USA and or vs. Russia

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Putin's address to the nation. Enjoy! 😁

Yes, Chinablue, but usually they are reflect the opinion of the people where they live. Yes, they are sometimes exotic, but it's a fact. Some people think like they do! But on the other hand, if they don't like to here the truth, it means we are going in a right direction.
Same as how I see it too! Lots of Russian squirming screaming of Nukes because their tough nation lost the little war.

Chinablue might as well be the wife of Igor Samarsky because she's of the same mindset.

"Details: In its 2021 annual report, the FE said Putin was "very likely" to remain Russia's leader after the next presidential election in 2024. However, in its report for 2022, it changed this forecast to a less certain one, that Putin is "likely" to remain in power for the next five years.

"But our biggest uncertainty concerns his health, or someone removing him because of his failing health," the intelligence official said.

FE does not believe that Putin is suffering from a terminal illness, but rather is in severe chronic pain after several falls and accidents.

"That’s why he tends to sit and grab things tightly. It’s to ease the pain," the official noted.

The publication notes that various media previously reported that Putin was suffering from the effects of a fall from a horse in the 2000s. Later, it was reported that he had also been injured during judo and hockey classes over the past few years.

At the same time, FE believes that Putin had previously suffered from a form of cancer and was being treated for it when he started the war, which may have influenced his decision.

FE does not expect Putin to die from the disease he is suffering from. But over time, it may lead to the fact that the Russian elite will want to see a stronger person at the helm.

"It’s our firm impression that part of the elite do see they are heading down the wrong track," added the Danish intelligence officer."

Oh, OK, I tryed to check on Aki, he is banned here, I guess. Really,he is a strange guy.
Aki2001 is not banned from here. In fact, he's hiding in wait for another occasion to present hinself for when you say something outlandish again and he'll spring to action.

Aki2001 is watching you.

Edited by DanielWeathers .

We believe in you brave Ukrainian army. May Russia also be the bigger country and try to gain the upper hand by destroying the infrastructure, but in the end we will win. Dead lives longer and we shall rise from ruins like a phoenix from the ashes. Slava Ukraine.

You salut to these people, Aki! No wonder.

USA!!! USA!!! USA!!! USA!!! USA!!!

What did Putin do with his reign: put 15 million government critics in the Gulag and 9,000,000 of them. murdered. Then what kind of politics is that? Putin, you are the scum of humanity. But you also make a mistake and then you wriggle on the next tree.

Oh, OK, I tryed to check on Aki, he is banned here, I guess. Really,he is a strange guy.
He probably just blocked you and it appears as a deactivated account, that's all. I got suirprised the first time too, butsomehow, that's how this website works.

Putin's address to the nation. Enjoy! 😁
A very hypocritical speech given in front of extras, most of whom are not even soldiers

What I am seeing here that many people are too exited, angered, intoxicated. And very few are speaking about peace. It's just sad observation. The world gone mad again. I guess it happence once every hundred years. People are just bored. Some smart asses are saying that the planet overpopulated. So, the world needs some killings every hundred years. Crazy.

What I am seeing here that many people are too exited, angered, intoxicated. And very few are speaking about peace. It's just sad observation. The world gone mad again. I guess it happence once every hundred years. People are just bored. Some smart asses are saying that the planet overpopulated. So, the world needs some killings every hundred years. Crazy.

Le Chevalier Blanc / Yan Yannoche

Good night to everyone ! Don t be so pessimistisc about the future my dear Serguey ! It s not because your political regim and your beloved Fuhrer are losing the war that they decided to start ten month ago that the whole world is on the way to hell and at last I wish you a very happy new year 2023 and I wish the same to your country and to your family and relatives if you got one. Sincerely yours, your french white night rider François ( and I promise to write to you some messages in your birth language as soon. as I will have succeeded to learn your alphabet ).

I meant sincerely yours, your french white knight rider François

Hi, Billa! You have an interesting gift of imagination. You see such things which are not existing in real life. I am not a fan of fantasies.

Sergey, as I see all of these are parrots, except for young guy from France who could at least respond somehow. Speaking to others is pure loss of time. You can't teach rabbits to smoke.

Louis de Funès - La Folie des grandeurs (1971) - Birdspeech / defunesfan

Hi, Billa! I love Louis de Funes. Unfortunately, I don't speak French. But I was correct - we have to speak about facts not fantacies of some kind.

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