Hello everyone.
Give your suggestion to make this world free from wars and about poverty alleviation.
It's a sad tale indeed but I don't believe it is possible to make the world a nicer place. mankind, what a contradiction of terms.
It brings great sadness to my heart to inform you that man is a known killer and there is nothing that can be done. A report came out, I read it somewhere or maybe I just heard it I can't remember! 47% of the worlds population is likely to commit a murder everyday and that 85% of the known living population today has committed a murde3r of some sort. 85% guys thats a long way to come back from!
i really beleive that if everything was a peacefull place and no fighting every now and then it just would.t be Humane..
To make the world peaceful, it's really hard. I think the first step is stopping to think a peaceful world is impossible because the world aren't 'the others'. We, you are the world.
We must not bow our head in fear, we shouldn't fight or argue because of our different thoughts and convictions whereas a few people ruin our home and life of lots of people. Everyone is a different human being, that's an irremediable fact. But we can't allow poverty, violence and all that stuff become irremediable (more than they are now)
How? Think of how to help the world instead of spending your time on making more and more rich to multinationals. you haven't to conquer a land for changing the world , just make of it a lesser worse place. Just try, one million of tries may make some difference. .Look at both ways, not only the shadow under your feet. .It's maybe just a hypothesis but it's better than nothing.
Wow!!! That's an inspiring message! You're very clever too...What a witty subscription!!!
I'd like to remind you that there's another major factor causing wars-thirst for power due to superiority complex. Anyone remember the World War II?
There must be a solution to poverty! We were born here and our earth must be able to support us ALL, if only we'd make some adjustments, namely, reduce the population. It's not going to be easy and it's going to take a lot of time...but, better late than never. But, let's us do something to speed up. Do you think you can limit the no. of children you plan to have, to the least you can, (I'm not going to give a number because it has come within you, me and everyone of us) no matter, which country you're living in or what's the country's population is, at present? Can I do it? Yes. I'm going to adopt children, not give birth to a child. You needn't be radical like me. But, can you do your part? Because, it's going to be the first step.
There's nothing better than interacting with other people that can make you aware of them and probably, reduce your superiority complex. (Perhaps, completely destroy that feeling...) Isn't that what we are doing here? Interacting? So, again, this is the first step.
Can evolution be the answer to violence? Will a day come, when we'll stop fighting since it isn't
good or useful in the long term? Time will tell!
MNCs? I take a different point of view there. This is a hypothesis. If I'm working in a MNC and making them rich, they'll give me some of it, too. And, I'll be improving economically, along wih my family. Now. let's say, I'm sponsoring some kids and also give some of my earnings to charity work.....Comes under helping the world, doing my part. Depends on the individual, I guess. Another MNC employee may choose to do something else with the same money. Even the MNC can do charity work, make a change in lives of people. If I can, I'll definitely do better. I promise!
This is no advice. Only suggestions and ideas from me. I'm learning, along with you. I'm growing and changing, just like you. And, I make mistakes. I'm no preacher, to practice and preach. But, I'll try my REAL best to honour my promises. 🙂
The problem is really poverty and politic.
Everybody should feel like being someone from the earth. Not from a special country.
I think the solution could be the disparition of the countries, of the extremists, and make another governement, wich could be choose bye everybody. Where too rich people don't exist. If there was no millionar people, everybody could eat. That is the problem for me.
People in this "earth-country", would like working, for this country. Not to earn money to become richer and richer.
We have to change the whole world's mind
Even that i really admire John Lennon and his song "Imagine".
There's no such thing as Paradise City.
There's no way to make the world peaceful,
Cause we are different,We can't get along,
Why the Indians can't get along with the white men?
Why the Arabs can't get along with the Israelis?
and God damn it,Why the muslims can't get along with the Americans?
What are you waiting for, another day, another talk,
Somewhere we have to find a new way to peace
What are you waiting for, another sign, another call,
Somewhere we have to find a new way to peace!!!
I prefer to believe in this song "Gurus of peace" by A.R.Rahman. Just give it a thought.
That's true. The majortiy of the world have to realised. But i'm sure something really wrong will happen, and soon. The world can't continue like that.
