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The Christians and the Jews can go to the paradise according the Koran? May be there is some surah a little tolerant but farer, some phrases don’t say the same: in the surah 5:72, it's written: They have certainly disbelieved who say, «Allah is the Messiah, the son of Mary" while the Messiah has said, "O Children of Israel, worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord." Indeed, he who associates others with Allah - Allah has forbidden him Paradise, and his refuge is the Fire. And there are not for the wrongdoers any helpers.
As all the Christians consider Jesus as the messiah and the son of God, they are automatically condemned to the fire.
For the Jews the Koran is not very tender; read that in the surah 4/160:
For wrongdoing on the part of the Jews, We made unlawful for them [certain] good foods which had been lawful to them, and for their averting from the way of Allah many [people], And [for] their taking of usury while they had been forbidden from it, and their consuming of the people's wealth unjustly. And we have prepared for the disbelievers among them a painful punishment. Is it this kind of verses that are so close to you?
In all the cases, for Buddhist animist atheist agnostics or adept of very strange cult: no paradise even if they had a good and honest life and are not responsible because they never heard spoken about the Muslim religion.
God doesn’t like corruption? So of course corruption is surely absent in the Muslim countries.

The Christians and the Jews can go to the paradise according the Koran? May be there is some surah a little tolerant but farer, some phrases don’t say the same: in the surah 5:72, it's written: They have certainly disbelieved who say, «Allah is the Messiah, the son of Mary" while the Messiah has said, "O Children of Israel, worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord." Indeed, he who associates others with Allah - Allah has forbidden him Paradise, and his refuge is the Fire. And there are not for the wrongdoers any helpers.
As all the Christians consider Jesus as the messiah and the son of God, they are automatically condemned to the fire.
For the Jews the Koran is not very tender; read that in the surah 4/160:
For wrongdoing on the part of the Jews, We made unlawful for them [certain] good foods which had been lawful to them, and for their averting from the way of Allah many [people], And [for] their taking of usury while they had been forbidden from it, and their consuming of the people's wealth unjustly. And we have prepared for the disbelievers among them a painful punishment. Is it this kind of verses that are so close to you?
In all the cases, for Buddhist animist atheist agnostics or adept of very strange cult: no paradise even if they had a good and honest life and are not responsible because they never heard spoken about the Muslim religion.
God doesn’t like corruption? So of course corruption is surely absent in the Muslim countries.

Just because a country (take Saudi for an example) is a “Muslim” country, it doesn’t mean that they are not corrupt.
Shirk (partnership with Allah) is the biggest sin, and Muslims as well as non-Muslims will go to hell if they commit it.
I have been taught that so long as a human is good, they will go to heaven, regardless of their beliefs - this is mentioned in the Hadith, all humans are judged according to their deeds.
In the quote you mentioned, it says that they will be punished for usury and the practice of taking wealth unjustly. It also says “the disbelievers amongst them” meaning that it is the wrongdoers amongst them that will be punished, not all of them; the same goes for Muslims and all other humans.

It’s interesting that you speak about Saudi. What a wonderful Muslim country. Women are dressed like ghost, are considered as minor and so must be accompanied by a man everywhere. Being atheist or homosexual or simply want to leave Islam is punished by death. Although Saudi Arabia is one of the champions of the capital execution like a lot of other Muslim countries. The prince of this paradise doesn’t fear to assassinate any opponent as some journalist. Yet this country is the heart of the Muslim faith and should be an example. Giving a partner to God never killed a person. Contrariwise preaching hatred is surely a big sin.

It’s interesting that you speak about Saudi. What a wonderful Muslim country. Women are dressed like ghost, are considered as minor and so must be accompanied by a man everywhere. Being atheist or homosexual or simply want to leave Islam is punished by death. Although Saudi Arabia is one of the champions of the capital execution like a lot of other Muslim countries. The prince of this paradise doesn’t fear to assassinate any opponent as some journalist. Yet this country is the heart of the Muslim faith and should be an example. Giving a partner to God never killed a person. Contrariwise preaching hatred is surely a big sin.
That is why I said it is a corrupt country, where brothers kill brothers and sons kill fathers.

