Do you care about your appearance?

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0wl 0wl

Do you care about your appearance?


Yes, several months ago I started to

I did.But after my mom cut my hair short and ugly, I didn't care because it couldn't get uglier.I'd like a long hair style instead.The style in Chinese called 盖碎.

I do. I think, everyone should care about it.

Yes, too much, I am very unsure of my appearance and I don't like myself

Yep, pretty much!

yep of course

Yes I care, maybe a bit too much... The people in my class judge really quickly and I want to stand out and be me but at the same time don't want to give them a reason to judge. I don't think people should care so much about their appearance because why should it matter what someone looks like? I mean yes of course you should like clean yourself and such but lots of make-up and hard hairstyles aren't necessary!😉

0wl 0wl

Yeah I think so too!

But in my school we're not allowed to untie our hair I can't see the reason😭

Yes I do. Only the people who love and care themselves can spread love and kindness to others.

Yessss 🥲


I take care of my looks, but "looking good" for others is not my priority.

Well my photo answers that lol

No. I don't even care, what others think or talk about me, or my appearance.
