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What do you think about islam ?

In my opinion, it is a beautiful and peaceful religion, that has good and fair teachings. Some people, however, like to distort verses of the Quraan and ruin the original ways of the Muslims.

i totally agree with you !

When Islam does not force women to wear headscarves,when you remove the combination of politics and religion,when you no longer oppress anyone,when you no longer call the Crusaders invaders,when you face up to the slaughter and oppression in history,when you no longer change Sofia Cathedral.We will be friends.(The above concept is only for those who refuse to open)

Sir Tiltnob , to respond to you at the sunan abu dawud 38 number 4349 it's called blasphemy , throughout the islamc History yes the punish is death,and it's the same case throughout the christian and jewsih history that has been the case , throughout the christian history for as late as 19th century there were places on this planet where christian were killing people for blasphemy there where thousands of people there were burnt alive at stake in tyburn gallows in London Uk ( you can check it in google my friend as you did checking for bad stuff in islam ) , so be consist my friend before you judge someone check your own religion , your bible full with violant even in the old tastement where there is verse killing even child and kids and women except the virgin one , you can't never find such verse in quran and i challenge you my friend to bring me one verse where it says kill kids in quran

Henry chance please my friend go learn more , if you want to talk about islam come and judge me about what quran And hadith say don't bring example of individus and extremest group and tell me that islam bad don't talk to me about turkey i don't care what they do it's all politics don't talk to me about isis i myself and the majority of muslims condemn them so badly , do you know my friend that 90% of isi victims are muslim . i don't believe isis practice islam or even they do know about it they just use the name as the crusader did , it's extremest group they use the scripter to abuse people
and let's back to your main point where you said forcing women to wear headscrave , show me verse in quran say you should force women to wear heads crave , i challenge you to go ask every muslim women who wear Hijab if it was forced or it was her choice to wear it

Interesting.I didn't mention any extremist groups.So let's re-establish the argument.This is the common practice of the whole Islamic country.When you ask us about Islam,I think it is necessary to include some countries in the Middle East and isis.Because you only ask the whole Islam in general.But I think you are deliberately avoiding this problem now.You get rid of all the bad and closed Islam,and then show us a good Islam.This can't solve the problem.Now,the fact is that most Islamic countries in the Middle East are a combination of politics and religion.Let me think about it.So far,Saudi Arabia has not adopted women's complete rights,let alone Syria and Afghanistan.Morocco abolished "rapists can reduce crimes by marrying victims" in 2013.Egypt is still polygamous.This is a disgusting bad habit,trampling on freedom and equality.It is undeniable that perhaps some Muslims are open-minded.Unfortunately,the government,or Muslims in other countries, don't agree.So who can represent Islam?I don't know
Let's go back to the saying that women wear headscarves.The idea instilled by a person from childhood is "wearing headscarves",so I don't think this person will have any independent ideas about this when he grows up.This is compulsion.Only this will not be reflected by law.Not to mention that the laws of some countries embody this view.Many Muslims say verbally that I will not force others to wear headscarves,but if your children refuse,I don't think you will be as open as you say.For example,if it is necessary to wear a headscarf in desert areas,why do you still wear it in hot and humid places?You call it tradition.This is because your Qur 'an clearly stipulates this point,and this coercive stipulation binds people's thoughts and deceives you to call it tradition.And you think it's a tradition?

seriously mate there is no point debating you , i asked you to question my believe my quran and my haddit , why do i care what countries do , they don't even represent islam so what are you talking about mate ??? have you really read what i have wrote to you ? don't be ignorant you tell me what egypte do and morocco and that and that so what mate ?? do you want me to defend them and i don't even know them ? it's politics why should i care , be reasonable and question what my quran say then we will have debate like to gentelmants but sir you are just ignorant you holding argument that make no suns at all , keep bringin countries but still you couldn't bring me one verse from quran say that and that , go ahead boy do some searching and bring some good arguments , cause i can do the same and tell you that why china abusing muslims why india do that too ? and so on but my goal here to talk about religion not politics , so i'm sorry mate but you are done

Are you christian my friend ?

