If you didn't speak your native language, would you learn it as a second language ? Everyday life and customs

Whether I will learn it as my second language depens on whether I can use it or not.

Absoulutely turkish is easy so yesss

Español 🤩

Well, I don't speak the native language I am supposed to since it has been forbidden in the past in France and damage has been done now. I would like to give it a try in the future, though.

Else, for French, I would probably not learn it. Sad trust is that France doesn't use its incredible cultural capital and its institution to spread French and French culture, but promote americanization more.

Hi dear Mr Lianschen ! How are you ? So if I sum up what you wrote here, you were not able to learn your native language, I mean Breton and you would probably not learn french language in the future ! So my logical question dear Mr Lianschen is the following one : what is the language you are used to using for communicating with other people in normal life and outside Internet (.russkye, the Han language, parsi or korean maybe ?)🤣 And I also give you the same advice as Master Yoda to Luke Skywalker in the Empire s strike back movie : don t try , just do it or don t do it and if you really decide to shake your body to learn your so called native language , I can give you the adresses of 5 adults teaching Centers around the city of Gwened ( Vannes in french )

All regional ones. Breton, Corsican, Basque, Alsacian, Occitan...
If the use of such languages is forbidden and Banned in my country , who do you explain that but fortunately, you used to admit it further for the Diwan schools , that there are at the present time , 47 primary schools , 6 secondary and 2 high schools ( those schools are called diwans in Breton language or Breizhoneg if i good remember ) in Brittany where anyone whatever his origins are can study your native language and for free (.thoses schools are financed by brittonic associations , by the Britanny s region and by the french state because they are under contrat with the french teaching minister ).
In Northern part of Basque country ( Iparralde in basque language or Eskual Herria ) , there are 39 same schools which are called Ikastola

Oh yes, this was really sad to see, especially since many people disagreed with it! InBrittany, they kept the "pays nantais" cut off from us despite historically belonging to Brittany (it was removed around the WW2).
I'm glad that you see the link between both, although I didn't expect you to go further either!
I must recognize myself that the teaching policy of french republic from 1882 until the end of the sixties was wrong because under the Cover of Nationalism and the will to make unity against Germany after the lost war of 1870 1871 , French republic did not allow to his students of that time to learn their native languages at school and university
Devezh mat 😉

Oh yes, this was really sad to see, especially since many people disagreed with it! InBrittany, they kept the "pays nantais" cut off from us despite historically belonging to Brittany (it was removed around the WW2).
I'm glad that you see the link between both, although I didn't expect you to go further either!

Devezh mat 😉

Just a last thing dear Mr Lianschen, I find it a little bit strange for a person who pretends to be a breton that you did not even talk about the second native language spoken by people in Brittanny and in the district of Nantes or Loire Atlantique , I mean the Galo ! Galesian language or Galo is spoken by 197000 people in the Ile et Vilaine, Loire Atlantique and eatern parts of Morbihan and Cote d armor districts against 207000 people talking breton language or breizhoneg in the rest of Brittany .Galo is a roman language and it is the real native language of Armoric which is the real former name of Brittany !
Galo is a mixing between celtic, roman and Franc language or francique and that used to be the only spoken language with latin in Armoric until the coming from actual english Cornwall of Bretons populations, which used to migrate to Armoric between the third and sixth century after Jc. So ot makes me laugh a little bit when I m hearing some so called Bretons peoole who keep complaining about the invasion of their country by French and foreigners !🤣

If I correctly understand the topic, I wouldn.t learn Russian, if I wouldn.t speak it as native. I. T very Hard even for Russians🙂

No, I do not think so. The Italian language is useless all around the world.