I want you to look at the bigger picture. When I say racism, I mean discrimination against my religion, my beliefs and my culture. I want you to put yourself in my shoes and hopefully you can see why I am upset and angry that people like you generalise fake muslim extremists such as terrorists to be linked to Islam. I agree with you that these people are not right and are harmful to the world, but I must tell you that these people are NOT muslims. All of your examples come from them, extreme misunderstandings of our beautiful and peaceful religion. May I wmphasise again that all of your examples are NOT from Islam. If you believe this, let me reassure you that you must have misunderstood the message of Islam. As an arabic-speaking muslim, I have read and understood the Qur’an in its entirety, and can tell you that these extremists do not follow the simple basics of Islam. It is as obvious as a Catholic that believes in Jesus but not in God. Do you see my point?
You say all terrorists are muslim, but I have just shown you that they aren’t. In fact, Europe itself has committed so many massacres and mass murders to the Middle Eastern community. Have you seen what France did to Algeria in the past two centuries: torture and death of innocent people. For POWER. Do not be fooled into believing Muslims are bad because of Propaganda. I know you are older than me, but I urge you to look from the other side of the story. This stuff occurs everywhere, for POWER. France is not innocent. America is not innocent. England is not innocent. They have all committed unspeakable crimes and mass killing, destroying and killing millions if not billions of Muslims. But we do not see this in the media, so people like you have been mislead. You only see our faults, not yours. And since terrorists do NOT represent Islam in any way, shape or form, Muslims are infact innocent. The word ‘Islam’ means peace, and so any violent and harmful “muslim” is in fact a fake and not a muslim at all.
Your president is tricking tou into believing all of this propaganda for POWER, just like Donald Trump in America whom everyone talks badly about, yet when it’s yourself you do not see. You are blind to the truth. For POWER.
Please consider what I have said from my perspective and point of view before replying about how you’re right and I’m wrong, or how you are so much better than innocent muslims. You cannot deny the facts. You cannot deny the deaths of all the Muslims in Algeria, Iraq and so many more innocent Middle Eastern countries. Was it us who started the World Wars and killed all the Jews? NO. So do not blame muslims, who are not even terrorists, for everything, there have been much worse cases of evil and bad in the past, and these people were stopped. And in the same way, we should stop the terrorists, NOT muslims. It seems your understanding of Islam and your message is slightly unclear. And please try to be respectful towards my religion and culture when speaking to me, as I believe, as a Muslim, in equality and freedom of speech. You may not agree with this as a French islamophobe who believes everything your corrupt and fake president says for leadership, dictatorship and POWER.
You can find a video, which I urge you to watch, through this Facebook link: