Which languages do you learn at school in your country? Everyday life and customs

We have studied in school, or German, or English, were 2 groups. I studied English. We also had electives in the Spanish language. After school I started to learn Korean =) Now I study at the University of Economics and Finance on the 4th year and we study economic English.

In my Letters university, there are a lot of languages:
French (of course), English, Spanish, German, Italian, Russian, Arabic, Czech, Chinese maybe Japanese soon, Latin and Greek are available too I think

In my school in the Netherlands. English, French, German, Spanish, Acient-Greek and Latin. Everybody needs to follow English lessons, and you can choose between French and German. The rest is optional.

In Belgium we have three national languages: French, Dutch and German, and we also have a French and a Dutch government that regulate education matters differently so it is a little bit complicated here. In the Flemish region we learn French in primary school and in secondary school we also learn English and some schools or programs also include German.
In the French region they start with learning Dutch in primary school, and in secondary school they can choose between Dutch and English (most people choose English).

Well in Brazil the most popular language is English, but at school we usually study 2 languages 1] English.2] Spanish and of course Portuguese that is our mother tongue...

On my school we learn in the first three years: (Dutch,) English, German and French. after the third year you have to choose between German or French (you can choose both too), but you still have English (and Dutch).

When I was in high school, we could only learn english as first language, and spanish and german as second language !

In french public school we learn french, English, german and spanish

In austria:
English, German, Italian, Slovenian, Spanish, Latin, Acient-Greek, french

Here in Mexico is very common for schools to teach English since Kindergarten, 'cause you know, all that "International Hospitality and Tourism" thing and stuff. Later on, most schools keep English as a main subject, though there are several institutions that add French too (we are talking about both private and public schools).

English, Spanish

In the area where I live we start to learn English in elementary school. After that you'll learn at a normal school (till 10th grade) French (if you choosed it) and at at "high school" (till 12th grade) you must learn French and can choose if you want to learn Russian

In France, in elementary school,we can learn mainly english and sometimes french. After people have to learn english and a second language as : German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and sometimes Chinese or Japanese. We can learn too, Latin and greek.

I learn English and Russian

In Chile we learn spanish and english.
I find it kind of unfair. We must learn how to speak our autochtonous languages, like mapudungún or aymara.
English is such a beautiful language. But why -if we have our own languages- are we obligated to learn it?

I, and I am from the Netherlands, learn on school English (4rd year) en German (3rd year). I have learned Latin for one year and Frence of three years

English, but badly

In my school they teach Dutch, English, German, French, Latin, Spanish and Italian. I can only speak Dutch and English. I also know the basics of French, Spanish and German.

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