What is/are your favorite plant/s? Καθημερινή ζωή και έθιμα

I do not know if i have one, and i don`t know too many names on english, either.

I love the cherry

the poppy.
It is a beutifull flower and yet it grows everywhere in the wild.
It makes grass fields or the sides of roads so pritty.

Bellis perennis. It is very delicate and beautiful flower.

I like cacti, they are easy to take care and you can water them every 1 or 2 weeks. They are beautiful in their own way and unique too. And you can combine in one big vase, cacti and succulents, they will turn great and fassinating 😊
Oh I like snake plant too, it’s good for the air in the room, take them in the corner in the room, and it can be a decoration too 😊

Musk is a flower with a "delicious" smell

I love orchids and my mum has like five of them ahah

I love a lot of plants so I'll stick to my favorite which is the giant sequoia. We have several groves of the spread around the Sierra Nevada area of California with the most famous ones being in Sequoia National Park. Walking among them is amazing.

Ink orchid

albuca spiralis or "frizzle sizzle" - a funny plant with many curls

I like laurel flowers

Pothos for sure!

Or any indoor plant

the poppy.
It is a beutifull flower and yet it grows everywhere in the wild.
It makes grass fields or the sides of roads so pritty.
I love poppies too! Have you ever read the poem 'In Flanders Fields'?


Dont know...

My favourite ones are Quercus robur aka oaks (I love them), Castanea sativa (chestnut tree) and ferns, specially Driopterys filix-mas and Athyrium filix-femina. There're a lot of them where I live and they makes me feel like in an ancient forest!