Coffee or tea? Everyday life and customs


Coffeee πŸ™‚

I drink lots of tea.

Coffee😍😍 specially in the morning 😁

I personally prefer tea, I just love sage tea, but I love the smell of coffee

I personally prefer tea, I just love sage tea, but I love the smell of coffee
The smell of coffee is incredible 😍
I wish it tasted like how it smelt πŸ˜†

I personally prefer tea, I just love sage tea, but I love the smell of coffee
The smell of coffee is incredible 😍
I wish it tasted like how it smelt πŸ˜†


jasmin tea

Hot chocolate.

I prefer coffee, also it keeps you awake πŸ˜‰

Depends on the period of day. I the morning it is coffee, by the evening it is tea.

Well, I prefer tea.

I like the smell of coffee, the taste of tea.

Cold coffee? That’s a crime 😝
Drinking cold coffee is a crime. Intentionally chilled coffee is also very tasty.


Ice coffee, no hot coffee tho! Then I'd rather drink tea, I like some sorts of tea.

Bubble tea!! πŸ§‹πŸ§‹