For foreigners, my name is the hardest thing to pronounce. It was particularly horrible at school, with the teachers. You could only pronounce it correctly if you learned amharic.
for french speakers,I would say prestidigitateur but I don't even know what it means
for foreigners that would be accueillir, écureuil ( as lullabykpop said)
so yeah😁
In my language, Finnish, I find this one quite difficult;
In case you were wondering, yes it is Finnish and the word is correct. 🙂
In my language, Finnish, I find this one quite difficult;
In case you were wondering, yes it is Finnish and the word is correct. 🙂
what....what does it mean?
we cant memorize that word that's like omg what LOOK AT THAT MASSIVE WORD o_o
Does it mean "AAAAAAAAOOOOOGHOSH I forgot to turn stove off and the pan exploded setting the whole kitchen on fire and then the whole house so I had to escape and call the firefighters who extinguished the fire after 3 hours and a half"? (Perhaps)
i'm spanish.speaker and i think that "otorrinolaringologia" it's very difficult to pronounce .. because, for almost english speakers pronouncing "r" it's difficult and this word have two variations "otoRRinolaRingología"...