⭐📝 »Statements & Quotes« 🌸💫 Everyday life and customs

Hello everybody!! 🙋‍♀️ Some time ago a friend of ours (Michael aka 🧙‍♂️ Lir_Elhan) told us that he will leave us soon on this website. I wish him well and that he is happy!! 🍀🍀❣️

Michael always gave us very wise and nice quotes. I like to continue the Quote-Tradition in this post. Everybody is free to share a nice statement or quote that you think others may like. 😊😊

My first quote is this Chinese wisdom:


It means a trip of 1000 miles begins with a first step. 🚶‍♀️

I like this quote because the first quote of Michael in his forum post was:

🧙‍♂️ "Each new journey begins with a first step. "

So now we have the same start!! 😊😊🥰

Have a nice evening everybody or if you read this later a nice day!! 🌟🌞🌝

And for Michael: thank you very much for all your nice statements and quotes in the past!! 🙏🙏🌸🌺 You are always a hero on this website and in normal life!! 👑🪄🎀

Edited by Yue_ .

In Michael's quotes forum i posted a nice saying for Happyvomsee because she became an auntie that time: 🥰🥰🧸

Perfection only exists in babies and pastries 👶🍼 🍪

Do you think the saying is true? I think yes and I like that quote a lot because it is very cute, but I dont know who made it. So I looked for other baby quotes and I found this quote:

Raising kids is a walk in the park. Jurassic Park that is!

That quote is very funny, BUT babies dont have teeth!! So how is Jurassic Parc if the dinosaurs 🦖🦕 have no teeth? 😄🤪

I will try also later to find wise quotes about life and other important things like Michael did, but I also wanted to share these cute quotes with you and I hope that maybe some people who read this forum also like them! ❤️🩷

Thank you Yue, and i hope in this forum EVERYONE will write qoutes by their life stage

Thank you a lot Parsa!! Sukran! 😛 🙏🙏 Everybody can write quotes or statements they think other people may like too!! 🌸❣️❣️ This forum is now from everybody! 🧙‍♂️👲🧕🤵‍♂️🎅🙋‍♂️👩‍🍼

Now I searched for a nice Persian quote and I find this quote:

چو استاده ای٬ دست افتاده گیر

If you want to say it you must say: Cho ostāde-yi , Daste oftāde gir

And it said the meaning of the quote is “As long as you are standing, give a hand to those who have fallen.” 🤝💞 I hope that it is correct Parsa! 🙂

I think it is a very beautiful quote and maybe a saying like that is also in other languages. BUT maybe we can change the quote! Because if the person who has fallen is too big and you want to help him but he is too heavy, find one more person who is standing and can help! 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️ I think that is a good idea so you can still help! 💡💡

Edited by Yue_ .

Thank you a lot Parsa!! Sukran! 😛 🙏🙏 Everybody can write quotes or statements they think other people may like too!! 🌸❣️❣️ This forum is now from everybody! 🧙‍♂️👲🧕🤵‍♂️🎅🙋‍♂️👩‍🍼

Now I searched for a nice Persian quote and I find this quote:

چو استاده ای٬ دست افتاده گیر

If you want to say it you must say: co istādehi daste oftādeh gir

And it said the meaning of the quote is “As long as you are standing, give a hand to those who have fallen.” 🤝💞 I hope that it is correct Parsa! 🙂

I think it is a very beautiful quote and maybe a saying like that is also in other languages. BUT maybe we can change the quote! Because if the person who has fallen is too big and you want to help him but he is too heavy, find one more person who is standing and can help! 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️ I think that is a good idea so you can still help! 💡💡

Thanks yue, thats correct !

But unfortunately...

Its not alive in our world.

The people who are standing just let people fall more and more.

Thanks yue, thats correct !

But unfortunately...

Its not alive in our world.

The people who are standing just let people fall more and more.

But Azizam Parsa we can change that and here on PPG some helped me a lot when I had difficulties one time like Roseee, Happy, Christine, Michael and Etienne!! So they are great helpers and I know there are many more like for example you too! 😊😊

So, in Dutch we have sayings "iemand een handje helpen" and in English it means "to give a helping hand"

I think it is the same as the Iran quote and maybe there are similar quotes in German, French, Italian, Russian and other languages. So let's do like the wise quote!! 🤝🥰🥰

''Qui sème le vent récolte la tempête.''
Translated literally, it's ''Who sows the wind reaps the whirlwind'', and it means when we cause disorder, it can lead to greater disorder.
I don't know if this expression is fit for this forum, so if it's not just ignore what I said.

Thank you very much Miss_Penpal!! 🙏🙏 That is a very nice quote for our collection and I am glad that you added the explanation! 😛

This forum can be used for any kind of quote that people may like (serious, funny, cute, silly, smart, anything positive and nice)! 😊😊

We started today and we already have quotes in Chinese, English, Persian, Dutch and now French!! 🤭🥳🥳

Anybody feel free to add quotes or statements in any language (if not in English, a small explanation like Miss_Penpal gave is nice)!! 🏆🥇

''Qui sème le vent récolte la tempête.''
Translated literally, it's ''Who sows the wind reaps the whirlwind'', and it means when we cause disorder, it can lead to greater disorder.
I don't know if this expression is fit for this forum, so if it's not just ignore what I said.
Chi semina vento, raccoglie tempesta

I also like this: whoever makes mistakes with his head, pays with his own purse

And this: He who sows little, reaps little. He who does not sow, reaps nothing

"Don't leave for tomorrow what you could do today!"

Grazie quattro mille Pennarossa!! 😊🥰 Do you also follow the wise proverbs in your life? Or is it sometimes difficult to follow them? 🙂

I found a shocking proverb from Austria!! It is:

An educated woman finds few suitors 😳😲

Can I ask people from Austria: how do you say this proverb in your language? And is the proverb serious or only like teasing and a joke? 🙄🙄

And people who know the proverb or hear it the first time: do you really believe in it? So guys think you are more beautiful if you have less education? I believe it has nothing to do with education if they love you or not. Right?? 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

Grazie quattro mille Pennarossa!! 😊🥰 Do you also follow the wise proverbs in your life? Or is it sometimes difficult to follow them? 🙂
sometimes it's hard to follow them


It means a trip of 1000 miles begins with a first step. 🚶‍♀️

I managed to find the same quote but in French ! 😃

"Un voyage de mille lieues à toujours commencé par un premier pas"

It means, "A journey of a thousand miles always began with a first step"

I have two more quotes before I go on holiday for two weeks with my parents!! I found them and I hope that you like them!!

Throw kindness around like confetti 🎉🎊💝

😊 I love that quote!! It is super sweet and cute! 😊

Be a cupcake in a world of muffins 🧁

🤪 Yes that is a good idea! 🤭 And cupcakes are the best! 🏆


Everybody who wants can use this forum for nice quotes or statements (anything that you think others may like). Have a nice summer vacation everybody!! 🌞🏖️🧘‍♀️🏄‍♀️

“Until the lion tells the story, the hunter will always be the hero.”