If the country can't represent Islam,can you?You ask me what I think about Islam,but you don't let me say what I think about Islamic countries.This is at least other people's first subjective impression of Islam.After all,most random people in the streets of other countries have never read the Qur 'an
And Well,let me ask you a few questions.Do you agree with monogamy?Do you agree that your wife and children are unwilling to wear headscarves?Do you agree that your child is gay?Do you agree that your children or your wife are members of other religions or atheists?Do you agree that there are some provisions in the Qur 'an that do not conform to the present cognition and should be abolished?(Like the Bible),this is a simple question.You represent yourself now.If you answer no,I'm sorry, man.This conversation is over.If not,I take back what I said before.You are a good Muslim

Okay well i will repeat that for the last time i won't answer again because it's not the main resason i opened this dialogue. First of all i didn't said i represent Islam , and i didn't tell you what do you think about islamic countries , so you have misunderstood my question , if you want to look about religion you go back to the scripture , quran if you want to challenge a christian person challenge his babel and same for jew in torath it's simple , i don't know why you don't get it , for example quran say don't drink alchool but in same time some people do drink it so do they represent islam or they practicing islam , it's same for countries if quran say don't do that and they do that to get political way to establish there abuse , is that representing islam ??? no it's clearly no i don't judge anyone they way they act , i gave you opportunity to question my believe through the quran but you didn't , shame that conversation went to this way , don't tell me you are good question you don't know me you don't even know what my quran say my friend i really hoped that we will have discussion about our holy books not about countries , salame

If the country can't represent Islam,can you?You ask me what I think about Islam,but you don't let me say what I think about Islamic countries.This is at least other people's first subjective impression of Islam.After all,most random people in the streets of other countries have never read the Qur 'an
And Well,let me ask you a few questions.Do you agree with monogamy?Do you agree that your wife and children are unwilling to wear headscarves?Do you agree that your child is gay?Do you agree that your children or your wife are members of other religions or atheists?Do you agree that there are some provisions in the Qur 'an that do not conform to the present cognition and should be abolished?(Like the Bible),this is a simple question.You represent yourself now.If you answer no,I'm sorry, man.This conversation is over.If not,I take back what I said before.You are a good Muslim
Hi, I know in my picture I’m not wearing a headscarf but that is because that is an old photo.
I am a Muslim female - I wear a headscarf of my own accord; I would never wear a face veil because that’s not something I like, however I wasn’t forced to wear my scarf, in fact my parents didn’t want me to, as they were afraid that I wasn’t doing it because I really wanted to. My children would never be forced to wear a headscarf as the donning of one isn’t for the sake of others but for God. Wearing a hijab is not compulsory - it is a choice one has to make for themselves. Men who oppress and harm women and children will face the consequences as they would be committing major sins.

If my child was LGBTQ+, I wouldn’t abandon them as they would be my own flesh and blood, they would be a part of me, despite the choices they make - I would support them because we all go to our own graves and we all answer for our own deeds, so the path they decide to go down would not be up to me.

I wouldn’t force Islam upon my child, as everyone has the right to choose what is right for them. I would, however, do the Adhaan in my child’s ear upon their birth, as that is a part of my faith.

If I were to get married when I am older, I wouldn’t want for my husband to have more wives, as there is no need for it - there are no slaves. A man would have to have the permission of his wife in order to marry again.

I do not agree with what you said concerning the abolition of verses of the Quraan, as that would be to abolish ones faith; the Quraan is considered God’s words to us, so it would be the highest disrespect to get rid of the verses.
As Ay-men said, we as Muslims do not represent the entire religion.
There are “Muslims” who will pray, but they will go and drink alcohol and commit adultery, which are major sins. After becoming intoxicated, you are not allowed to pray or fast for 40 days, thus meaning prayers would be “void”. On the other hand, there are Muslims, who will abide by the rules and they are the most beautiful people that you will come to know.
I can’t tell you why some Muslims do stupid things because at the end of the day, we are all humans and we all have the same innermost cores. We will all be tested by greed, lust, jealousy, wrath, sloth, gluttony and pride.

Editado por lemondrop .

