The fear of death Anything and everything

can live with longer than before. - doesn't sound very encouraging

Sometimes this feeling just attacks me...

Hello Douglasgao & Co-Readers

There are two basic feelings in the universe.

Fear is the seed of crystallisation within creation.

Joy is the free flow of love within creation.

Fear is always present ... we are just very often distracted.
Joy & fear can arise WITHOUT any erectable reason.
In fact, it would be the natural state if it did!

aangepast door Lir_Elhan .

To be with a wise man, a master, is like being close to the biggest failure
and on the other hand close to the greatest accomplishment.
There is fear to loose him and joy to be with him.
There is fear to be with him and relieve to leave him
...and again sadness...

There is no way to have any control.
Feelings are flowing.

Blockades shut the door to the heart
and the power of the feelings from inside will burst the door open again.
The mind is interfering and breaks the harmony of the song of life.

Inhaling and exhaling
living and dying
joy and fear

There is no distance between us ... finally there is fear and joy hand in hand,
... no comment ... just intensity
That is the moment this song was originated.
Inspired by your posts
Thank you.

Sometimes this feeling just attacks me...

Hello Douglasgao &Co-Readers

There are two basic feelings in the universe. Fear is the seed of crystallisation within creation. Joy is the free flow of love within creation. Fear is always present ... we are just very often
distracted. Joy & fear can arise WITHOUT any erectable reason. In fact, it would be the natural
state if it did!

Yeah that makes sense! Thanks!

To be with a wise man, a master, is like being close to the biggest failure
and on the other hand close to the greatest accomplishment.
There is fear to loose him and joy to be with him.
There is fear to be with him and relieve to leave him
...and again sadness...

There is no way to have any control.
Feelings are flowing.

Blockades shut the door to the heart
and the power of the feelings from inside will burst the door open again.
The mind is interfering and breaks the harmony of the song of life.

Inhaling and exhaling
living and dying
joy and fear

There is no distance between us ... finally there is fear and joy hand in hand,
... no comment ... just intensity
That is the moment this song was originated.
Inspired by your posts
Thank you.

OMG that’s beautiful

Hello again:

These two feelings (Joy & Fear) are naturally the same for ALL individuals
AND NOT present for any specific-individual reason. Therefore we call it:
Basic Feelings.

Then we have compassion ... which binds living beings together. It has a
tenuous tendency to be 'co-determined' by the individual and is therefore
not a 'basic feeling'. Compassion is a bit like a hermaphrodite between
feeling and sentiment/sensation. Sentiments are always a 'product' of the
mind of the individual and here too we find joy & fear ... as well as sadness,
avarice, greed, cheerfulness, etc ... but in this case there IS A REASON for it.

So: Fear can be very meaningful. For example, when life is endangered by
risky circumstances. In such cases, a superordinate programme switches
itself on. But fear can also be present and perceptible 'only' because some-
one becomes aware of him/herself. In such cases, the individual begins to
'perceive' him/herself as 'cosmic' and this can indeed be a very over-
whelming 'experience'.

aangepast door Lir_Elhan .

Fear belongs to Future. Usually people live in the past or future but not at the present moment. Live in a present moment is not easy. Fear originate by the feeling of losing past ( memories ) or can say losing value/good in the future.