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  • My interests in other cultures

    ⛩ I really into Japanese culture and currently learning Japanese language

  • Favourite books/authors/films

    🧙🏻‍♀️ I declare my self as a potterhead, I watch all the movies but not read the novel yet (Imma half blood 😅).

    ⛩ I also really like gibli studio movies,, almost all of gibli films I already watched. Hayao Miyazaki just really good at this ☺️

    👱🏻‍♂️ My fav directors are Christopher Nolan And M Night Syamalan. Their films are great and mind blowing.

    📖 Until know, my fav book still the alchemist by Paulo Coelho (even tho I would really like Harry Potter if I already read them)

  • Making the world a better place

    🤝 I don’t really now how to put it in word but, as a Muslim I often saw in the internet or in the TV that my religion really hated by some people. Maybe, just maybe we can make the world a better place by letting others with their personal matters (like religion, race etc).
    They said many things about what they are not knowing and they also influence people to think like they did, and it’s really sad that the people just accept everything without find out the truth behind that.

  • Something uncommon about me

    🦵🏻Physically, there’s something that really uncommon in me (in my point of view). I am a flat foot!. I search about this in web and found out that this condition caused by the fast development in walking (a baby usually start walking by 1 year of age but I started walked by 9 mounts of age). So, the result is It interfere my balance. I often trip my self while walking, even in the smooth flat surface.
    So the moral value is not everything that fast is better, something that take more time give you better result 😅.

