Are you scared about something that doesn't appears scary to the others ?

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I am terrified of all kinds of monkies (including apes, gorillas, etc) and have been since I was kid

I'm terrified about all the tipes of insects (even the midges). As soon as I see one I start screaming and going crazy 😂😂

"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself!"

Cats, they scratch

I have social anxiety so its fitting that i absolutely hate crowds, when people laugh too loud or shout in my presence and ripped men😂

"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself!"

I'm afraid of liars, especially when they lie without a reason. Then ok, spiders, snakes and needles.

Butterflies, I hate it.

Ants. I hate these awful little demons and when I see many, like as if there was a anthill close, I do not stand still for a second and run in most cases.

I am scared looking into the mirror sometimes, not because of myself but because I always expect someone to be behind me or something😅

when I was a child I was really afraid of math. because my dad was so strict on my math. if I didn't do well in my math homework/exams, he would get angry and scold me. now I am not that afraid of math. but I still get really nervous during math test.

Butterflies, I hate it.
I hate them too, they're so ugly (in my opinion)

ummmm i don’t think so, i’m afraid of spiders lol

dogs is so scary

I am absolutely terrified of crow's purely because they can hold grudges and if you make them mad they will remember that

I'm afraid of covid 19

I'm terrified of heights and the dark.
