In my environment you learn 5 years of obligatory French. You learn English since you were little. Otherwise you will learn Latin or Spanish at school.
Here, in Italy in elementary school we study English. In the middle school English and Franch o Spanish. in the High school it depends, you can find sure English, in addition spanish, French, German or Russian and rarely chinese
In Germany everyone has to learn English. And at my school we can choose one second foreign language for example Spanish or French. As your third foreign language you can also choose Japanese, Latin or Russian, but you don't have to learn a third one.
Hi! I'm an italian girl. In primary school we study only one Language that is english; in the middle school we study two languages: english and spanish/english french or english and german. Instead in high school we can study one Language( that is always english),two Language or three.
in italy you can learn at primary school english
in secondary school you can choose or french or spanish
i attend the liceo linguistico and i study spanish english french and latin but you can learn also german
In my country (The Netherlands) we learn at primary school Dutch, English and French. At secondary school you learn English, Dutch ,French, German and you can choose to learn also Spanish. You can stop with French and/or German in the 4th form of secondary school. I still learn French, Dutch and English. Dutch is also the language spoken in the whole country here. Many people here can understand and speak English. Some can also speak Turkisch or Arabian or German or any other language.
Here in Germany, you learn English in the primary school english. In the other schools for older people you learn that too. But when you are in the Gymnasium, like me, you can decide in the middle on latin and french, than in the last three years you can decide on russia,spanish and greece.
In my school we have to learn Latin and English, later you can decide between music and languages,if you take languages you can decide between French and Greek.In 10 grade you can take Italian instrad of Latin and if you want you can choose Chinese and Spanish.
Polish schools make yous study English and let you choose German, Spanish, French, Russian, Italian. But mine offers also Chinese and Hindi so I study English and Chinese.