MNCs? I take a different point of view there. This is a hypothesis. If I'm working in a MNC and making them rich, they'll give me some of it, too. And, I'll be improving economically, along wih my family. Now. let's say, I'm sponsoring some kids and also give some of my earnings to charity work.....Comes under helping the world, doing my part. Depends on the individual, I guess. Another MNC employee may choose to do something else with the same money. Even the MNC can do charity work, make a change in lives of people. If I can, I'll definitely do better. I promise!I respect your point of view about MNCs but I think they are the
I respect your point of view about MNCs but I think they are the ?body? of capitalism. Capitalism and its anti-equity machiavellian method strengthen poverty. They don?t care a damn about the poor. On the contrary, they earn more money with poor people (poverty = cheaper labour = + $$ = richer rich people...) or who do buy poor quality food, clothes stuff because they?re a low price? Who do work for miserable minimum wages because have to maintain family? Moreover, they want (and are succeeding) to influence political actions of countries where they are in....I agree with what you say about Capitalism and it being pro-poverty. But, I think there are good things even in Capitalism, namely, economic freedom, research and development and rewards according to ability. We needn't practice it but we may take good things from it, right? We have Mixed Economy system here in India, and the most of the public (controlled by our govt.) sectors (except the really important ones) suck!!! If you've have a job with the govt. here, whether or not you do the work or not, you get paid the same salary, (then, there's corruption...but I accept that it takes place EVERYWHERE 🙁) and the quality and service in the public sectors SUCK!!! Some of those public sectors are being privatised now and they are improving...because they follow Capitalism. (but I'm not telling that Capitalism is the solution) Those public sectors have done good and bad things too. We need to improve qualitatively to eradicate poverty...everyone must enjoy quality without poverty. In Socialism, sometimes quality is compromised. So, we better come up with a better economic system, with merits of Socialism and Capitalism put together. 🙂 And, we must work for "comprehensive growth". That's where I think we're facing problems-Rich get richer and the Poor get poorer.
anyhow, it?s good people change their mind and care about what happen here (earth planet) especially young people cos we?re gonna stay long here --I hope-- 🙂
RainGoddess, I really like your ideas in this area. In my country (Taiwan) the population is aging and schools are closing due to lack of children. The government is enticing us to have more children because it would help us support our aging society in the future - something about growth in population signifies growth in might. Now I know that can't be right. Because while we're each stocking up our countries with babies, we're also using up resources and creating future resource problems. The dilemma, however, also lies in the fact that poor countries are receiving health assistance and aid from other countries or NGOs. While this is necessary on the humanitarian level, it is precisely these countries who cannot afford sustaining a larger population. Before, high birth rates were balanced by high infant mortality. Now, high birth rates continue, with the children surviving in areas seriously lacking in provisions to feed them adequately (which effects neural development), educate them adequately and provide jobs. Since survival is more important than everything, most aid is given to food and health care before education. With the shrinking of aid resources currently, I expect that money for education will be cut, or put into innovative educational resources that do not necessary fulfill the requirements of the areas in question - namely, cyber material where there are no mechanics. If money for educational resources is cut, we'll be facing a surge of uneducated people in this world. :eek:
I believe strongly that education is something that facilitates world peace. Not total peace, as I find that strangely irrational (http://www.progressiveu.org/060853-world-peace-is-impossible), but something better than what we have right now. However, our economical structure must change. Capitalism has never equated in the fact of unrenewable resources. Not only do we need to stop the wild population growth, but also change the way we define 'prosperity'.
Btw, I plan on adopting too. thumbup2
Total peace is not a concept we can imagine: The human race was born as predators, I think that part of us will remain that way.
Actually, while we try to refrain this nature, we actually give birth to outbreaks of violence (especially regarding the young generation). I think the first thing we need is a more comprehensive understanding of ourselves to acheve maturity.
In that case, perhaps we might see that wars actually have the power to prevent the decadence of our civilisation (look at the roman, greek and minoan civilisations, for example). To us, decadence means boredom, and something in us is intent to avoid that, even at the expanse of spillt blood.
However, the fact of accepting to keep fit thanks to war might not necessarily mean to spill blood (as regardless of our needs, this is a crime), I think that perhaps regular war exercises and international competition on this level might help us a lot: after all, regularly, our military forces engage in such training exercises. With time, it might turn into a sort of sporting even which, while not spilling any blood, might keep us untertained and might help us understand ourselves better.
I hope you see what I mean, and before you ask, I'm not megalomaniac, and I find that the loss of innocent lives is a criminal act. The question is to find a compromise LOL.