

  • 6
  • Something to tell the world!

    Hello everyone! My name is Sasha. I am a Christian woman of God and I would really love to find friends all over the world who are passionate about Jesus and travelling! ✝️

  • Living abroad for one year

    I know myself, I won’t last anywhere outside of home for a whole year. I think travelling is good when portioned. In this case I would probably travel anywhere if I had a good company and good food and accommodation prolly lol
    I like pools 🧍🏻‍♀️

  • I always enjoy talking about...

    I like to talk about things I have a passion for 😭😭😭
    Dreams & goals

  • Cities and countries I have visited

    I have actually lived in so many places in the world 😃
    The most fun place I have visited was Paris, France. I have such great memories from there, would gladly go back.
    I remember Jakarta as a special city. Also, I loved Cyprus for its sea 🤧

  • Favourite books/authors/films

    I like Russian classical literature like Leo Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but -
    The Holy Bible 😃 ✝️>>
    Films? It is difficult to say. Now I don’t watch them with as much enjoyment as I used to when I was little. But I love Christmas movies haha. Would never stop rewatching them.

  • A trick or piece of advice

    I don’t like to give advices without people really asking for it… but I started following Jesus 👉👈
    and ever since I have never felt like I am a purposeless accidental creature.
    Just give up trying to figure out this life and give it to God, I know it sounds hard but it makes sense

  • A personal challenge

    Probably leaving my home country and leaving everything I loved behind. Having to let go of EVERYTHING
    And feeling bad nostalgia for the first time in my life. Losing many friends, feeling forgotten, abandoned, isolated.. it was tough. But I can say now, I made it and I have never felt more fulfilled in my life.
    Job 23:10
    “But he knows the way that I take; when he has tried me, I shall come out as gold.”

    Lord filled the void in my heart, and I found a new home 🙂

  • Making the world a better place

    Living to serve others first, not yourself, like it is promoted now.

  • My interests in other cultures

    I believe that everyone is so special regardless of anything!

  • I'm an expert at...

    I don’t think I have the confidence to claim proficiency in anything in this life. I spent my childhood on studying and learning to be loyal to my family.
    Maybe I am a good student? Daughter?..
    Dunno. I doubt.
    I still have hope that with the Lord I will be able to achieve great things in my life, which will glorify God and help humanity. I hope God has a great purpose for my life

  • I recently learnt...

    I learnt that being famous is nice, because it broadens your opportunities to glorify the Lord, but it can also be a burden, if that is not God’s will for us.
    It is almost like fame is an enemy of peace. That is why I would really like to live a (more or less) private life

  • Improving the school system

    Stop tolerating profanity and pornography.
    In western schools, it is normal to expose young people to porn as sex education.
    I disagree with the need. It is not okay to watch porn, and I don’t understand why it is all of a sudden a part of curriculum for middle-schoolers.
    What is the next atrocity we are going to normalise?..

  • 10 years from now

    Maybe I will spent the eternity with Jesus. I wouldn’t know, but that would be perfect.
    If not, I hope to have a family of my own


Miss_Kitty Miss_Kitty

Meowtastic gurl, we're both interested in cooking a special, mysterious dish known only by our grandmothers. The recipe was handed down from generation to generation 🤫 She's joyful, open-minded, and full of secrets. Ain't get cold feet then and text her bc I guarantee u a long-lasting conversation and equally much fun!

Ten_Bezdelnitzy Ten_Bezdelnitzy


Ten_Bezdelnitzy Ten_Bezdelnitzy


LisaNeo LisaNeo

Hiii I adore talking to you, I think your humor is special, but I always smile when i receive your messages...just wanted you to know it 🙂)

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