic attacks, tomorrow I decide to live or die, if everything goes badly, then all that’s left is to die slowly or quickly, if everything goes well - the second birthday will be possible celebrate
Today HIV is not anymore like in the 90s or 2000s, you still needs lots of Pharma articles, but you can live with longer than before.

can live with longer than before. - doesn't sound very encouraging

To be with a wise man, a master, is like being close to the biggest failure
and on the other hand close to the greatest accomplishment.
There is fear to loose him and joy to be with him.
There is fear to be with him and relieve to leave him
...and again sadness...

There is no way to have any control.
Feelings are flowing.

Blockades shut the door to the heart
and the power of the feelings from inside will burst the door open again.
The mind is interfering and breaks the harmony of the song of life.

Inhaling and exhaling
living and dying
joy and fear

There is no distance between us ... finally there is fear and joy hand in hand,
... no comment ... just intensity
That is the moment this song was originated.
Inspired by your posts
Thank you.