What's the hardest word to pronounce in your language? Everyday life and customs

Защищающийся. Zashchishchayushchijsya

I'll go with "otorrinolaringólogo", "paralelepípedo" and "esternocleidomastoideo".

(Until recently I didn't know how to say "frambuesa") 💀

For everybody from out of Switzerland its CHUCHICHÄSCHTLI.

Worcestershire and Colonel

The classic: Chuchichäschtli✨
What is the meaning of this?

Colonel… it is spoken like ‘Kernel’
Yeah... a word which was just created to confuse all of us 😃
This reminds me of the the special pronounciation of the English city of Leicester... there's even a Youtube video about 😃

The classic: Chuchichäschtli✨
What is the meaning of this?
kitchen cupboard

in Russian , this word is substantializing(субстанционализирующимися)

Presumably for non-Germans, „Streichholzschächtelchen“ is difficult to pronounce.

Oachkatzlschwoaf (Austria and some parts of Germany) 🙂

I think it's 'scharrelei' ( free-range egg) or something a long those lines. The Dutch /sch/ and /r/ has a sound that would be difficult to pronounce for English speaking people. But obviously, it depends on what language(s) you speak.


antidisestablish-mentarianism.against established things

in Chinese i think is "八百标兵奔北坡"

If I was a foreigner I could find difficult Erubiscente or Meravigliosamente or more difficult Acido Desossiribonucleico

in Chinese i think is "八百标兵奔北坡"
...and what does it mean?

German: Rindfleisch­etikettierungs­überwachungs­aufgaben­übertragungs­gesetz

German: Rindfleisch­etikettierungs­überwachungs­aufgaben­übertragungs­gesetz

You won the game 😂