anil, you are actually the most racist and stupid shit of a human being I have ever met. You are so ignorant, blaming and criticising islam when you do not look at the faults of your own religion. You say the qur’an is propaganda just because it tells muslims the right path and shows their beliefs. Can we not say the same about the bible? And of course we believe that atheists are ignorant: they have chosen to not believe in God willingly, especially in a world where religion is widely available. People like you who do not respect the beliefs of others are the worst of mankind, because you think you are better than everyone else. Have you even understood the qur’an? In surat al-kafirun, it says;

you have your religion and we have ours

This shows that we will not force you to believe, and we respect what you believe as it is your choice. At the same time, we have our ethical and moral beliefs against things, such as stealing and killing, like any other religion. Just because our list of things is slightly stricter and different to yours does not make us bad people. We never discriminate. Every muslim believes that “there is no difference between a believer and non-believer other than in their relationship with God”. This hows that discrimination is not encouraged but quite the opposite. If you think for a moment, you will come to see that Islam is the most inclusive and encouraging community. Where is Christianity does it say not to discriminate? In fact, the fact that you, a Christian, have attacked and discriminated against muslims makes you worse. We never attacked Christians and their beliefs, so why should you? Or are you so special that you think you are better than everyone else? Do you not believe in heaven and hell as a Christian? So why are you criticising muslims for believing in the same thing? I hope you can now see that all your claims against islam are not true. Yes, all religions have horrible pasts. In christianity, people were slaughtered if they weren’t Christians. However that is the past. Please also consider that this is a different culture which you know nothing about, so do not try and compare it to the western culture that is also very corupt in many ways.
You say that we discriminate, when in fact if you visit any Arab country, you will find people of different races, religions and cultures living together. Yes, we advise people from the perspective of our religion but we do not force or attack like you are doing now. That is hypocritical of you. And if you bring up extremist examples again, may I remind you that muslims aren’t terrorists! They are idiots like you who have misunderstood the qur’an. Your religion has slaughtered many many people, yet that wasn’t called “terrorism”. Just because more people are Christians, you think you can hide your flaws to look better than others, but you are just as bad if not worse. And then you come to criticise other religions. You people make me sick.

If the country can't represent Islam,can you?You ask me what I think about Islam,but you don't let me say what I think about Islamic countries.This is at least other people's first subjective impression of Islam.After all,most random people in the streets of other countries have never read the Qur 'an
And Well,let me ask you a few questions.Do you agree with monogamy?Do you agree that your wife and children are unwilling to wear headscarves?Do you agree that your child is gay?Do you agree that your children or your wife are members of other religions or atheists?Do you agree that there are some provisions in the Qur 'an that do not conform to the present cognition and should be abolished?(Like the Bible),this is a simple question.You represent yourself now.If you answer no,I'm sorry, man.This conversation is over.If not,I take back what I said before.You are a good Muslim

You are one to speak when gay marriage is still illegal in China. Just because our beliefs are different does not make us evil. You are being racist by saying this. And no, I will not agree if my child is gay or atheist, but i will not force him to stop. I can advise him yes, but we do not force or attack. It is his choice and his fate is with God. Nevertheless, i will love him no matter what, despite our differences in belief. Also, why are you saying this when haven’t even looked at yourself? We can also discriminate against China for the bad quality cheap things that you sell and the Coronavirus that you have caused for the entire world! And you say we are bad for the world! Look at what you have done... you are likely to be the reason for the end of the world - not us! So why dont you stop blaming and criticising Islam and go back to eating your fucking bats?

If the country can't represent Islam,can you?You ask me what I think about Islam,but you don't let me say what I think about Islamic countries.This is at least other people's first subjective impression of Islam.After all,most random people in the streets of other countries have never read the Qur 'an
And Well,let me ask you a few questions.Do you agree with monogamy?Do you agree that your wife and children are unwilling to wear headscarves?Do you agree that your child is gay?Do you agree that your children or your wife are members of other religions or atheists?Do you agree that there are some provisions in the Qur 'an that do not conform to the present cognition and should be abolished?(Like the Bible),this is a simple question.You represent yourself now.If you answer no,I'm sorry, man.This conversation is over.If not,I take back what I said before.You are a good Muslim

