啊这,中国土著真的没听说过,在空气污染最严重的北京都不太可能存在这样的问题。现在我想说的是,我们应该为世界寻找一些solution,而不是在这空空地纸上谈兵I've never seen a Panda. Surely the animal doesn't exist. Wether you like it or not, some things and events exist/occurs independently of your knowledge and will. Air pollution is terrible in China, affect the world when it's NOx (we had a huge problem of acid rains in the past, and smos surely are nice), CO2, CH4 (global warming), heavy metals...
Admitting you are of good faith and not a kind of propagandist, just let's check the 2 very first papers I obtained as a results :
(the doi, soyou can find it anyway on baidu, scihub... : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2007.06.012 )
(Doi: 10.4103/1735-1995.189646 )
每个国家都可能会或多或少的对他国,尤其是以往有过过节的国家带有滤镜,媒体也是。但是我们一直在这争论有什么意义呢,我们不是国家领导,也不是探讨环境问题的专家,我们只能希望从现在这件事情能变得客观明朗一点,各国有合理的解决方案,我们自己也尽量减少污染,仅此而已。不难看出,我们现在都很重视环境保护了。That's not about medias or a country specifically, neither about a political order, but about scientific work and paper. You need those works to assess environmental and health issues, which eventually lead to advice that can help political decisions (which are, most of the time largely ignored or discarded by politicians).
Finally you mention that we should "hope" and that discussion is more or less useless. I disagree with this stance. You mention some effort made toward environment, but were are those efforts coming from if not from people discussing with each others first? If people don't know what happen, why would they ask their government to move toward a goal? Most of the things beingg done in Franca have been done not thanks to a government, but to people who moved first and made problems known and tried to move toward a potential solution (even if, often, in a terrible way).
什么逆天fascism言论😰Japan's main agricultural sector is fishing, and it's ridiculous that what they're doing is not just cutting themselves off, they're cutting off the world's back.Don’t worry, this country will disappear, sooner or later
The ocean is not important. So who cares?🤔
The ocean is not important. So who cares?Those who live next to it, while it slowly rises higher and higher.
Agree with that.The ocean is not important. So who cares?Those who live next to it, while it slowly rises higher and higher.
Those who live in it, as they get tangled up in the plastic and slowly suffocate.
Those who have a little bit of pity and regret for something WE caused.
Those who have a brain and a heart in working order and realise what happens to the ocean affects EVERYONE.