What do you think about corona? Politics and governments

Corona is probably the biggest cup that the elite forces have ever devised!
Some speak of a global genocide through the mass vaccinations! All the measures that have been in place for almost two years have certainly killed more people than the virus itself.
I wonder when people will finally understand that people's health has never been in the foreground but rather the opposite. The entire conventional medicine and pharmaceutical industry earn billions of sick people every year. So why would they want healthy people ?!

We all no nothing about the virus or at least not enough to make any predictions. Same stands for the vaccines. Maybe someone in the health sector knows more but even for them it´s something new.
There should be some respect for each other, it doesnt matter if we have to wear a mask or keeping some distance.
But one thing is sure the politicians in charge(at least in Germany) have not really respect for the people who voted them
otherwise they would not use that situation for their own benefit, (mask affair, power games)
they would inform the people without creating a panic,
they would not allow to seperate people into vaccinated and unvaccinated,
(germans were once also divided by law and later by force in two groups, the whole world knows about that ugly part of our history and our politicians normally dont miss any opportunety to not tell us what our anchestors have done, i dont say it´s the same and we are hopefully far away from such a situation again but in my eyes our politicians should get a gentle warning by USA, Russia, United Kingdom and France do not take any step further in that direction)
they would set a clear signal to unite the people and not devide them,
they would have installed air filters in schools, offices and trains, come on guys we once were a nation of great engineers,
they would ensure our taxes would be used for the stuff they should be used, (infrastructure, puplic health, education, science, police/military/firefighter)
But on the other site, for them it´s also not an easy situation and we all are humans. To find a good solution where everybody agrees is not easy to find- So the best for all is that Corona passes by soon and if not well lets see if we learned something about it 60 years later, i doubt it.

It's a junk bogus which is true due to some communists in China we were in literal. prison millions killed and most of all, now I am returning to old lifestyle but the memories of the peak still haunt me...To add masks are torture and I have trouble to put mask for long times...I wish it was a dream

I think that the fear is being constantly heated and exagerated, and all the measures are just a way to take the society under a total control. In Russia you can't attend public places without QR-code, and that's definitely breaking the basic principles of human rights.

Corona is probably the biggest cup that the elite forces have ever devised!
Some speak of a global genocide through the mass vaccinations! All the measures that have been in place for almost two years have certainly killed more people than the virus itself.
I wonder when people will finally understand that people's health has never been in the foreground but rather the opposite. The entire conventional medicine and pharmaceutical industry earn billions of sick people every year. So why would they want healthy people ?!
ABSOLUTELY TRUE. So many unasked questions and illogical measures...

Corona is probably the biggest cup that the elite forces have ever devised!
Some speak of a global genocide through the mass vaccinations! All the measures that have been in place for almost two years have certainly killed more people than the virus itself.
I wonder when people will finally understand that people's health has never been in the foreground but rather the opposite. The entire conventional medicine and pharmaceutical industry earn billions of sick people every year. So why would they want healthy people ?!
ABSOLUTELY TRUE. So many unasked questions and illogical measures...
But then at least they do something better then the bureaucracy...

Now there are two Ministerpresäidenten Mr. Weil(Niedersachsen) and Mr. Söder(Bayern) asking for a forced vaccination. Mr. Weil even said it should be over the next years with a regulary booster.
Source: Merkur https://www.merkur.de/niedersachsen/weil-fordert-allgemeine-impfpflicht-und-erwaegt-lockdown-zr-91144726.html
Weil zufolge braucht es eine Impfpflicht für voraussichtlich einige Jahre. „Auch wenn kein Politiker das gerne tut: Wir müssen die Menschen wohl auch zu regelmäßigen Auffrischungsimpfungen verpflichten“, sagte der Regierungschef der Zeitung.

I tried to refuse it but it seems it´s not about health it´s about control.

corona is the most horrible thing ever. as a covid survivor, i’d say the experience i had was like a nightmare. or even worse than a nightmare.
i was positive during the “second wave” of covid in india where tens of thousands of people were being infected everyday.
oh god, i don’t want to relive that experience ever again. i am lucky that i became back to normal but all those poor people who lost their lives.. so sad.
i really wish corona would go away sooner.. now to add things up, there’s this new “omicron”... ahhhhhh 😖

Edited by hogwartsdropout .
corona is the most horrible thing ever. as a covid survivor, i’d say the experience i had was like a nightmare. or even worse than a nightmare.
i was positive during the “second wave” of covid in india where tens of thousands of people were being infected everyday.
oh god, i don’t want to relive that experience ever again. i am lucky that i became back to normal but all those poor people who lost their lives.. so sad.
i really wish corona would go away sooner.. now to add things up, there’s this new “omicron”... ahhhhhh 😖
OMG u got it in second wave no beds in hospitals, no oxygen, I was safe in the loosely populated forests of Himachal...

corona is the most horrible thing ever. as a covid survivor, i’d say the experience i had was like a nightmare. or even worse than a nightmare.
i was positive during the “second wave” of covid in india where tens of thousands of people were being infected everyday.
oh god, i don’t want to relive that experience ever again. i am lucky that i became back to normal but all those poor people who lost their lives.. so sad.
i really wish corona would go away sooner.. now to add things up, there’s this new “omicron”... ahhhhhh 😖
OMG u got it in second wave no beds in hospitals, no oxygen, I was safe in the loosely populated forests of Himachal...
oh, lucky you!! i live in a city, so it was so easy to get infected. i was quarantined in my room, no hospital