You are one to speak when gay marriage is still illegal in China. Just because our beliefs are different does not make us evil. You are being racist by saying this. And no, I will not agree if my child is gay or atheist, but i will not force him to stop. I can advise him yes, but we do not force or attack. It is his choice and his fate is with God. Nevertheless, i will love him no matter what, despite our differences in belief. Also, why are you saying this when haven’t even looked at yourself? We can also discriminate against China for the bad quality cheap things that you sell and the Coronavirus that you have caused for the entire world! And you say we are bad for the world! Look at what you have done... you are likely to be the reason for the end of the world - not us! So why dont you stop blaming and criticising Islam and go back to eating your fucking bats?

Do not lower yourself with racism; you must remember that it is also a sin. How dare you say that? Have you no honour? As a Muslim, you should understand that all things are planned and Muslims can come from every country; in fact, I have family in China, my bloody heritage is mostly East Asian, so I feel quite offended by your words. Have some shame.

Edited by lemondrop .
anil, you are actually the most racist and stupid shit of a human being I have ever met. You are so ignorant, blaming and criticising islam when you do not look at the faults of your own religion. You say the qur’an is propaganda just because it tells muslims the right path and shows their beliefs. Can we not say the same about the bible? And of course we believe that atheists are ignorant: they have chosen to not believe in God willingly, especially in a world where religion is widely available. People like you who do not respect the beliefs of others are the worst of mankind, because you think you are better than everyone else. Have you even understood the qur’an? In surat al-kafirun, it says;

you have your religion and we have ours

This shows that we will not force you to believe, and we respect what you believe as it is your choice. At the same time, we have our ethical and moral beliefs against things, such as stealing and killing, like any other religion. Just because our list of things is slightly stricter and different to yours does not make us bad people. We never discriminate. Every muslim believes that “there is no difference between a believer and non-believer other than in their relationship with God”. This hows that discrimination is not encouraged but quite the opposite. If you think for a moment, you will come to see that Islam is the most inclusive and encouraging community. Where is Christianity does it say not to discriminate? In fact, the fact that you, a Christian, have attacked and discriminated against muslims makes you worse. We never attacked Christians and their beliefs, so why should you? Or are you so special that you think you are better than everyone else? Do you not believe in heaven and hell as a Christian? So why are you criticising muslims for believing in the same thing? I hope you can now see that all your claims against islam are not true. Yes, all religions have horrible pasts. In christianity, people were slaughtered if they weren’t Christians. However that is the past. Please also consider that this is a different culture which you know nothing about, so do not try and compare it to the western culture that is also very corupt in many ways.
You say that we discriminate, when in fact if you visit any Arab country, you will find people of different races, religions and cultures living together. Yes, we advise people from the perspective of our religion but we do not force or attack like you are doing now. That is hypocritical of you. And if you bring up extremist examples again, may I remind you that muslims aren’t terrorists! They are idiots like you who have misunderstood the qur’an. Your religion has slaughtered many many people, yet that wasn’t called “terrorism”. Just because more people are Christians, you think you can hide your flaws to look better than others, but you are just as bad if not worse. And then you come to criticise other religions. You people make me sick.

I am racist? Certainly not, racism it’s being intolerant against a race. It’s not what I wrote. I only criticize a religion I find retrograde stupid cruel homophobic,mysoginist, intolerant and dangerous for humankind. I have a lot of examples to confirm that and sadly the actuality shows a lot of example about what I say. I didn’t insult you personally as you did. Your reaction is typical of a fanatic considering those who don’t think like him as “shit”. I only hope for you to evolve a little, you are still young and may be perfectible. Muslims are not all terrorists but terrorists are all Muslims. The last attacks that we had in France are exclusively due to Muslims. It’s not crimes of the past but actual crimes. Occidental world has taken the lessons of the past not the Muslim world.


