What does art mean to you?

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I was very lucky to meet an artist. It changed my life. He is an artist of life. Does that always come together?
Do you have to drink a lot of alcohol and use drugs to be an artist? Or do you have a responsibility to sense time quality and express it? Where are we heading to?
In the past artists often were ahead of their time. They hung around together and influenced each other.
On this site I already met some very interesting person. Are there any more artists, life artists or friends of art?

I love to hear from you.....Christine

I think, art is kind of "precipitator" in my case. It precipitates the beauty, the good, the aesthetic from my very soul. Otherwise my soul is nothing but a primordial soup: it may cause everything but means barely nothing.

Thank you for your reply. I think everybody is this beauty. It´s so important that artists express it for everyone to see. A painting in a living room should help to recognice this beauty inside....c.

...Artists are above all also barometers of current events. For this very reason, they are very often
not fully integrated into the social order. They need a 'distance' to be able to perceive currents.

And ... Art can never be concerned only with beauty. The consumer may not like that, but it is a fact.
In times like ours, art is heavily censored again. Nothing has changed in that respect. Today, the
censorship is merely by the masses, whose need for a 'picture-to-go-with-the-sofa' or 'light-music-in-
the-background' aso. has a strong influence on what happens in the ART-world.

Works of art are a kind of Research Mission. To understand artworks, one has to look/listen/feel
inside oneself. They rarely reveal themselves in a superficial way....

I disagree at some exact point. I belive in that "Ars Gratia Artis". If some makes so-called art for masses or depending on the demands from society, I'd rather call them "merchants" than artists. Art rather favors "aesthetes" than "consumers".

Art means for me one of the highest form of connection with the power of universe, showing all in a completely universal way - giving light to each and everything!


"Real artists are the druids of the present.
Magic born out of silence is the answer to our challenges."


Artists don`t act by being someone
but by vanishing and leaving the show to mother nature.

To me Art means freedom. It allows me to do as I want, paint at the spur of the moment. If I 'plan' Art, it could become kind of mechanical which I don't like it to be.

Art is an expression of human imagination. Alcohol and Drugs have an influence on imagination. I guess problem start when someone try to live in an imaginary world using Alcohol and Drugs.

nothing i just like to watch it

Feeling inner peace and releasing anger from within
I like this answer. Are you an artist yourself, or do you experience this when looking at art?

To me, it's a mean of communication when words lack. By word, I essentially mean the act of speaking, because you could find a way to communicate by writting, and often, the way someone writes is different from the way people speak.

I was very lucky to meet an artist. It changed my life. He is an artist of life. Does that always come together?
Do you have to drink a lot of alcohol and use drugs to be an artist? Or do you have a responsibility to sense time quality and express it? Where are we heading to?
In the past artists often were ahead of their time. They hung around together and influenced each other.
On this site I already met some very interesting person. Are there any more artists, life artists or friends of art?

I love to hear from you.....Christine

Im not an artist, but sometimes i like it, sometimes its beautyfull.

For me, as someone said, "Art is the feeling of human things combined with the presentiment of divine things". Maybe it's too romantic a concept? But we already find ourselves in the current reality, there is a need for a "beyond".