Have you ever dyed your hair ?

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No, i haven't and i probably won't i'm scared it will damage my hair since my hair gets easily damaged. Even though i'd find it cool!

I did once, but it wasn't on purpose. In fact, it wasn't only my hair but all my boddy. I was in Ireland and I confused a coloration with a liquid soap.

Yes, orange, purple, purple, grey, purple, pink, purple, purple, purple

No . I won't . I like the way it is

I want to but I won't.
A relative of my exboss was sent into ICU due to urgent disease caused by hair dyeing.
This story scared me.

I'm blind, and one day, I confused a soap with a liquid soap so I died my hair and my skin in pink 🙁


No never, but it seems, that my hair will become gray slowly.

I’m red-haired now

Yes, I have dyed my hair into blue, red, purple, pink and blonde but not my entire hair, just one part

No. I love my blonde hair. 👱🏼‍♀️

No, but I will dye my hair blue( or other bright colors🙂 as soon as I finish gaokao this time next year. It would be coooool 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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