Darwin Theory Vita quotidiana e usanze

Do you believe in the Darwin theory???? (That humans came from monkeys)

i dont believe it at alll

I dont know...

Well you are a musilim , and islam said that humans are made of dirt , idk who i should believe...?

Personally i prefer to think that we were made from something , and someone different


I dont know...

Well you are a musilim , and islam said that humans are made of dirt , idk who i should believe...?

Personally i prefer to think that we were made from something , and someone different

Were made of sand to be precise

Cmon do people actually think theyre monkeys??

Were made of sand to be precise...

Well, actually we're made of CLAY, Princess ... 🙂

Yeah, all different types of clay

First of all, I'd not agree with a term such as Darwinism. Darwin was just one of the first bricks in the wall of evolution. Evolution is a cumulative data provided in a long time span by several branches of science such as biology, paleontology, morphology, physiology, genetics, ecology, evolutionary anthropology. If you don't know how to use accurate classification and taxonomy, for sure you're misleaded. Monkeys, apes or primates are all different terms actually. For a better tracking, you need to focus on the superfamily called "Hominoidea". Then you should follow through Homininae, Hominini and finally you reach the Genus Homo. We, only surviving spicie of Genus Homo, are Homo sapiens. We emerged in Africa approximately 300,000 years ago. At this point, let's get back the creation scenario. Scientists notice at least 15 different homo species such as H. sapiens, H. luzonensis, H. floresiensis, H. neanderthalensis, H. heidelbergensis, H. erectus, H. habilis etc. These are all homo but not like us completely. If we were made of clay by a God, it must have occurred 300.000 years ago or 400.000 years ago. But then there is a choronological matter emerges here. Because Homo habilis emerged over 2 million years ago. Homo erectus lived from about 1.8 Ma to about 70,000 years ago. H. heidelbergensis lived from about 800,000 to about 300,000 years ago. H. rhodesiensis, estimated to be 300,000–125,000 years old. Homo sapiens neanderthalensis lived from 400,000 to about 28,000 years ago. These are all Genus Homo, means human. So then why the process of creation kept some million years? That's the question. Or did the God create H. sapiens only? Then who did create previous species?

Wouldnt really know.

Darwin says that humans originated from the evolution of an ape-type animal, and that ape species cannot be seen on earth today. But I cannot believe that. there is another theory called Panspermia. that says humans aren't originated from apes and humans came to Earth from somewhere in the universe.

I actually confused about these both theories and love to study both theories deeply.

It is clear that we are more similar to monkeys and gorillas than to flies and mosquitoes. We are primates, not dipterans. What does it matter who our common ancestor was? It was a kind of beast. As are we primates. We also evolve in the course of a lifetime. Our bones change. Newborn or old, in any case an ape-like animal, or a gorilla-like animal (or a beast-like animal!).

"The desolation expressed by the eyes of a gorilla. A funereal mammal. I descend from its gaze." (Emil Cioran)

Modificato da Lucid_Sentinel .

Do you believe in the Darwin theory???? (That humans came from monkeys)

i dont believe it at alll

The question is fundamentally exciting.
But in order to find a level of discussion, I would like to ask you what you know about Darwin's theories.
Reducing it to "humans are descended from apes" is perhaps too simplistic.
Or to put it another way: what makes you doubt Darwin's theories?

A theory in sciences means a set of ideas that is backed up by observations and/or experimentations. It is widely supported by facts and includes a whole set of hypotheses and laws.
It is very different from what "theory" means in every day life and Darwinism is, to be said clearly, one of the most robust scientific theory currently available with the theory of gravitation or heliocentrism. There is not "belief" in such theories, but scientific method. Hence, if you think the theory is flawed, then you "only" need to provide solid arguments (evidences) and then you'd naturally replace darwinism with whatever you found and that is a more suitable model, just like neo darwinism completed darwinism.

First of all, I'd not agree with a term such as Darwinism. Darwin was just one of the first bricks in the wall of evolution.
The term darwinism comes from Alfred Wallace, another big contributor to the theory of Evolution by natural selection, but more than that, darwinism has been replaced by neo-darwinism (or modern synthesis) nowadays, which is includes genetics (among others) that Darwin didn't know (despite being a contemporary of Mendel).

I think (neo) darwinism was coined because, this way, it is clear that it roots from the ideas of Darwin (who already used extensive work in geology, paleontology, agricultural "science" etc.), and not from Lammarckism (which might not be so wrong if you look at epigenetics), intelligent design, mutationism, neo-lammarckism or whatever other idea of evolution.

That being said. You are totally right when saying that it's "a cumulative data provided in a long time span by several branches of science ", and it still currently is as many details are still to be clarified!
Aren't many theories and branches of sciences like that though? Ecology uses a lot from genetic, geology, evolution. Same for conservation biology with a good part of social sciences I think.

Darwin says that humans originated from the evolution of an ape-type animal, and that ape species cannot be seen on earth today. But I cannot believe that. there is another theory called Panspermia. that says humans aren't originated from apes and humans came to Earth from somewhere in the universe.

I actually confused about these both theories and love to study both theories deeply.

Panspermia is not exclusive with darwinism for it mainly induce the contamination of Earth by microoranism, and not some intelligent or complex form of life. In fact, both are 2 different topics : the first trying to explain how Evolution of species occurs (which is a theory), whereas the second is an hypothesis on the apparition of life on Earth.


I think the main problem that some people face with Darwinism is that they are afraid to feel "special" and "different", because it prevent people to get even a slight interest in the topic and jump to conclusions. This coupled to the fact that there are many misunderstandings (even among biology students and probably biologists!) and that the mechanisms behind Evolution like genetic drift are not very intuitive leads to so many struggles.

Modificato da Lianshen .

Well, if You don't believe people come from monkeys... Try to look at it this way:

Maybe monkeys were prototypes, or early, shallow assets God created at first? Then, he was checking how it works and started updating these monkeys to better and better versions. But he let monkeys still exist even if human finally appeared, because of sentiment.

Or he just made laws that make it possible for every creature to evolve with time, under specific/different/various/detailed described circumstances.

You talk about clay. We are made of water Ive heard, mainly. Well, if we simplify it a bit.

Okay, then imagine that God was building statues of "similar to himself" beings he was planning to create, with sand/clay/water first. Like we do when playing on beach.

For me, all of this can make sense.

Or You might also think/believe that it was just "boom!" or coincidence, and after eternities we have what we have. Just because of boom or coincidence that made everything possible and so detailed.

imo this theory is true. evolution just takes a long time. so we look very different from apes.