I want you to look at the bigger picture. When I say racism, I mean discrimination against my religion, my beliefs and my culture. I want you to put yourself in my shoes and hopefully you can see why I am upset and angry that people like you generalise fake muslim extremists such as terrorists to be linked to Islam. I agree with you that these people are not right and are harmful to the world, but I must tell you that these people are NOT muslims. All of your examples come from them, extreme misunderstandings of our beautiful and peaceful religion. May I wmphasise again that all of your examples are NOT from Islam. If you believe this, let me reassure you that you must have misunderstood the message of Islam. As an arabic-speaking muslim, I have read and understood the Qur’an in its entirety, and can tell you that these extremists do not follow the simple basics of Islam. It is as obvious as a Catholic that believes in Jesus but not in God. Do you see my point?

You say all terrorists are muslim, but I have just shown you that they aren’t. In fact, Europe itself has committed so many massacres and mass murders to the Middle Eastern community. Have you seen what France did to Algeria in the past two centuries: torture and death of innocent people. For POWER. Do not be fooled into believing Muslims are bad because of Propaganda. I know you are older than me, but I urge you to look from the other side of the story. This stuff occurs everywhere, for POWER. France is not innocent. America is not innocent. England is not innocent. They have all committed unspeakable crimes and mass killing, destroying and killing millions if not billions of Muslims. But we do not see this in the media, so people like you have been mislead. You only see our faults, not yours. And since terrorists do NOT represent Islam in any way, shape or form, Muslims are infact innocent. The word ‘Islam’ means peace, and so any violent and harmful “muslim” is in fact a fake and not a muslim at all.

Your president is tricking tou into believing all of this propaganda for POWER, just like Donald Trump in America whom everyone talks badly about, yet when it’s yourself you do not see. You are blind to the truth. For POWER.

Please consider what I have said from my perspective and point of view before replying about how you’re right and I’m wrong, or how you are so much better than innocent muslims. You cannot deny the facts. You cannot deny the deaths of all the Muslims in Algeria, Iraq and so many more innocent Middle Eastern countries. Was it us who started the World Wars and killed all the Jews? NO. So do not blame muslims, who are not even terrorists, for everything, there have been much worse cases of evil and bad in the past, and these people were stopped. And in the same way, we should stop the terrorists, NOT muslims. It seems your understanding of Islam and your message is slightly unclear. And please try to be respectful towards my religion and culture when speaking to me, as I believe, as a Muslim, in equality and freedom of speech. You may not agree with this as a French islamophobe who believes everything your corrupt and fake president says for leadership, dictatorship and POWER.

You can find a video, which I urge you to watch, through this Facebook link:

It’s also funny how you accuse me of being homophobic and misogynistic when you yourself are being islamophobic. I suggest you look at yourself and your morals before accusing, blaming and criticising others. Do you think it is right that you treat peaceful innocent people who happen to be called “Muslims” in a different horrible way just because of their religion? That is discrimination. Where is your proof for these claims? Or are you making assumptions, because that is discrimination? I also never discriminated against you because of your beliefs, race, ethnicity, etc. I only judged you on your actions, attitude and behaviour, which I found appalling seen that you are arguing with children about how their religion is WRONG and your are right. You can see where my anger and upset is coming from seen as you are attacking me and other muslims online without real reasons other than discrimination and power. It is never okay to descriminate, and in case you didn’t know that, I strongly advise you to use that as an important (if not THE MOST IMPORTANT) moral in your life, and you should take that on board, carry it and keep it in mind everywhere with everyone, wherever you are, whoever you are with or talking to, even children less than half of your age.

If the country can't represent Islam,can you?You ask me what I think about Islam,but you don't let me say what I think about Islamic countries.This is at least other people's first subjective impression of Islam.After all,most random people in the streets of other countries have never read the Qur 'an
And Well,let me ask you a few questions.Do you agree with monogamy?Do you agree that your wife and children are unwilling to wear headscarves?Do you agree that your child is gay?Do you agree that your children or your wife are members of other religions or atheists?Do you agree that there are some provisions in the Qur 'an that do not conform to the present cognition and should be abolished?(Like the Bible),this is a simple question.You represent yourself now.If you answer no,I'm sorry, man.This conversation is over.If not,I take back what I said before.You are a good Muslim

You are one to speak when gay marriage is still illegal in China. Just because our beliefs are different does not make us evil. You are being racist by saying this. And no, I will not agree if my child is gay or atheist, but i will not force him to stop. I can advise him yes, but we do not force or attack. It is his choice and his fate is with God. Nevertheless, i will love him no matter what, despite our differences in belief. Also, why are you saying this when haven’t even looked at yourself? We can also discriminate against China for the bad quality cheap things that you sell and the Coronavirus that you have caused for the entire world! And you say we are bad for the world! Look at what you have done... you are likely to be the reason for the end of the world - not us! So why dont you stop blaming and criticising Islam and go back to eating your fucking bats?

