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18 ans,
18 ans, de Chine
Anyway, I will run all the way home ...
31 ans,
31 ans, de Belgique
Just do the same thing but with rain 😅
18 ans,
18 ans, de Allemagne
45 ans,
45 ans, de Turquie
I'd keep walking calmly unless it was an acid rain something.
49 ans,
49 ans, de Allemagne
33 ans,
33 ans, de Turquie
I would get wet.
made my day
58 ans,
58 ans, de Canada
Do as the by the British...always have an umbrella 🌂 in your hand
19 ans,
19 ans, de France
shout very louder and ask why is the world so cruel.
30 ans,
30 ans, de France
Nouveau Membre
I'd pick a free newspaper they give at the metro station and try to uselessly protect myself
24 ans,
24 ans, de Italie
shout very louder and ask why is the world so cruel.
Ahahah same, but I would internally scream... 😅😂
22 ans,
22 ans, de France
Well, I think I will found a shelter :')
22 ans,
22 ans, de France
I imagine that thing : I may be useful if you're bald, because you'll never get wet hair !
50 ans,
50 ans, de Allemagne
I would sing: "I am singing in the Rain" and i will dance!
30 ans,
30 ans, de Italie
66 ans,
66 ans, de Italie
I never have umbrellas and I always have mountaineering overcoat in my pack!
Anyway it is not the rain what I do not like, it is being wet.
I suggest to evaluate hypothermia hazard and keep off places that could be drowned.
Édité par CallMeIshmael .
18 ans,
18 ans, de Royaume-Uni
I’d probably carry on walking to my destination, enjoy the rain, and make a cuppa once I’m home.
45 ans,
45 ans, de États-Unis
Nouveau Membre
As long its not a big down pour I'd be taking my time walking along
22 ans,
22 ans, de États-Unis
Moi, je vais à chez moi.赶紧回家呀!
Ce sujet est inactif depuis un moment et est désormais en lecture seule.