

  • 1m
  • My interests in other cultures

    The reason I join here is because I have to learn Philosophy and Sociology as subjects in university. So, I always love study different philosophical perspectives and cultural differences in the world. I am glad, if you like have some meaningful conversations about these. you can share your cultural knowledge with me.
    I am Buddhist but also love to learn good things from other religions.

  • My proudest accomplishments

    Student at University of Colombo pursuing a Mass Media degree. And also work as an article writer and editor at two e magazines. And a history researcher. I can tell you that if you want to know about Sri Lankan history, Ask anything about our history.

  • I always enjoy talking about...

    In Sri Lankan society, I am a different human among my same age ppl. Because I am an old soul who loves talking about spirituality, meditation, universe, philosophy etc.

    I always enjoy talking about such topics and I am a nature lover, so I love to talk about nature and animals. (Specially dogs)

  • Something uncommon about me

    I feel that I am different than same age ppl. I am a girl, but I do not wear makeup. And also, I do not like depend on others (like majority of girls depend on boys). I actually step on a path of meditation. I am Buddhist who has understood the Buddhist philosophy.

    Introvert. INTJ

    So, I am completely different from other girls. I love to be lonely wolf all the time.
    And I am not here for relationship or flirting. So please do not send me such texts.

  • I'm an expert at...

    My subject at university is Mass Media. So, I am expert at creative writing (article writing for magazines) and also poetry.

    As a Media Student I am elevating my skills about television production planning, script writing, photography and videography, editing, voice training etc.

    except Studies I am expert at two different martial arts.

  • Favourite books/authors/films

    As a Media student I really have to read different kind of books, watch tv series and movies.

    Specially I love to read book genres like personal development, philosophy, mysterious etc. If I talk about my favors about tv series and films, no matter what language or who acts or anything. If script is good, I definetly watch it. Even sometimes I have to watch movies which has low ratings. Because for my studies It is important to observe camera angels, movements, lighting, scripts etc.

  • Making the world a better place

    I am a person who love peace. So, I love to deal with people peacefully and as I think people miss their humanity in this technological world. Homo sapiens have become homo Technicas. People need spiritual and meditations and have to learn connect with nature again. I think if people learn how to balance nature and technology world become a better place and humanity can grow inside people's heart again.

  • Personal skills

    Photography is one of my favorite hobbies. I am not a pro but I have skill. And I have some other skills like writing, poetry, singing, playing instruments, designing (digital contents like flyers)

    Maybe I have some other skills, but I cannot remember all right now.

  • Childhood pleasures

    As a child I am very shy. I was a studious child. But also balanced sports as well.
    Some teachers had called me as an all-rounder.

  • I'm excited about...

    I am always excited about the world, Human
    I know most people cannot understand what I am saying but I always seek knowledge about universe, reincarnation, souls, philosophy

    And always thinking about that Who am I and Why I came this world, what is the purpose of that etc.

    May be people can think that I am crazy. But actually, I deeply thinking about hove earth works.

  • I wish people knew more about...

    As I think modern human in this world is covered by a mist of non-reality. People think technological improvement is the best, but it is not. Human should learn to balance nature and technology. They should understand the reality of earth.

  • Something to tell the world!

    Spirituality is a great way which you can feel extra ordinary things that ordinary people never can feel.

