USA and or vs. Russia Politics and governments

Here is a small video from my birth city, I mean Bordeaux where I decided to come back to live after 20 years spent in Île de France region ( Paris region or oblast in russian ) : when I left my birth city, housing prices there were the lowest in France with those of Marseilles city but they increased when Bordeaux became in 2008 a unesco city because of the beauty of its buildings and you understand why when you watch my video.

This person also said that I was a macron apologist : well, if I do agree with the foreign policy of french president Macron, I do not agree with its economic and social policies and that s why I did not vote for him this year.

Concerning my so called death thread against an usual customer of this forum, I just said that I used to consider this person as an ennemy that I would try to eliminate if IT WAS NECESSARY which means if our actual cold war between our both countries, had to become an hotter one and that we have to fight one against each other the weapons in our hands and I remember to everyone that I used to apologize for these words.

But as Inspector Columbo, I m still waiting for the answer to my question, I mean the person who keeps criticizing french politicians and my country and its inhabitants regularly and who is claiming that he s a nationalist from Brittany , seems very reluctant to explain us what are his political ideas and plans. The only thing he told us very well and that on many forums here ( politicals or not ) is that he didn t like democracy and people in general, the " pleb " as he loves to say.

At last, I really wish to this,person to find what he s looking for when he will decide to move definitively to Antartic continent and I advise him to warn the poor animals ( penguins and seals ) from his next arrival !

from his next arrival on their territory

Adil Rami (French Football World Champion in 2018) about Russia, where I live is not at all for me. It's not for a cute guy, we're not popular! When you're tall, dark brown, you're not popular. They prefer average size, big belly, tight face and then the Russians have no humor and no smile.

From what i can tell, it sounds like you are describing some stereotype right now. I don't think every russian has a big belly and no humor. Just like other stereotypes, a lot of the people i've been friends here and on other places which have never been to Norway think its cold the year around and snows way to much every winter and that everyone sees Northern lights every winter. Really big stereotype and a big lie. In the summer it gets over 20 C too and in the south were i live we don't get much snow every winter either. And i actually have never seen northern lights, most people in my class haven't. Thats more north too. So, my point: almost every country has its stereotypes, and what you said is one of them too, i'm sure about that.

I think even in some northern parts of Norway, you get milder winter and summer than in people's mind. Trondheim for example isn't that cold I think and that's true for a good part of the cost... When I arrived in summer in inlandet, it also was around 25°C.
As for northern lights, I'm still surprised that, as a Norwegian, you never seen t hem for I saw some this summer and fall, although most of them were "blurry" and were much more clear on a camera (I still have seen beautiful ones with bare eyes that were "dancing" and all 2-3 weeks ago , but I'm still much more inthe North than you I guess).
So yes, it's really far from some stereotypes one can has about Norway, but in case of stereotypes, they often ave a part of truth and Northern Norway fits more the ones you mentionned... Int he case of having a big belly and no sense of humor, this isn't even a stereotype about Russians, or not in France... It's only a mere rant and rampant racism against Russians because our government told people to hate Russia (it went to the point that some people attacked restaurant serving a "poutine", which is a meal, because they thought it was related to the russian leader...), just like some people became racists again asians (any kind with slanted eyes) 3 years ago when they learnt that covid came from China, or when anything shitty happens and you are told that there is a good and a bad guy.

Adil Rami (French Football World Champion in 2018) about Russia, where I live is not at all for me. It's not for a cute guy, we're not popular! When you're tall, dark brown, you're not popular. They prefer average size, big belly, tight face and then the Russians have no humor and no smile.
Were you forced to copy-paste the same message on different topic as if the opinion of a footballer was relevant? Dude runs well after a ball and suddenly his opinion about a country, politic or geopolitic is the holy graal..?
Kind reminder that Southerner French also think than northerner don't smile, whereas northerners think that southerners are hypocrites.

Also, what kind of fuckwit describes himself as "cute" and discriminated because of this?

Ps: Russians have a special yet very nice sense of humor... Maybe it is just not for Moroccans.

Good evening to everyone here ! Here is another racist comment coming from a deeply racist person ! I got a work colleague of mine who is a real white caucasian french native and who used to be a junior french international basket ball player and he told me about the real difference of welcoming he felt between most of ukrainians people of kiv and some
stupid russians in Moscow. But at last I would add too : why is it so important for this person to critizise what a french football player who s got immigrant origins can say because in the past, she kept telling us that she didn t take care about France as she felt as a brittanian nationalist and I would be really more interested in knowing his political ideas and plans about this topic if she got ones of course !

I don't know who your colleague met and what his expirience was, and i haven't met any people from neither of those countries in real life either as long as i remember. But all russians i have talked to on the internet and through snailmail are really good friends and super nice! As well as all ukranians i have talked and messaged with who i can't say anything bad about either. I think it really depends on how you talk to them and who you talk to. Everyone is different. Remember that! And maybe your colleague just didn't meet the right people.

Good morning to everyone ! Dear Annika, you re absolutely right and that s exactly what happened to my work colleague when he used to visit the Red Square in Moscow with a black friend : SOME stupid russian people maybe the same ruscists or russian fascists who are POLLUTING the political forums of Penpal now, insulted them as soon as they found out they were french. My work colleague used to spend his stay in Moscow in a russian family where he used to be very well welcomed and he was only surprised by the fact that those people were drinking vodka for lunch and dinner as french with wine !

And personnaly, I used to be agressed in august 2020 in Torun in Poland by SOME other russian fools who were entirely drunk at 2 o'clock on the afternoon just because I was a foreigner.

