Did you ever love someone who didn't show interest on you?

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I guess everyone knows the feeling of one-sided interest. But did you ever experienced (I hope not), that you fall in love with someone, tried to near yourself to him/her and saw that he/she doesn't want you?
If you have, tell me your story!
How did you feel, how did you handle that situation and maybe what was the reason that person didn't like you?

Well I don't have any romantic experiences whatsoever, but I get the feeling that my relationships with people generally tend to be very one-sided when it comes to effort, which is all I can "measure" in any way.
But I do text this one guy who most definitely doesn't want to be my friend, but oh well. How else am I gonna get some social contacts?

I feel awful about it. I should probably leave that guy alone but since he's the only person who actually talks to me every day, I'm not gonna.

Has happened to me twice. It was really confusing because from times to time I felt that it was mutual.
The second time it happened I just couldn't bare it. I liked this boy and I kept it secret even from my best friend. I was holding every feeling back and it made me really anxious.
The problem was that my best friend liked him too so I immediately gave up on my feelings and I decided not to even make a move on him. There were times when I couldn't control myself I would end up flirting a little bit but he didn't respond to it. Then, I noticed that he could've liked my best friend too. I just locked my heart so bad, I couldn't sleep properly, I was over-thinking all the time. I felt like dying every night.
I could finally breath when I told my best friend about me liking the same boy, she cried because she felt I didn't trust her anymore, we made up 🙂
Some days later I told the boy, oh... it was awful hahahaa it was a big misunderstanding but we solve it, we're still friends.

It's been 2 years since I opened my heart to them. Well tbh it's not like I told them everything, still have more secrets hahaha.

I'm finally feeling that I'm moving on him but I'm afraid of falling again.

Sonstarly muokkasi tätä .

@Chaos: Do you have feelings for that guy?

@Sonstarly: Ufff that situation must have been very hard. It's good that you didn't give up and try to move to him. And I understand that you are scared. Don't knowing how it will be and if you will get hurted... But the anxiety shows how important something is for us.

@Chaos: Do you have feelings for that guy?

I don't think so.

I'm doomed not to be a partner in life. I guess you all can procreate the earth, but for me I'm a single mind.

I think it happens to many ppl

Firstly I asked her for WhatsApp number, She said that she doesn't use WhatsApp much and I said it's OK and said sorry for disturbing, after sometime she sent me her number and we chatted for about 3 months and at last we both fallen for each other...😄

When a girl is young, she is stupid. She thinks she's in love because she's in pain. But in the word love, there is no suffering, only love!

This never happened to me. Or at least I do not remember. I like macaronsuki75´s sentence: "in the word love, there is no suffering"

I have been in this situation multiple times and every time I had confessed to someone, I was either friend zoned or rejected all together.

Echirise muokkasi tätä .

If I find this question,I think I will keep a distance and obstacle removal

Elea07 muokkasi tätä .

I'm going through life with no admirer who would share her life with me. With the new ways of thought in this world, it reinforces my aversion to flirt. I feel it's weird to court anyone and I don't want to look creepy. If money were based on people, we'd be more for us than what we consume. We're helpless to keep trading in business and lose character points where it'd make us happier people.

I was in love with love and it was a practice in self-motivation to change for another person, then learning that I she did not share at my level what I felt for her.

Если я человеку не интересна пусть идёт своей дорогой. Плакать точно не буду. Я себя ценю

😂 I’ve already been both the lover who wasn’t loved in return and the loved who didn’t pay attention

Marwonder_K muokkasi tätä .


this shit is happening to me right now. Thats why I'm here. To take my mind off the pain. Find new friends.

Tämä aihe on ollut epäaktiivinen jonkin aikaa ja on nyt vain luku -tilassa.