And may I just add, was Christianity perfect in the past? No, it was not.
In the Crusades, they mercilessly slaughtered innocents. Innocent Muslim women, children and men were slaughtered until they stood in pools of their blood.
When the crusaders took Jerusalem, the entire population of 100,000 were slaughtered - apart from a few who had helped the crusaders. Even new born babies were killed. For centuries afterwards, almost all Christian writers described this massacre as a noble act.
When Saladin recaptured the city, he allowed the population to live. He even let the priests take their holy relics and sacred objects with them.
Things have changed since then - but at the time the Muslims were more civilised than Christians.

Editado por lemondrop .

The Crusaders justified the murdering of Jews by claiming it as revenge for the Jews killing Jesus. Thousands of innocent Jews were murdered and tortured. When the Crusader army was finally able to conquer Jerusalem, the slaughter was unimaginable. The Crusaders killed everyone inside Jerusalem, whether Muslim, Jew, or even Christian.

All the religions were cruel and stupid. It's not a good argument to compare the crimes of the past. All the religions are responsible of slaughter but I can reproach more to Islam that still maintains the believers in a primitive system that impeach the persons to have a free mind. It's rather amazing that a young person in an occidental country idealize Muslim societies and denigrate the country where she lives. Christianity allowed a technological and societal evolution witch is not the case for Islam.

All the religions were cruel and stupid. It's not a good argument to compare the crimes of the past. All the religions are responsible of slaughter but I can reproach more to Islam that still maintains the believers in a primitive system that impeach the persons to have a free mind. It's rather amazing that a young person in an occidental country idealize Muslim societies and denigrate the country where she lives. Christianity allowed a technological and societal evolution witch is not the case for Islam.
Mate, you’re contradicting yourself; you say it’s not a good argument to compare the crimes of the past, yet that is what you are indirectly doing.
First off, I’m not unfairly criticising England, in fact not once did I even mention the name. All religions have had a technological and societal evolution. So you say that me acknowledging my identity as a muslim is not having a free mind as I “idealise Muslim societies and denigrate the country” that I live in? Must I not acknowledge my faith simply because you view it as a “primitive system”? I think not.
Until recently, all of these western countries were openly discriminative and racist; the only race that was accepted was the white race - the only religion truly accepted was Christianity.
Mate, you forget; everyone, as humans, have the rights to choose which religion they want to follow.

Can you explain me where or how I indirectly compare the crimes of the past? You made me this effect of young people of second or third generation installed in an occidental country, not only England and who seem hating where they live now.
Speaking about the crimes of the crusaders to proove the beauty of Islam is for me an absurdity. I don’t feel me responsible of these atrocities of the past. If you want to speak about crimes of the past I could say that more recently, occidental countries found by themselves that slavery is unacceptable in an evolved society. It’s even the occidental countries that stopped slavery in Muslim countries.
I note that you have rather open view about homosexuality. In the majority of the Muslim countries it’s a crime punished sometime by death. I don’t think too that in a Muslim country the husband asks to his wife if she want to be shared with another woman.
The bigger problem for Muslim is that they consider the Koran as the words of God. So impossible for them to criticize a surah even if it’s a total stupidity or absolutely inadmissible for an open mind. It' s very convenient for those who want to do evil. Why God would be so stupid or cruel?

Hello anil, this is really sad that you said it like that. The beauty of Islam of course can not found in crimes of the past, it was a crime after all, there are no beauty in crimes. However, people that never learn Quran and Hadith, people that never cross check the truth behind and just listened to one source, people like you, mostly carry out their argument against Islam based on ‘Muslim’ faults and sins. You have to figure it out your self the beauty of Islam by learning it from Quran and Hadith. Not by seeing Islam based on what ‘Muslim’ did, they are just human.
And FYI, a husband, if he want to marry another woman, have to be fair to his wives, if he can not do that, he was forbidden to do so (of course he has to ask his wife), you should never use your though to describe the condition in places you never been lived 🙁
And you said that the bigger problems is that Muslims consider the Quran as word of God. Well, we got that unchangeable guide that God make for us to live our life savely to jannah. We never follow ‘human thoughts’ to guide our life. And you said that total stupidity or absolutely inadmissible for an open minded. You your self that not open minded, talk just based on your thoughts 🙁
Please stop my friend, don’t let hatred take over your mind and soul.

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