»Lir Elhan« ... an Avatar Everyday life and customs

Hi Michael 🧙‍♂️, It is very nice to hear from you again with a message! 💌 This Chinese proverb is a present for you but it is a challenge and you can find the meaning! 😊😛


If you find the meaning you get this diploma 📝 and a prize cup🏆

🌸🌸 ⭐⭐ from yue 🥰🥰

Thank you for your message Michael! 💌 😊 But with light and shadow do you mean like yin-yang? 🌞🌑

You are right about the babies!! 👶👶 They want love from the parents the most. 💕 But also food!! I babysit in two families and in one family the baby boy keeps eating as much as he can and now he looks like the smiling buddha a little bit!! The whole day he wants to eat food!! 🍼 I think it is maybe a bit too much but his parents say it is fine. 🤷‍♀️

Can I ask one question about your book? 📖 I will not ask about the story because I learn that I cant ask about that! 😛 But how do we know that the book is ready if you leave PPG? 🙄🙄 🙂 Thank you for your reply!! 🙏🌸🌸

Many popular members left us:
Arabian princess,azmin and daniel got banned (hopefully) and now he will go away too
Wait WHAT Arabian Proncess got banned too?! WHY???!!!

Eeehhhmmmm... what is this actually about???

2020? thats a bit late....


10 September: 🌸✨❤️
11 September: 🌸✨❤️
12 September: 🌸✨❤️
13 September: 🌸✨❤️
14 September: 🌸✨❤️
15 September: 🌸✨❤️
16 September: 🌸✨❤️
17 September: 5️⃣
18 September: 4️⃣
19 September: 3️⃣
20 September: 2️⃣
21 September: 1️⃣
22 September: 0️⃣


Edited by Yue_ .

I have not forgotten about this forum and I update it every day even if it does not show on the forums homepage because it is only an edit and not a new message. There are only 5 days left and I dont know if Michael likes it but i will keep updating this forum every day. ❤️❤️❤️❤️