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Russia in Peace Politics and governments

It is a very economic one and very easy to do and it comes from the Catholic Inquisition : you just have to put a very hungry rat in a can and then you put this can on the stomach of your prisoner and after that, you make the can burnt : the rat will be so in panic that it will try to escape from the can and,then it will Start to eat with its long teeth the stomach of the prisoner. The physical suffer and psychologic effect from this technics are so high that nobody can resist to them

Like in this video , my father always took care of his rats because he loved them and he used to raise them. Have a good night !

It's that time again as you know. Putin's recruitment training!
Send in the VDV! Don't forget to rwad all the subtitles!

A Brief History Of Punishment In Ancient China / A Day In History

Good morning to everyone ! If my father was very keen on middle age culture, I m really impressed and fascinated by chinese one : what a brilliant 5 thousands years civilization and what a sophistication and rafinment in the Art of punishment and cruelty from those people, it makes a real difference with primitives russian culture and traditions. Have a nice day !

Of course for apologize , russian modern state is much more recent as it was created by first romanov czar the so famous Ivan the terrible on the sixteenth century.

For sure, I swear I will try one these ancients chinese technics on a russian soldier or a russia United member or Support as soon as I can !

A Rat in The Can / LeonAcord
I see enough rats already!! 😃
In Russia maybe right now there's only some food left for the poor rats to scavenge for. Both humans and their secondary guests need to eat.

Good evening ! I think everyone here has noticed that I feel personnally already in war with russian government and his supports all around the world. In a war, sometimes you have to use some extreme hard methods and proceedings so as to obtain necessary informations which will allow you to reach your goals and victory. Of course torture is one of it. Torturing a man is an hard thing to do but torturing a woman is much more harder : during Ww2 my father was an expert in torturing Soviet military women and there were many of them in soviet red army and they were often tougher and more fanatised than men. The main goal of my father was to obtain military useful informations from these women as fast as possible without using useless violence or humiliation. My father used to be very keen on history particularly about middle ages time and he used to practise some technics of these old times during Ww2.
If you are at "war", then Sergey is right about calling you a propagandist, because being at war and propaganda are going in pair.

Ps : Stop larping and stop your offtopic. This thread isn't about tortures, despite what happens in Ukraine, most likely on both sides.
All you do here is showing a sick state of mind, as well as provoking uselessly everyone, but feel free to go to Ukrain and serve as cannon fodder if this is what makes you wet.

Edited by Lianshen .

I was right, Billa is crazy. So, we are at war now? Hate is not a good companion to anyone. Hate makes the man blind. He can't tell the truth from the lie. But I now why Billa is doing it. He knows that this winter will be very tough for Europe. More than that, if Russia win this war, the world will change. There will be times of uncertainties. And it scares Billa. The West will loose the leading edge. That's why this hatred. And the West will go to the end. Too many things are at stake. And it's crazy almost like craziness of Hitler. He was ready to die, but not surrender.

For sure, I swear I will try one these ancients chinese technics on a russian soldier or a russia United member or Support as soon as I can !
This kind of talk is not appropriate, do not go down to the level of torturers, rather have constructive affirmations that can make your opponents open their eyes

Thank you, anil. At least I can see in you a human been. We can't go go so low.

But the thing is, we are coming to such a point. Are we humans? What are we doing? In this process we are loosing our humanity. And nor matter what kind excuse we have - we are trying to protect our interests, we are trying to help somebody, but in the end we becoming evil ourselves.

The comments here by Lianshen, Sergey Moro etc... are all just a bad joke. Always acting so hypocritically, as if Putin deserved the Nobel Peace Prize for his unjustified, murderous and bestial war of aggression, and then wondering why there is a counter-initiative on the part of the West because of all the inhumane violations of international law. How stupid do these idiots from Russia etc think we are...

Aki2001, who do you think you are? Are you another Billa? First of all, Lianshen is not Russian. Did you registered it anywhere in your mind? Again, just for you personally - where have you been when Ukrainian forces killed so many civilians in Donbass? Where was your conscience? Did it sleep anywhere? Where have you been when 8 years people were killed? None of your so righteous media mention about it. Why? What was wrong with you? Why you so upset now?

Thank you, anil. At least I can see in you a human been. We can't go go so low.
I don’t need your thanks Sergey, I remain very suspicious of you. You still serve a criminal regime. You are sometimes full of pity and great principles and then full of contempt and mockery for those who are oppressed. All this to favor your opinions. I simply think that one should not speak like those who like you support invaders, killers and torturers. When I read all you wrote I can’t thing you are in god faith but rather search to manipulate

This thread has turned into a massive sh*tshow and its locking is long overdue. Let's not make this place a battlefield, it's not what its purpose is.

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