Unfortunately many people have a completely false "evil" simplistic idea about both communism and the communists.
While not a communist, and after years of personal political engagement including public disapproval of the so called "real socialism", I must pay a tribute to all the honest and good willing people who tried to do someting good for human beings in the name of communism.
Communism is an ancient utopia. Stalin is only one episode. Many of his victims were communists.
Communism implies the freedom from the want. Many communists died for the liberty of everybody.
Never the less, the quantity and the seriousness of undemocratic regimes started in the name of communism shows that some-thing does not work in that ideology.
The authoritarian turning point is in Lenin (and could make sense during a revolution). Stalin dictatorship and all the totalitarian rules in the world are far away the utopia they abused.
But I think that Marx and, even more, Engels, were wrong already, also if with good purposes.
Planning a "dictatorship by the ploretariat" as step to the perfect freedom is wishful thinking.
It is not the whole ploretariat but a caste of apparatchik which take over the power and they will not give it back to the people.
Pay attention "communism" as general idea and the political debate after Marx's proposals are much more serious and respectable than fascism. Synthetically the history of communism shows dictatures built on deep thinking and good ideas while fascism is fake concepts built on the dictature.