UE/EU🇪🇺 Politics and governments

Yep, the "we" obviously refer to a small minority that wasn't needing much help financially speaking. Meanwhile, many Germans struggle to survive as much as French if not more sometimes. The "winners" are winnin at the expense of Germans people and Southern European countries, and we should think that it is marvellous to have such parasites 🙂

The "elite" from Germany and a few other countries.

So, jealous?
Again, France should have reformed certain Things already 15 years ago, but everytime a President triest to change something in France they population has a pulse of 180. Retirement with 63 is not possible If you dont have the money, but the population says "We dont care, we want retirement with 63!"

So, jealous?
Again, France should have reformed certain Things already 15 years ago, but everytime a President triest to change something in France they population has a pulse of 180. Retirement with 63 is not possible If you dont have the money, but the population says "We dont care, we want retirement with 63!"
Jealous of seeing Germans taking 3 jobs and still being as poor if not more than French? Not really...Have you considered that the French people who opposed these reforms didn't want to be slaves like Germans?
The retirement reform has been pushed by the EU (another word for Germany), but it was working fine in France. Thanks to that, not only it shows sign of not working anymore, but it's a foreign company, BlackRock, that take care of the retirement of people. Awesome.

Plus you are mixing a few things up: Germany's economy (which is now collapsing in great part thanks to the US) is based on exploiting its own people, but also on a euro currency. Euro is too weak for Germany's economy, which boost its exportation, but it's a currency too strong for France by a little, and way too strong for Italy, Greece, Portugal.
The result here is that Euro is destroying countries' economy for which euro is too stron while helpin (for now) countries for which euro is too weak, and it shows very well with Target2.


Forgive me but since I see the consequences of the Brexit for the country (which already their new Prime Minister admitted) Im careful with people who want to get rid off the euro.

I see the consequence of the euro and EU, and it's much worse than what the US' trojan in EU (Uk) is going through. UK economy didn't collapse has claimed by EU propagandists. UK never had the euro either.

Okay discussion finished. I dont talk to followers of conspiracy theories.

What conspiracy are you talking about?
- Uk never had euro, t hat's a fact.
- Euro has negative effect in EU, even for GErmany through target 2, which is why Germany will probably push more and more towards target 3 and destroy euro itself, by ultimately pushing a country like Italy or Portuggal to abandon euro because they won't be able to pay or make a viable currency change anymore.
- Euro is a currency too strong for souther european countries and their taret2 balance shows a giggantic deficit, which can be translated with: they are being bloodsucked.
- Uk being the trojan of the US in EU is the words of Charles de Gaulle himself.

Another """conspiracy""" for you: Tatcher refused euro, understanding that euro was the tool of Germany to anchor EU to Germany ( a bit like a 4 reich...), a new and dominering Germany, whereas it was first a suggestion from Mitterand who thought that it would anchor Germany to EU. History shows that Tatcher was right.

Since we talked about de Gaulle, this man also predicted that EU was a tool for Germany. First to assume the reunification of Germany and buff the negative effect of EAst Germany joining (France, Italy and others greatly participated to pay for it thanks to Maastrich treaty). Secondly by having a strong economy (at the expense of Germans people) and euro benefitingg German economy, it got more power in EU. Thirdly, because Germany can use EU to get back what it losts duringg the last war, namely increase its power and presence in EU by puting Germans in every important positions in EU, as Von der Leyen do, but also by taking a sit in the UN and ggetting an access to nuclear bomb despite the treaty of Moscow forbidingg Germany to have the nuclear bomb.

Im not interested anymore. Thank you

Continue with other interested people.

Im not interested anymore. Thank you

Continue with other interested people.

You use derogatory terms, and when I ask you to justify them, you are not interested. Please, refrain to (very often) do that if you refuse to elaborate later.

Im not interested anymore. Thank you

Continue with other interested people.

There is no point in discussing with a troll. The user has never provided any verifiable facts, only assertions. This behavior is absolutely common in the bubble. He can do it all he wants. He can also believe what he wants, that's ok.
It's all about provocation anyway!
You just have to be careful that a forum isn't poisoned by users like this. It wouldn't be the first time something like this has happened. The tone has already changed here recently anyway.

There is no point in discussing with a troll. The user has never provided any verifiable facts, only assertions. This behavior is absolutely common in the bubble. He can do it all he wants. He can also believe what he wants, that's ok.
It's all about provocation anyway!
You just have to be careful that a forum isn't poisoned by users like this. It wouldn't be the first time something like this has happened. The tone has already changed here recently anyway.

I don't understand the question.

A troll is a person who deliberately disrupts a discussion in a forum or blog with unqualified posts. The corresponding activity is called "trolling".

These are conspiracy theories and not provable facts.

I had opened this forum on an interesting topic. I couldn't say a word because the usual thing happened: two people started arguing. There is no troll. Only intolerant people.

Its always the same: When I answer: Ask economics they can prove that the Euro and to stay in the EU is much better for the economic the reply is typically: They are all bought and manipulated by U.S. and helpers.

There is no point in discussing with a troll. The user has never provided any verifiable facts, only assertions. This behavior is absolutely common in the bubble. He can do it all he wants. He can also believe what he wants, that's ok.
It's all about provocation anyway!
You just have to be careful that a forum isn't poisoned by users like this. It wouldn't be the first time something like this has happened. The tone has already changed here recently anyway.
That's a projection we love to see. People who disagree with eurodogmatics have to provide "verifiable facts" when receiving derogatory terms for contradicting some people beliefs (fascists, troll, conspirationists...). A little bit more and we could call that sectarism.
Among the arguments I provided, if you bothered, you could have checked the target2 balance and see this graph;
https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Rishi-Goyal/publication/272887292/figure/fig1/AS:(email hidden)/Euro-Area-Target-2-Balances.png
(I wanted to share the one from the French governemnt, but it doesn't work. This one is from a paper; hence scientific research). Taret2 inbalance translate the capital flight from Southern countries to Northern countries in EU.

As of disrupting a discussion: The discussion is precisely about what do we think about EU, and you are the one coming to say "muh troll" without anything substantial. See, that's a projection.

Its always the same: When I answer: Ask economics they can prove that the Euro and to stay in the EU is much better for the economic the reply is typically: They are all bought and manipulated by U.S. and helpers.
No, no. You asked nothing. You called me a conspiracy theorist and when I asked you why and provided arument to support my claims you prefered to stop. Now you come back to spit again.
It's a shame it goes this way.

I had opened this forum on an interesting topic. I couldn't say a word because the usual thing happened: two people started arguing. There is no troll. Only intolerant people.
Please, ignore if my participation disturbs you. That being said, I am curious about what do you think of EU yourself.

Edited by Lianshen .

In my opinion, the question is perhaps formulated a little too openly.
I apologize for not sticking to the topic.

I think a construct like the EU is absolutely necessary. The problems that will arise in the future can no longer be solved at the level of individual countries.
However, the current EU is proving to be an inert bureaucratic monster. Here, too, we can observe that increasingly radicalized fascists are spreading in the parliaments and preventing development in the right direction with their inhuman ideology.