Do you consider yourself beautiful/handsome? Anything and everything

Well, I agree, sometimes when I look again at my photos I am upset. But sometimes not, absolutely not. It is quite strange actually.
People say that I am cute at least

Lately I've learnt to accept myself and now, yes, most of the time I feel beautiful.
My best accomplishment is now I go to the hair saloon only when it's necessary and I don't wear makeup anymore because all my freckles, spots, beauty marks, wrinkles are now precious to me and I don't want to cover them. I'd say, I feel beautiful 350/365.

I am handsome. No second thought.
The dictionary meaning of Beautiful is "the quality of being pleasing, especially to look at, or someone or something that gives great pleasure, especially when you look at it:"
In God's creation, all are beautiful and handsome.
External beauty is temporary, what lasts forever is the beauty of the heart and soul.
The above is purely my view and opinion.

Nope, I do not consider myself hansome or beautiful. There is something about my face that I just dont find pretty, I dont know what it is though.
I could probably do do something and change my appearance, so that I find myself handsome, but I dont feel the need to.
I dont have a problem with how I look. I am completely fine with it. Except my braces, I dont like how they look. I dont know how I used to smile before, but right now, with braces, I find my smile really ugly. I hope that will change as soon as the metal has left my mouth. xD

I also dont think you have to consider yourself pretty, in order to be happy with your appearance. I just find other faces pretty and not the one I have, its not as if that was my fault, and it doesnt mean that I think Im ugly.

I am the handsomest man on Mars...🙂 🙂 🙂 that say the martians, but the are green and ugly, like our green party here in Germany 🙂

Edit by Piwipete .

I'm just average looking, but blessed with a tall body so there is that. I think it's interesting that many people feel insecure about there appearance. I just accepted it far what it is you can't really change it anyway.

yes or no...

I find myself to be acceptable. Some people have found me quite handsome and others haven't. I'm reasonably happy with myself for the age I am. My genetics help me stay younger looking but I also have never smoked and rarely over indulged in alcohol both of which can age a person. Sometimes people think I'm 10 or more years younger than I am when I'm dying my hair. I dye it because my wife likes me to look younger (she's 4 years younger than I am) and because it makes me look younger at work and there is definitely age discrimination even it it isn't overt enough to be illegal.

I don’t think I’m very ugly, but also not really beautiful. Besides, it really depends.

I think I was ugly in Junior School, I was a girl with prominent upper teeth... Lame... But now I'm kinda cuter)

I would like to stick to the sentence that true beauty is within which I do believe. Handsome is not a word I associate myself with. I think it is most important to know ones self worth or to feel worthy. Age can be a good friend to accept all the uneven shades.

Yes, everybody is beautiful