corona is the most horrible thing ever. as a covid survivor, i’d say the experience i had was like a nightmare. or even worse than a nightmare.
i was positive during the “second wave” of covid in india where tens of thousands of people were being infected everyday.
oh god, i don’t want to relive that experience ever again. i am lucky that i became back to normal but all those poor people who lost their lives.. so sad.
i really wish corona would go away sooner.. now to add things up, there’s this new “omicron”... ahhhhhh 😖
OMG u got it in second wave no beds in hospitals, no oxygen, I was safe in the loosely populated forests of Himachal...
oh, lucky you!! i live in a city, so it was so easy to get infected. i was quarantined in my room, no hospital
Even I live in a metropolitan city, when my maternal grandmother got COVID, in Nov 2020, she was also quarantined in her room. Since she lives alone with my maternal grandfather, there house has only 2 rooms. So my grandmother was quarantined in one room whereas my grandfather took care of her + their grocery shop. They are 60+ (For all the people who will say that couldn't my mum/my aunts go and take their care? Then please know that mine is a working, stay-at-home mum, whereas others live in other cities)

corona is the most horrible thing ever. as a covid survivor, i’d say the experience i had was like a nightmare. or even worse than a nightmare.
i was positive during the “second wave” of covid in india where tens of thousands of people were being infected everyday.
oh god, i don’t want to relive that experience ever again. i am lucky that i became back to normal but all those poor people who lost their lives.. so sad.
i really wish corona would go away sooner.. now to add things up, there’s this new “omicron”... ahhhhhh 😖
OMG u got it in second wave no beds in hospitals, no oxygen, I was safe in the loosely populated forests of Himachal...
oh, lucky you!! i live in a city, so it was so easy to get infected. i was quarantined in my room, no hospital
Even I live in a metropolitan city, when my maternal grandmother got COVID, in Nov 2020, she was also quarantined in her room. Since she lives alone with my maternal grandfather, there house has only 2 rooms. So my grandmother was quarantined in one room whereas my grandfather took care of her + their grocery shop. They are 60+ (For all the people who will say that couldn't my mum/my aunts go and take their care? Then please know that mine is a working, stay-at-home mum, whereas others live in other cities)
who said I don't live in a metropolitan city I live in Bangalore but during a majority of Covid period I was in My native A.K.A Himachal here corona is a lot...

omg! guys did you see the recent news?? the “omicorn” mutant is now in india 😭

who said I don't live in a metropolitan city I live in Bangalore but during a majority of Covid period I was in My native A.K.A Himachal here corona is a lot...
two persons were tested positive for omicron in Bangalore, Vedang. be super careful

omg! guys did you see the recent news?? the “omicorn” mutant is now in india 😭
who said I don't live in a metropolitan city I live in Bangalore but during a majority of Covid period I was in My native A.K.A Himachal here corona is a lot...
two persons were tested positive for omicron in Bangalore, Vedang. be super careful
one of them is foreigner and both are quarantined already so no fear

I have 99.2 fever right now but I am scared of nothing, the 2 things that one should fear in Bangalore are:
but then I have running nose meaning it's none of them...

corona is the most horrible thing ever. as a covid survivor, i’d say the experience i had was like a nightmare. or even worse than a nightmare.
i was positive during the “second wave” of covid in india where tens of thousands of people were being infected everyday.
oh god, i don’t want to relive that experience ever again. i am lucky that i became back to normal but all those poor people who lost their lives.. so sad.
i really wish corona would go away sooner.. now to add things up, there’s this new “omicron”... ahhhhhh 😖
Most people at your age have a fairly low risk to die because of the covid, and I'd argue that the more it goes, the lower this risk is due to some ecological rule (a virus has many advantage in giving only a mild disease and spreading better). As for the worst nightmare, there are still way more annoying diseases out there waiting for us, although you could be unlucky and have a very bad time with the covid too.

I have 99.2 fever
I suppose it's fehrenheit, so about 37°C. If so, then you don't have fever at all.

corona is the most horrible thing ever. as a covid survivor, i’d say the experience i had was like a nightmare. or even worse than a nightmare.
i was positive during the “second wave” of covid in india where tens of thousands of people were being infected everyday.
oh god, i don’t want to relive that experience ever again. i am lucky that i became back to normal but all those poor people who lost their lives.. so sad.
i really wish corona would go away sooner.. now to add things up, there’s this new “omicron”... ahhhhhh 😖
Most people at your age have a fairly low risk to die because of the covid, and I'd argue that the more it goes, the lower this risk is due to some ecological rule (a virus has many advantage in giving only a mild disease and spreading better). As for the worst nightmare, there are still way more annoying diseases out there waiting for us, although you could be unlucky and have a very bad time with the covid too.

I have 99.2 fever
I suppose it's fehrenheit, so about 37°C. If so, then you don't have fever at all.
Ya it is Fahrenheit

Everyone... please... I request everyone to stay at home.. just cuz of some ppl cases are rising... and we children are locked inside our houses.. please just #StayAtHome and break the chain... if ppl ask am I not going out? No! I'm locked inside my house, I only go outside to visit the dentist which is merely 1 km away... please stay at home and break the chain... so that we kids can have a happy childhood... many ppl think it's a joke jst cuz dey aren't infected/go out regularly and r safe.. I dnt know where dis COVID originated from, china or america i dnt care! Many ppl think that we kids r somehow surviving and r alive, but the condition in which I am, it's no less than death pain. I haven't even seen my school once since 13/3/2020.. + not seen my friends.. I was supposed to meet dem on 4th december but now i doubt it Will... please just stay at home... I'm short out of words to express the pain we feel... just think of your children/nieces/grandchildren once, do u think dey r happy to be locked inside their homes? And in a stupid country like india, where since the last 2 months the government is currently making "guidelines" for the vaccine, I dnt think it ll come any time soon. Please just #StayAtHome 😷🥺🙏

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