2020 USA elections - Trump vs Biden

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Donald Trump vs Joe Biden
Who will win? And who do you support? Why?

I don’t know who will win, however I hope that trump will win. I believe this because a lot of my beliefs line up with trumps beliefs. Also, Trump has done a lot for America’s economy. Also, he has kept all of his promises from his campaign. This is because he is not a politician, he is a businessman. However, Biden is a politician meaning that all that he is campaigning is to satisfy the far left. A lot of news networks do not educate on the good things Trump has done, hence many people think Trump has done nothing for America. The news media want to make trump look bad and Biden look good (not al news media but most). I hope that trump will win. P.S. Do your research!!! Don’t just listen to the news, do your own research. Everything you hear is not true!

Biden better win this one!
Trump is too divisive, it's more like a cartoon character than a real president. He spends most of his time tweeting incoherent stuff. A lot of people left during his years in office, even figures like general Mattis which was the defence secretary and ex supreme allied commander in NATO. That's a signal he's not working in the right direction as president.
Biden may be old but if he chooses the right people around him, there could be a great change like during the Obama administration and pave the way for future younger candidates
i wish all the best for america 🙂 i love that country
I completely agree with you!

Does anyone really think Kanye West is gonna make it? Talk about bipolar 😂

Does anyone really think Kanye West is gonna make it? Talk about bipolar 😂
Ronald Raegan was actor and he could make it out so why not Kanye West?

Are elections as big to foreigners than it is to us? (Not saying it snooty or rude just asking 👍)
And honestly these are some pretty bad candidates, we have contestant number one, DERANGED OLD MAN, or contestant number two , RACIST CHEETO 😂 and I think we all know who’s who.

Are elections as big to foreigners than it is to us? (Not saying it snooty or rude just asking 👍)
And honestly these are some pretty bad candidates, we have contestant number one, DERANGED OLD MAN, or contestant number two , RACIST CHEETO 😂 and I think we all know who’s who.
USA's politic is very important for the rest of the world since USA is one of the most powerful countries!
And plus I love politics and I love american politics so I am always interested in your elections ahahah
Here in Italy there are a lot of talk shows about it and I guess it's the same in all the other European Countries!

“USA's politic is very important for the rest of the world since USA is one of the most powerful countries!
And plus I love politics and I love american politics so I am always interested in your elections ahahah
Here in Italy there are a lot of talk shows about it and I guess it's the same in all the other European Countries!” ~@Luca_Pajo

Oh, wow I didn’t realize that, that’s pretty cool! In America most of the kids here make fun of the other countries because they think they know what they are talking about, And trust me, they don’t. One of my friends thought communism was religion 😂 😂 😂

Wish_i_lived_in_Europe님이 수정했습니다. .
Are elections as big to foreigners than it is to us? (Not saying it snooty or rude just asking 👍)
And honestly these are some pretty bad candidates, we have contestant number one, DERANGED OLD MAN, or contestant number two , RACIST CHEETO 😂 and I think we all know who’s who.
USA's politic is very important for the rest of the world since USA is one of the most powerful countries!
And plus I love politics and I love american politics so I am always interested in your elections ahahah
Here in Italy there are a lot of talk shows about it and I guess it's the same in all the other European Countries!
Are elections as big to foreigners than it is to us? (Not saying it snooty or rude just asking 👍)
And honestly these are some pretty bad candidates, we have contestant number one, DERANGED OLD MAN, or contestant number two , RACIST CHEETO 😂 and I think we all know who’s who.
USA's politic is very important for the rest of the world since USA is one of the most powerful countries!
And plus I love politics and I love american politics so I am always interested in your elections ahahah
Here in Italy there are a lot of talk shows about it and I guess it's the same in all the other European Countries!
Are elections as big to foreigners than it is to us? (Not saying it snooty or rude just asking 👍)
And honestly these are some pretty bad candidates, we have contestant number one, DERANGED OLD MAN, or contestant number two , RACIST CHEETO 😂 and I think we all know who’s who.
USA's politic is very important for the rest of the world since USA is one of the most powerful countries!
And plus I love politics and I love american politics so I am always interested in your elections ahahah
Here in Italy there are a lot of talk shows about it and I guess it's the same in all the other European Countries!
Not just
Are elections as big to foreigners than it is to us? (Not saying it snooty or rude just asking 👍)
And honestly these are some pretty bad candidates, we have contestant number one, DERANGED OLD MAN, or contestant number two , RACIST CHEETO 😂 and I think we all know who’s who.
USA's politic is very important for the rest of the world since USA is one of the most powerful countries!
And plus I love politics and I love american politics so I am always interested in your elections ahahah
Here in Italy there are a lot of talk shows about it and I guess it's the same in all the other European Countries!
Not just europe, here in South America its really important too, and we talk a lot about it, we have a lot of natural resources, and of course a lot of oil, that you know Americans are interest.

I am personally for Biden because I disagree with Trump's views. I dislike how he is disclusive and blaming all of his problems on other people, saying we need to build a wall to keep the mexicans out, when America is a land of immigrants. No race that lives here originated from here unless they have native american blood. I also disagree with how Trump thinks about women. He is a sexist racist.

I don’t know who will win, however I hope that trump will win. I believe this because a lot of my beliefs line up with trumps beliefs. Also, Trump has done a lot for America’s economy. Also, he has kept all of his promises from his campaign. This is because he is not a politician, he is a businessman. However, Biden is a politician meaning that all that he is campaigning is to satisfy the far left. A lot of news networks do not educate on the good things Trump has done, hence many people think Trump has done nothing for America. The news media want to make trump look bad and Biden look good (not al news media but most). I hope that trump will win. P.S. Do your research!!! Don’t just listen to the news, do your own research. Everything you hear is not true!

Can you give an example with facts?

Trump 2020
Yhea but that's not an answer ahahah

“USA's politic is very important for the rest of the world since USA is one of the most powerful countries!
And plus I love politics and I love american politics so I am always interested in your elections ahahah
Here in Italy there are a lot of talk shows about it and I guess it's the same in all the other European Countries!” ~@Luca_Pajo

Oh, wow I didn’t realize that, that’s pretty cool! In America most of the kids here make fun of the other countries because they think they know what they are talking about, And trust me, they don’t. One of my friends thought communism was religion 😂 😂 😂

Well european know very well how politic works. Don't forget that some of our countries lived under communism, fascism or nazism. That's why it's funny to hear Trump calling Elizabeth Warren or Obama "communists". They are not communists at all ahaha

I think Biden will win.
But as a Chinese,I hope that Trump could win,I'm sure that he can makes China great again!
But if so, Americans will suffer🙂

As an Iranian I hope President Trump wins the election!
One of greatest presidents in recent times. 💪🏼

When the destructive trio of Russia-Iran-China want Biden to win, then you must know that something is wrong with him.

Trump 2020, I like his sense of humor and his neat idea of fooling his people[doge].His skill of lying is excellent.Bring us laughters.(ಥ_ಥ)

I do love Trump. he is the most amusing president of the most powerful country on the Earth. (^ω^)

Interesting! I hope Mr. West will win, then enjoy the Keep up with Kadashian, While House season.

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