? Funny, you racist. A democracy fighter like you has already started to attack at this point? The nature is exposed. If Islamic countries are half as good as you think, why did your parents come to Britain? Why don't you go home? I support and even encourage homosexuality. I didn't even think about getting married and having children. I draw poland ball and write satirical articles. No one else has ever accused me. Only Muslims feel wrong. It's not your problem. Whose is it? I only saw Muslims beheaded for cartoon prophets. You don't want to fucking think about why? You are self-righteous in defending Muslims. You're fucking English. You are free and open because you were born in England and are British, not an Islamic country.

If the country can't represent Islam,can you?You ask me what I think about Islam,but you don't let me say what I think about Islamic countries.This is at least other people's first subjective impression of Islam.After all,most random people in the streets of other countries have never read the Qur 'an
And Well,let me ask you a few questions.Do you agree with monogamy?Do you agree that your wife and children are unwilling to wear headscarves?Do you agree that your child is gay?Do you agree that your children or your wife are members of other religions or atheists?Do you agree that there are some provisions in the Qur 'an that do not conform to the present cognition and should be abolished?(Like the Bible),this is a simple question.You represent yourself now.If you answer no,I'm sorry, man.This conversation is over.If not,I take back what I said before.You are a good Muslim

You are one to speak when gay marriage is still illegal in China. Just because our beliefs are different does not make us evil. You are being racist by saying this. And no, I will not agree if my child is gay or atheist, but i will not force him to stop. I can advise him yes, but we do not force or attack. It is his choice and his fate is with God. Nevertheless, i will love him no matter what, despite our differences in belief. Also, why are you saying this when haven’t even looked at yourself? We can also discriminate against China for the bad quality cheap things that you sell and the Coronavirus that you have caused for the entire world! And you say we are bad for the world! Look at what you have done... you are likely to be the reason for the end of the world - not us! So why dont you stop blaming and criticising Islam and go back to eating your fucking bats?

? Funny, you racist. A democracy fighter like you has already started to attack at this point? The nature is exposed. If Islamic countries are half as good as you think, why did your parents come to Britain? Why don't you go home? I support and even encourage homosexuality. I didn't even think about getting married and having children. I draw poland ball and write satirical articles. No one else has ever accused me. Only Muslims feel wrong. It's not your problem. Whose is it? I only saw Muslims beheaded for cartoon prophets. You don't want to fucking think about why? You are self-righteous in defending Muslims. You're fucking English. You are free and open because you were born in England and are British, not an Islamic country.

So now you’re telling me to leave England and go back to my home country, where crazy terrorists (who aren’t muslims) are bombing everywhere, and where there is religious unrest due to these terrorists. I would rather not. Yes, I am British, but this will always be my home country, and to see it destroyed due to terrorists upsets and disheartens me. And as this problem spreads and more terrorists are appearing around the world, Muslims and Middle Eastern countries get the blame for bringing them to the western world. Do you think that’s fair? In fact, after the War with Iraq in 1988, and ISIS appeared due to disagreements with the American system, America FUNDED ISIS to attack Iraq and other Middle Eastern countries to create unrest. This then gives them POWER. I know it looks like America is so caring and helpful to Middle Eastern countries, but that is just what you see in the media. In reality, I’ve seen neighbourhoods bombed in Iraq by American soldiers for no reason at all. Not to mention that the War was for no reason at all, they just didn’t want Iraq to gain power. So they bombed schools with innocent children, factories, shopping centres, in case they were being used to make nuclear bombs. They also changed the religion of the country into a different branch of Islam. Millions of Iraqi civilians died, and you can see why the extremist muslims would not like America to come back and take over in 2003 after the religion shift. These people wanted revenge and decided to take it out on their own country. And so ISIS was born. Because of extremist muslims (terrorists). Because of America. Funded by America. NOT the peaceful muslim community that I am a part of, that the majority (I would say 99%) of the world’s muslims are. So it is not us innocent muslims to blame, but The terrorists that were born from America’s own actions. But America can’t own up to it. Instead we get the blame: the people who were America’s guinipigs. THE oppressed and innocent.