Adil Rami (French Football World Champion in 2018) about Russia, where I live is not at all for me. It's not for a cute guy, we're not popular! When you're tall, dark brown, you're not popular. They prefer average size, big belly, tight face and then the Russians have no humor and no smile.

From what i can tell, it sounds like you are describing some stereotype right now. I don't think every russian has a big belly and no humor. Just like other stereotypes, a lot of the people i've been friends here and on other places which have never been to Norway think its cold the year around and snows way to much every winter and that everyone sees Northern lights every winter. Really big stereotype and a big lie. In the summer it gets over 20 C too and in the south were i live we don't get much snow every winter either. And i actually have never seen northern lights, most people in my class haven't. Thats more north too. So, my point: almost every country has its stereotypes, and what you said is one of them too, i'm sure about that.

I think even in some northern parts of Norway, you get milder winter and summer than in people's mind. Trondheim for example isn't that cold I think and that's true for a good part of the cost... When I arrived in summer in inlandet, it also was around 25°C.
As for northern lights, I'm still surprised that, as a Norwegian, you never seen t hem for I saw some this summer and fall, although most of them were "blurry" and were much more clear on a camera (I still have seen beautiful ones with bare eyes that were "dancing" and all 2-3 weeks ago , but I'm still much more inthe North than you I guess).
So yes, it's really far from some stereotypes one can has about Norway, but in case of stereotypes, they often ave a part of truth and Northern Norway fits more the ones you mentionned... Int he case of having a big belly and no sense of humor, this isn't even a stereotype about Russians, or not in France... It's only a mere rant and rampant racism against Russians because our government told people to hate Russia (it went to the point that some people attacked restaurant serving a "poutine", which is a meal, because they thought it was related to the russian leader...), just like some people became racists again asians (any kind with slanted eyes) 3 years ago when they learnt that covid came from China, or when anything shitty happens and you are told that there is a good and a bad guy.

So, of course when french president Macron keeps saying to the whole world and the poor one is very often internationally criticized for that, that the federation of Russia must not be humiliated and that we have to negociate peace in Ukraina with Russia on the way it trusts for its future security, french government calls to hate to Russia ! As I used to write here before, the Ruscist or russian lie plant building is really working at full speed !

I wanted to mean : the Ruscist or Russian fascist lies plan building is really working at full speed !

And personnaly, I used to be agressed in august 2020 in Torun in Poland by SOME other russian fools who were entirely drunk at 2 o'clock on the afternoon just because I was a foreigner.

Wow! I'm sorry they did that to you! Dirty people!

In my opinion, LianShen holds a conservative slant because he alluded to the threat of terrorism in France by foreign held beliefs that are not stopped by a stronger filter at the border.

In my opinion, LianShen holds a conservative slant because he alluded to the threat of terrorism in France by foreign held beliefs that are not stopped by a stronger filter at the border.
It's not a conservative stant to try to be more measured and find the truth. One can't be believed just because he said that unicorn are walking in the garden and, sadly, the governments we havve in the west are often not reliable; just as the russian, the chinese one or any other.
I haven't expressed myself much on terrorism in France and its threat because it's not the topic here, but when it comes to Ukraine-Russia's war, both sides are rotten, and Ukraine maybe even more. EU, too, is rotten with corruption like it has been exposed a few days ago and the US is, once again, very much pushing for this war to hapen and to continue.

People are free to believe anything they want, be it that Russia is going to save Europe and the world from nazis because so is Russia, a very altruistic country, or that it is a satanic country that is led by a stupid and evil tyrant (which is, by the same people, described as very smart when it arranges them). Yet, I'm also free to try not to be manichean and to point out what I consider to be bullshit even if that makes some people here butthurt to the point to write a dozen of whiny posts on my person.

Lianshen, live them, they are crazy.

In my opinion, LianShen holds a conservative slant because he alluded to the threat of terrorism in France by foreign held beliefs that are not stopped by a stronger filter at the border.
It's not a conservative stant to try to be more measured and find the truth. One can't be believed just because he said that unicorn are walking in the garden and, sadly, the governments we havve in the west are often not reliable; just as the russian, the chinese one or any other.
I haven't expressed myself much on terrorism in France and its threat because it's not the topic here, but when it comes to Ukraine-Russia's war, both sides are rotten, and Ukraine maybe even more. EU, too, is rotten with corruption like it has been exposed a few days ago and the US is, once again, very much pushing for this war to hapen and to continue.

People are free to believe anything they want, be it that Russia is going to save Europe and the world from nazis because so is Russia, a very altruistic country, or that it is a satanic country that is led by a stupid and evil tyrant (which is, by the same people, described as very smart when it arranges them). Yet, I'm also free to try not to be manichean and to point out what I consider to be bullshit even if that makes some people here butthurt to the point to write a dozen of whiny posts on my person.

Good evening to everyone ! Here is another school case example of the Ruscist or russian fascist political rhetoric : so this person kept insulting me personnally for months and on his last comment on this political forum, he wrote a big lie in order to discredit french government, France and french people but when you answer to this person without being agressive, he keeps complaining that his freedom of writing is threatened !

It is really laughable and pathetic as this person loves to say to others and anyway by his denial to answer to my question, he proves me that he is not the person he pretends to be ! But wait a moment : I know how is really this person ! A nasty, racist, antisemite, homophobe person who does not like people and who prefers the society of animals : you are Mr Eric Zemmour, the former extreme right candidate to french presidence election of this year and of course it will be more easier for you to become the emperor of penguins and seals on the antartic continent than being elected president of french Republic in 2027 !

Sorry, I wanted to mean that I know who is really this person

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