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I have a critical opinion when it comes to patriotism. I know that's maybe because I live in Germany (due to our history). But if I watch American TV (like CNN) or hear the speeches of some American politicians, I often realize how different they talk about that topic and how they represent or think about themselves (not everyone) .
How do you or the people you know deal with that topic?
Do you think it's a good or a bad thing?

I have no problems with patriotism and i am German too! I love Germany, the german culture and the german history! I have a critical opinion when it comes to leftist multiculturell socialism (because of our german history), but i think, dear M Sutter, you are to young to understand my point of view!

I have no problems with patriotism and i am German too! I love Germany, the german culture and the german history!

Don't you think that it could be dangerous if people consider themselves and the country they live in as being superior? I mean, the history shows that working together and helping each other brings peace and is therefore better. My problem with being a patriot is that it often includes xenophobia and is also bad in terms of refugees and other political topics.

It depends on the type: reasonable patriotism, zealous patriotism, aggressive patriotism, patriotism confused with nationalism etc etc. Let's check its definition: "Patriotism or national pride is the feeling of love, devotion, and sense of attachment to a homeland and alliance with other citizens who share the same sentiment. This attachment can be a combination of many different feelings relating to one's own homeland, including ethnic, cultural, political or historical aspects." It does not sound aggressive or offensive at all, on the contrary quite reasonable. If some people distorts or twists the terms in it into something harmful and offensive, this wicked transformation does not make patriotism a bad thing. One may simply love homeland, feel devoted, and ally with other citizens. But it should not be confused or decorated with racist elements. Patriotism is sort of love in micro level, earthmanship is sort of love in macro level.

Dear M_Sutter, patriotism don't mean to consider themselves and the country as being superior! That, what you descrives is chauvinism! The word patriotism has latine origine: Patria means the country in which you live and patriotism means to love his own country! I don't know where you live in Germany, but don't you love the place where you live? Do you wish, that our country would be ugly, destroyed and poor? Do you wish that our culture will be vanished? If you think so, then you can live so! Not my problem!

Dear M_Sutter, patriotism don't mean to consider themselves and the country as being superior! That, what you descrives is chauvinism! The word patriotism has latine origine: Patria means the country in which you live and patriotism means to love his own country! I don't know where you live in Germany, but don't you love the place where you live? Do you wish, that our country would be ugly, destroyed and poor? Do you wish that our culture will be vanished? If you think so, then you can live so! Not my problem!

I didn't mean to offend you if that's how you feel. I also didn't assume that you'd feel superior. I actually just wanted to indicate to what patriotism might lead. I personally, am definitly happy to be able to live in a democratic country, but i don't think i can love or say be proud of anything like that since I didn't help create any of it. But I also wanted to say that just because I wouldn't consider myself a patriot that doesn't mean that I hate Germany or hope that it'll be destroyed. I don't even think that you may really define Germany (not including geographically or based on our constitution) or our culture as it's probably a very subjective topic (especially in our globalised world).
I'm still curious: What exactly do you love about Germany? What does being german mean to you?

Liebe M_Sutter, ich liebe die Vielfalt Deutschlands! Deutschland in seinen Regionen ist so unterschiedlich und schön und Deutschlands reiche Kultur in allen Bundesländern ist einmalig in Europa! Was heißt es für mich Deutsch zu sein! Nun, ich gehöre halt zum deutschen Volk und bin ein Teil davon. Es ist halt eine familiäre Verwurzelung! Ich könnte mir nicht vorstellen Franzose, Italiener oder Engländer zu sein! Du bist noch jung und ich geb Dir mal n Tipp: Lebe mal länger im Ausland und arbeite da. Dann wirst du Deutschland zu schätzen wissen! - Und, an Deiner Stelle, gerade weil Du jung bist, würde ich solche Erscheinungen wie die Globalisierung sehr kritisch sehen! Einen gesunden Patriotismus braucht jedes Land, denn Patriotismus heißt, dass man seine Heimat liebt, sich um sie sorgt und sie pflegt, ohne diese Verantwortung für die Heimat, hat man kein Vaterland, sondern nur irgendeinen gesichts- und geschichtsloser Haufen ohne Kultur! Ich würde in einem solchen Land nicht leben wollen, in dem alles indifferent und gleichmacherisch ist!

Like Diogenes said. Patriotism doesnt mean that You want to see Your country as superior, or that You dont like another countries.

I think some people here in the US confuse patriotism with nationalism and are actually nationalistic when they describe themselves as patriotic.

I think that patriotism is fine as long as the patriotic person understands that all of us live together on the same planet and the interactions between countries and their citizens have impact on people in the rest of the world. Our love and support of our own country shouldn't lead to negative effects in other countries.

I think there is such a thing as toxic patriotism when it comes to Americans. I've seen it a lot where people here will almost worship the flag and the leader that represents it (Trump). I don't think there is anything wrong with having pride for your country. But it becomes a problem when you belittle anyone who isn't from your country.

