how can we make the world peacful?

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first of all,we should respect others,we should't change others' mind by force.


War fuels peace.

It's bad - "a peaceful world". Even animals fight to survive, there will never be peace. And if it were, how could we do the evolution? It's impossible in peace. The strongest survives - if everybody survives, there is no strongest. And we will stand still. Weak organisms MUST die to give place to stronger ones. And for that we need struggle. And wars. And kills.

Stupid idea : war should be only virtual,, like a videogame if we are forced to make the war and not the peace 😁"
Haha this sounds great 😃 Let's give those warlords a laptop with superfast Internet connection and address them to play good ol' Packman. Bingo! World's healed.

[Yeah. I know.]

I consider myself as an optimist, though I still don't believe we can just press some delete button and quit all the wars and violence. But since there are still so many people speaking for world peace and love, how come the wars keep just increasing? I can't understand some peoples' urge to fight. It might solve one thing but at the same time it creates dozens of new problems.

It sounds frightening that they're trying to make nuclear bombs in some countries. Didn't anybody learn from Hiroshima? no123

Well, meanwhile, I think we should just keep taking care of others and trying to see some good in this world. It doesn't save the world but it makes the people around us (and also ourselves) feel better. 🙂

I can only say to you that you must watch Zeitgeist. Then, your opinion will be improved.

I read all your point of view but I think that every those subject don't make the bottom of the problem.
The bottom of the problem for a world in peace is that all of human do good and bad things but everybody can't regret their acts. And a human don't become evil because he want, it's sometimes because he suffered and the Life is hard. We give the life more hard than she is, isn't a good thing for all. I'm agree with that crina77d had to say. If we were can to give the happiness with few things like give food, clothes to poors population or to persons who have really need it. We will a better world because it's those small nice acts who give the real happiness and who prove that we are nice persons. It's nor the political world nor the war nor the persons who decided to makes the evil on our earth nor the money who makes a better world. All of country to have his politic, the democratic, the scocialist and others party, a same political party isn't better to one country of another. The wars exist just because the governement isn't agree with others governements, because a country wants more money and many richess. And the criminality exist because certain human to need to makes the evil act.

personaly I love to believe on the most beautiful song of Mickael Jackson : Heal the World.

Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me
And the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough
For the living
Make a better place
For you and for me

Just those words which appear so true day by day.

For make a better world there are just to give to others around of us. Do you know in this world there are enough food and water for all populations in this earth can't death of hunger? Unfortunately the distribution demographic of the population in this earth don't allow it. One person die to hunger on this earth, every day, every hour, every minutes. One of country to need of more food and water for we can to live without to die of hunger more than others countries. And every years many food to throw out without regret because we don't like meat or dessert. All those food, clothes and others things we will can to give to poor populations for nothing.
And not the world will be not boring if all was good because in our life we have so problems why to wants more of it when we know that the life is so short?
I've the hope that the world live in total peace when I watch "Extreme Makeover" in the tv.

It's just my opinion in this subject not sugestion.

Edited by Phoebelycia .

we should stop usa's and european countries' sucking blood of poor countries..and bringing wars to these countries.. they have to earn money without stealing petrol and selling guns and weapons.

Clean China off the face of the Earth.And its virtually impossible. Because nuclear warheads exist. The best way would be some type of 100% defence agenst these that way nobody can kill each other and just give up

!!It is pretty impossible to achieve peace when some organisations make loads of money out of wars!!!!!!!

I read somewhere that u.s. spends more - like billions - dollars on military than on education. Isn't that horrible?

Sometimes it seems like it is only the governments that argue like little children. It's like in David Suzuki's citation: "We're in a giant car heading toward a brick wall and everyone's arguing over where they're going to sit."

Usually just normal, ordinary people are the ones who are peaceful, who want to live their lives in safe, have a family, express themselves, have a job, education and so on. Only the military propaganda makes them wanna "fight over their countries". I mean c'mon; u.s. soldiers fight to "stop terrorism" in oil areas? (yeah I know everyone knows that)

But, I'm quite optimistic. Peace is possible but it takes time to awaken people. Also the current politics and economic system need to be changed more equal for everyone. I mean, there must be something terribly wrong with this world, because the world is currently producing enough food for everyone to survive but still there is like ~billion people starving and in some other areas enormous amounts of food is thrown away.

World would be better if we stop agression from western world and sto their support for the exstrimists in Iraq, Syria, Libya. It would be a first step

We can help peoples who need us.

The solution to world peace is the elimination of government and its collusion with the thirteen families who possess and control better than half the world's wealth and its possessions. These thirteen families, if left to their own initiatives and without a government's cooperation and ours, would be rendered "normal" and pretty much helpless. They would no longer be capable of controlling us, as their access to our monetary system would be null and void with the total abandonment of the Federal Reserve...

There is no answer about this issue. Revenge, money earning aims, obession will always be part of the human race. We can only limitate this annihilation, trying our best with educational purposes for young persons and children.

There isn’t any chance for the pace

I think we can make the world peacefull by exploring space. It sounds weird but I really think thats the solution. If we explore space, and meet aliens (I don't believe we are the only intelligent life in this universe) everyone will be more inerested in the secrets of space then war. also, if we get attacked by aliens, we won't be thinking about war with other countries, we will only think about the invasion. of course I know it wil probably take a 100 years untill we go into space but still XD I'm a huge Star Trek fan, don't blame me for my fantasy XD

I think in order to make the world more peaceful we should stop all the hate and violence and start learning to love and be kind to one another.

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