And the fact that some people are beheaded for their beliefs is upsetting. These muslims call themselves “purists” when in fact they are just extremists muslims, who are basically like terrorists. Although drawing cartoons of the prophet is not permitted as it is demeaning to the prophet and shows him in a certain unproven way, they should not have beheaded him, because his fate is with God. They should’ve stopped his cartoons from being published or shared, yes, and maybe taken to trial or fined or imprisonned for a few months at the very most. Not beheaded. I’m sorry that such extremists muslims exist, but they are the roots of where the terrorist mindset comes from and yes, I agree that these people should be stopped for the greater good of the world.

If the country can't represent Islam,can you?You ask me what I think about Islam,but you don't let me say what I think about Islamic countries.This is at least other people's first subjective impression of Islam.After all,most random people in the streets of other countries have never read the Qur 'an
And Well,let me ask you a few questions.Do you agree with monogamy?Do you agree that your wife and children are unwilling to wear headscarves?Do you agree that your child is gay?Do you agree that your children or your wife are members of other religions or atheists?Do you agree that there are some provisions in the Qur 'an that do not conform to the present cognition and should be abolished?(Like the Bible),this is a simple question.You represent yourself now.If you answer no,I'm sorry, man.This conversation is over.If not,I take back what I said before.You are a good Muslim

You are one to speak when gay marriage is still illegal in China. Just because our beliefs are different does not make us evil. You are being racist by saying this. And no, I will not agree if my child is gay or atheist, but i will not force him to stop. I can advise him yes, but we do not force or attack. It is his choice and his fate is with God. Nevertheless, i will love him no matter what, despite our differences in belief. Also, why are you saying this when haven’t even looked at yourself? We can also discriminate against China for the bad quality cheap things that you sell and the Coronavirus that you have caused for the entire world! And you say we are bad for the world! Look at what you have done... you are likely to be the reason for the end of the world - not us! So why dont you stop blaming and criticising Islam and go back to eating your fucking bats?

? Funny, you racist. A democracy fighter like you has already started to attack at this point? The nature is exposed. If Islamic countries are half as good as you think, why did your parents come to Britain? Why don't you go home? I support and even encourage homosexuality. I didn't even think about getting married and having children. I draw poland ball and write satirical articles. No one else has ever accused me. Only Muslims feel wrong. It's not your problem. Whose is it? I only saw Muslims beheaded for cartoon prophets. You don't want to fucking think about why? You are self-righteous in defending Muslims. You're fucking English. You are free and open because you were born in England and are British, not an Islamic country.

So now you’re telling me to leave England and go back to my home country, where crazy terrorists (who aren’t muslims) are bombing everywhere, and where there is religious unrest due to these terrorists. I would rather not. Yes, I am British, but this will always be my home country, and to see it destroyed due to terrorists upsets and disheartens me. And as this problem spreads and more terrorists are appearing around the world, Muslims and Middle Eastern countries get the blame for bringing them to the western world. Do you think that’s fair? In fact, after the War with Iraq in 1988, and ISIS appeared due to disagreements with the American system, America FUNDED ISIS to attack Iraq and other Middle Eastern countries to create unrest. This then gives them POWER. I know it looks like America is so caring and helpful to Middle Eastern countries, but that is just what you see in the media. In reality, I’ve seen neighbourhoods bombed in Iraq by American soldiers for no reason at all. Not to mention that the War was for no reason at all, they just didn’t want Iraq to gain power. So they bombed schools with innocent children, factories, shopping centres, in case they were being used to make nuclear bombs. They also changed the religion of the country into a different branch of Islam. Millions of Iraqi civilians died, and you can see why the extremist muslims would not like America to come back and take over in 2003 after the religion shift. These people wanted revenge and decided to take it out on their own country. And so ISIS was born. Because of extremist muslims (terrorists). Because of America. Funded by America. NOT the peaceful muslim community that I am a part of, that the majority (I would say 99%) of the world’s muslims are. So it is not us innocent muslims to blame, but The terrorists that were born from America’s own actions. But America can’t own up to it. Instead we get the blame: the people who were America’s guinipigs. THE oppressed and innocent.