Patriotism is a good thing. It's mean pay great devotion to one's own country. But some people take it negative they think that their country is superior and other are inferior. Patriotism is not that, rather love your country as well as others.

Patriotism is alright, however when it means that people cannot face the truth of the actions of their government, that is when it becomes toxic.

I‘ve always felt a sense of belonging to my country. I love living in Germany and I feel a strong bond to the place I call home. Some Germans however, have a strange relationship to their home country which is, in my opinion, really sad. Especially the young generation has nothing to do with what happened in the past. Everyone needs to learn from the mistakes that have been made, the crimes and murder committed, but it is not our heritage, our fault. So why shouldn’t we, as young Germans be proud of the wonderful country we are part of? Germany is beautiful, successful and stands for good values - we accomplished something we can be proud of. Our country is diverse and openminded towards new cultures.
I don’t want to imply that we are perfect or superior - not at all! But we, as young germans, have the same Right to be proud as any other nationality.

I‘ve always felt a sense of belonging to my country. I love living in Germany and I feel a strong bond to the place I call home. Some Germans however, have a strange relationship to their home country which is, in my opinion, really sad. Especially the young generation has nothing to do with what happened in the past. Everyone needs to learn from the mistakes that have been made, the crimes and murder committed, but it is not our heritage, our fault. So why shouldn’t we, as young Germans be proud of the wonderful country we are part of? Germany is beautiful, successful and stands for good values - we accomplished something we can be proud of. Our country is diverse and openminded towards new cultures.
I don’t want to imply that we are perfect or superior - not at all! But we, as young germans, have the same Right to be proud as any other nationality.
Es freut mich sehr, dass Du so über Deutschland denkst!

This is what makes me a little bit upset, i have studied history since i was in the fifth grade. I am a war veteran I have learned to love and respect more than one country. (USA and Iraq) I see it all over the world but I do think people are completely misinformed when it comes to mainstream media like for instance anybody that cant say they dont see the bias and that media is trying to divide us all not only by race and gender but political affiliation you are in denial. It is not a crime to love your country and by doing so it does not mean you hate all other countries anybody that thinks that way needs self reflection. My ancestors come from Germany so i hold a bit of love for deutschland in respect i also respect everybody we are all people and we all belong to one planet and one race human race on planet earth.

Since no one chooses their country of birth, I don't see the point of being proud of it.
I like some aspects of Italy and Italian culture but I don't like others.
But still, if I were born and raised somewhere else? I can't choose and some glorious things of the past that have been fine by Italians are great but I did't made it personal so why should I be prof of it?
Just because ANOTHER PERSON the randomically was born in my same country (maybe also miles away) did it?

Since no one chooses their country of birth, I don't see the point of being proud of it.
I like some aspects of Italy and Italian culture but I don't like others.
But still, if I were born and raised somewhere else? I can't choose and some glorious things of the past that have been fine by Italians are great but I did't made it personal so why should I be prof of it?
Just because ANOTHER PERSON the randomically was born in my same country (maybe also miles away) did it?

I respect your opinion and get your point. On the other hand, however, I do not really agree. Of course you can not Choose your Place of birth, or your home country, but that is also not what patriotism is about - as I see it. You may not be able to influence the past, but you are part of a countries present. Someone taught you its language, its traditions, its values and you adopted those. You can’t help it, you just did because thats what humans do. They learn from the people surrounding them. You grew up seeing your countries cities, the landscapes and maybe you somehow discovered its beauty, too. There are billions of people who share your cultural background - discovering that very fact might show what we mean when we say we are patriots. We developed a love to the place we call home, in Some ways similar to the love we have for our families. You can‘t explain, it is just a bond, existing due to the emotional nature of Human Beings. Patriotism means being thankful for the luck you meantioned about being born right here right now, it is being aware of the values you have adopted as you believe in them like Many others do, it is the pride to be allowed to keep traditions and languages, dialects alive. It does not mean hate for others it means love in any way. Love and belonging, but also the state of an open mind for any other culture. It is important that we do not deny the trend of violential misunderstanding of patriotism, but fear is the wrong way to go to face our 21st Century problems.

Since no one chooses their country of birth, I don't see the point of being proud of it.
You can say the same about your family. However, without talking about being proud (because patriotism isn't about being proud, but about being devoted/supportive), the fact is that a country, just like a family, has made your education and have fed you all along so what you are now is, for an important part, thanks to your place of birth.
In other words, and I see it has been implied right before by marieizi,a country is an extended family of yours. You sure will have an uncle that is a complete nut, or a kind sister you'll like, or your mother will certainly have flaws, but what? Will you just cut everything with your family under the pretext that you didn't choose it? On my part, my place of birth has done way more for me that people individually, and I honestly highly doubt that it would have been smoother in other countries considering my very behaviour.

Edited by Lianshen .
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