2020 USA elections - Trump vs Biden

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The election now hinges on Pennsylvania. Whoever wins, it will not be by over 300 electoral votes. Biden is still projected to win, Trump outperformed the polls again still.

Sitting here in Germany, watching multiple TV-Shows and reading newspapers from America. It is pretty hard to deal with the time difference and I am tired as hell, but I cant stop watching, checking and I hate waiting 😃
Really hoping for Biden to win.

Trump will take Pennsylvania and Michigan. Wow...that will we close.

Biden is from Pennsylvania, it would be really bad for him to take the KO from his own state...

AymenTm - Trump is from NY and look how badly he loses there. At least PA is close so Biden won't lose as badly as Trump did in his home state.

Things are still tight, but it's looking like Biden has a good chance of winning. However the democrats lost the senate and will probably lose some of their advantage in the house but still maintain a majority there. However we won't know until all the votes are counted. One thing to note is that most of the absentee and mail in ballots are from democrats so that is why you're seeing democratic candidates increasing their vote totals.

Biden will likely win, the mail in ballots skew heavily in his favor. It will be an underwhelming victory for Biden. With the Senate very likely to stay in Republican control, a President Biden won't be able to do much of anything policy wise. A lame duck potential presidency really.

There are still many things that Biden can do as president. He can put the environment regulations that Trump ended back in place. He can rebuild the agencies that Trump weakened during his tenure. He can also re-establish and/or improve relationships that were weakened or degraded with our allies.

You are however right that he will likely be unable to pass any legislation that will codify the regulations he's putting in place. So the regulations will probably be able to be removed again the next time we have a president who wants to do so. However 2022 may provide another opportunity for the democrats to gain control of congress, but that is highly unlikely. The vote generally tends to favor the party that isn't in office and Biden didn't have long coattails to bring in a lot of democratic congressional members.

Biden heißt Lockdown. Wenn die USA den Lockdown vorturnt dann springen bekanntlich alle anderen hinterher. Es ist immer das gleiche. Jeder republikanische Präsident wird in Deutschland verteufelt, jeder demokratische Präsident wird verehrt.
Hoffentlich gibt es einen Staatstreich und Präsident Trump holt das Militär.

"Jeder republikanische Präsident wird in Deutschland verteufelt, jeder demokratische Präsident wird verehrt."

This is indeed true. It shows how little most Europeans know about American politics. Many media (even those who see themselves as "quality media") deliver not seldomly such an over-simplyfied impression of things. Strangly naive.

Google translation of Weidenfeld's post:

"Biden is called lockdown. If the USA does the lockdown then everyone else jumps after it. It's always the same. Every republican president is vilified in Germany, every democratic president is revered.
Hopefully there will be a coup and President Trump will bring the military."


Wow, you would wish a military coup on another country. That is absolutely horrible.

Please consider that the popular vote for Biden is already higher than the electoral college, so most voters favored Biden over our current president. It's only our archaic slanted electoral college which is making this election so close.

Dear PolyguySj, i think the military coup in general must be very familiar with in the U.S.-American politics! I think about military coup wanted by the U.S.A. in Chile, Argentina of in Grenada. Everybody can think, what he wants...i don t see nothing "absolutely horrible" in this!

Piwipete - Just because our country did military take overs of other countries doesn't mean that everyone from our country supported the actions. I agree the US has done some absolutely horrible things and supported groups doing absolutely horrible things within other countries. Once again not everyone here supports our country's actions.

I also completely disagree that it is absolutely horrible to wish a military coup on any country. In my opinion wishing conflict on other people is absolutely horrible to me. Maybe that's where we disagree.

Ok, apparently Biden is about to win this election!

We still have to go through recounts and legal challenges, but I'm fairly confident that Biden will prevail. I personally am very happy even though the next few years will be very difficult. The other wonderful thing will be that we will have the first woman as vice president and the first woman of color as vice president.

Yeah I think the same, Trump won't surrender xD also he will sign more executive orders before leaving the office...

I think, nothing will change for us in Europe! If Trump is elected or Biden...nothing will change! All presidents have allways think: "America first!"...the only one that has said it loud was Trump and all leftist all over the world were going crazy! I think, the United States will under Biden and Harris now learn, what means Socialism! Have fun with left hate and crime! Good luck!

Since the senate will most likely be controlled by the republicans there won't be any major shift toward the left. Even if the democrats prevail in the Georgia run off elections it will still be an even split and some democratic senators up for re-election in 2022 will probably vote against anything too radical to better their position for being elected again. Also since the split in the house has narrowed as much as it has it's unlikely that the house will be able to pass anything too radical. However that's a moot point if the senate is controlled by the republicans because nothing too radical will even be brought up for discussion or voting in the senate.

I think what will change for Europe is we will start being more stern with Russia and hopefully their influence in Europe will be diminished. I also think that we will be more supportive of NATO so there won't be as much uncertainty about the US backing our allies if a conflict arises.

i will support biden, because he doesnt ignore the danger of corona

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