And the fact that some people are beheaded for their beliefs is upsetting. These muslims call themselves “purists” when in fact they are just extremists muslims, who are basically like terrorists. Although drawing cartoons of the prophet is not permitted as it is demeaning to the prophet and shows him in a certain unproven way, they should not have beheaded him, because his fate is with God. They should’ve stopped his cartoons from being published or shared, yes, and maybe taken to trial or fined or imprisonned for a few months at the very most. Not beheaded. I’m sorry that such extremists muslims exist, but they are the roots of where the terrorist mindset comes from and yes, I agree that these people should be stopped for the greater good of the world.

Fair? What was fair when Iraq invaded Kuwait? What was fair when the Taliban took power, What was fair when during the Iran-Iraq War? What was fair when killing Kurds? What was fair when Israel was founded, This is ridiculous. The governments of those Islamic countries are extremely ignorant and suppress dissent. I know what the US has done in the Middle East, but this is not the main point of our discussion.
Those stupid Islamic governments oppress their own people and dream of dictatorship every day. Dreaming that one day, the Arab Empire will be established. Aren't there enough such people? Saddam. Gaddafi. And that lar sponsor of terrorists. Saudi Arabia. And now Erdogan
What the American government has done is terrible, but it doesn't mean that the Islamic world is great. On the contrary, the Islamic world is worse
I still say that, I love irony. I don't like people who can't understand irony, but I will decide whether to show it to you according to the situation. But if irony is forbidden, then I don't need to respect it. It's like I call myself a “Catholic”, but I only go to church at Christmas every year, and I want to buy a Satan Bible. Why can't Islam do what Christianity can do? This year, the Vatican just admitted homosexuality, and the religious costumes of the past were gradually abandoned. I only saw that Christianity was making progress.
As long as you retract the Nazi's remarks before, and then admit that religion only restrains yourself. RESTRANS YOURSELF. I know you are not a terrorist. Maybe we can normalize the relationship and end the topic, because these things make me tired

Look, I agree that these Middle Eastern countries have shitty governments. Bus Islam is more complicated than Christianity. The rules are stricter, and keep in mind that the religion came around 5 centuries after Christianity. How can we “change” a rule in Islam. Surely that means that we are making up the whole religion. The rules are the rules. As for inclusion of communities into Islam, I am sure that as the reigion and society develops, we will see more of this. But how can we focus on that when our countries are being attacked by terrorists. If you rewind back 500 years you will see something similar in Christianity, although it is worse now due to advancements in war technology. I see your point. Islamic terrorists are the worst of mankind. But we cannot generalise this to the whole of the islamic religion. Homosexuality is controversial in Islam, but if there was a gay Muslim, I wouldn’t stop them. The problem comes when purists try and implement their rules. Which is where you see this disgraceful behaviour of muslims killing muslims. That sight really annoys me, the irony being that the word “muslim” means someone who is peaceful in Arabic.

Look, you can hate Muslims terrorists all you want, and be as islamophobic as you want, but that doesnt mean that you allow the killing of these people. They are humans too, and they are innocent. This is like Hitler killing the Jew in WW2 because he thought they were evil. But now The French president in playing the role of Hitler, and the concentration camps are in China, killing millions of Muslims. I think you can agree with me that this is wrong. It wouldn’t be fair to kill homosexuals, as it isn’t fair to kill muslims. 2 wrongs don’t make a right. By allowing this, you are implementing the ideology of Hitler and Nazis, which I am sure is not your intent. I thought everyone learned from their mistakes after WW2, but I guess not... as Nazis and the Nazi ideology is still among us today unfortunately.

I agree with your concerns against terrorism and Middle Eastern Governments, but you must understand that it is very complicated, with little money and support from the western world to advance in our religion. No-one is gaining anything from pointing fingers and blaming and accusing Muslims, but Muslims are losing their safety and their rights, and even their lives. We cannot stay silent and watch this happen. We have to say something for human equality and rights. I know muslims and muslim countries don’t always show this equality, but it is in fact the root of the religion, and these people are wrong. I am sorry if you are upset by the killing of homosexuals, I stand against it as I am sure you do, but we cannot kill more people just because of it: there is a lot (too much) of evil in the world and we shouldn’t create even more evil and killing. That would just get us nowhere. This is why discrimination against a race or religion or belief or lifestyle is wrong. You live their life, let them live theirs. If they are doing some wrong by killing innocent people or other evil things, you should work with them to create peace, not fight them back and cause more evil and killing. The world already has enough (too much) of that.

I maintain that being against Muslim ideas it’s not being racist. You used a bad word. I only struggle the horrible ideas of a bad religion. I never said blacks are bad Asiatic are bad or Arabs are bad. In spite all the bad I think about this religion I never attacked a quiet Muslim who understand that his religion doesn’t allowed him to kill others. Of course I can say what I think.

The terrorists are not real Muslims? It’s generally the words that say the Muslims who speak about those who killed innocent people in the name of Islam:” It’s only mad persons, they can’t be Muslims. There is no links with our religion of peace. They didn’t read the holy Koran”.
What hypocrisy!!!
How can you explain that a guy born in a Muslim country, who had a Muslim education who strictly observe the Muslim rituals during his life and have a Koran on him came in France to slaughter innocent people in a church shouting “Allah Akbar” is not Muslim?
It seems that larger crowds in Muslim countries want to kill some French when I see reports on TV. All these persons are mad or Muslim? May be the two. It’s clearly written on the Koran to kill the unbelievers. A terrorist only follows advises of Mohamed. It’s very amazing that we never heard about terrorist attacks made by Jews, Christians or Buddhists. This fact never bother you? The real meaning of Islam in Arabic is submission certainly not peace.
Colonization it’s the past. We can only look at it to avoid such events. If Muslim countries had the way to do the same they surely did it but they had not the technologic evolution for that. The last massacres in Algeria were made by Muslim against other Muslims. In Middle East the extinction of some communities of Christians or Jews are due to Muslims and it’s rather recent. The argument saying: Occidental made atrocities in the past so we can do the same now is an inadmissible excuse. Turkish made a genocide against the Armenians but they never admitted that. When there is a crime made by a Muslim against a no Muslim it seems that for you it’s not a crime?
I have no more time to answer to all the inconsistent sentences you wrote. Please speak clearly.

Ok so you say Muslims are terrorists. I believe you are a dick. For the LAST TIME: terrorists are NOT muslims. The qur’an does not say to kill the unbelievers. The prophet encouraged peace:

In a time when Muslims are celebrating the Prophet (peace be upon him), about whom God says: {We have not sent you but as a mercy to the worlds} [Quran 21:107], terrorists are seeking to spread mercy’s opposite – malice, malevolence, destruction and chaos.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Their churches must be honored and they must not be withheld from building churches or repairing convents. They must not be forced to carry arms or stones; but the Muslims must protect them and defend them against others. It is positively incumbent upon every one of the follower of Islam not to contradict or disobey this oath until the Day of Resurrection and the end of the world.”

Islam says nothing about terrorism. In fact, it is all about respect towards others. The terror you speak about are not real muslims. They just as evil and wrong as a mass murderer.

And yes, i’ve seen Christians and Jews who are terrorists. They just are not given that name as it is sadly associated with Islam to make muslims seem so much worse. All of these people are mad « terrorists », but the media shows only Muslims to be terrorists and the others to only be mad.

I will not sit here and have you say wrong things about my religion, my prophet and my beliefs. I can find so many faults with Christianity and Judaism but I choose not to attack them as I am better than that. Instead, I show respect no matter what their beliefs. Yet you think it’s okay to attack others’ beliefs just because you disagree. Despite your accusations being FALSE, offensive and full of discrimination. I think you should grow up and act your age.

I have seen children show more respect towards others than you...

After reading the last few posts on this topic, I think it has been derailed and with insults thrown left right and centre, I will lock it up for the time being as it doesn't seem that anything productive is coming out of it, only name-calling and finger-pointing.

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