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1.Im wondering the attitude to it from all over the word
2.Im wondering how is the concept of communism in ur mind from different countries
3.Im wondering the thought from old communism countries like our old bro before ussr.
4.all in all,welcome u to attented the discussion😃

I hope you don't mind if I try to respond to your subject about communism three month later. ***My english is not perfect, I know.
The term already existed previously, but perhaps true communism begins with Marx (1848 the Manifesto), from there in the future his ideas spread all over Europe.
Russia of '17, in this regard, I personally justify the Russian revolution, the situation was tragic, people died easily, and in the riots died by the hands of the Cossacks, people were sent to war and it was not too clear why. Stalin was surely a dictator, he did, what others did, surrounded himself with people who thought like him; Lenin in his testament (or will) before his death, had explicitly written that he(Stalin) had to be dismissed from office, defining him as coarse and capricious.
After the red-revolution there was fear throughout Europe. Hitler even profited from it by writing in Mein Kampf that communists were primarily Jews. The middle class people (i.e. those who struggle to get what they have and are afraid of losing it) were the ones that both Hitler and Mussolini spoke to. Fascism firmly opposed communism, which in that period was a predominant movement in Italy, I must mention Antonio Gramsci, a philosopher who is immediately locked up, he reinterprets Marx's words in a modern key.
For a long time it was not clear what was going on in China, perhaps not even in Russia until 68-69 ("Prague spring").
Che Guevara also was a relevant chapter of history, the Cold War.

My grandmother said that, after the war, in her little country, hard-workers voted for communism, the rest for the church (church movement: Democreazia Cristiana).
The majority of people I've asked about what they think of communism now, responded that was an "utopia" (means: an impossible dream, I'm talking about italian communism). Some simply associate the word with a totalitarianism, as I think a lot of americans do too, talking about China, in a negative way.

There are so many things to say...
I've tryed to be generic.

I think that "True and Theoretical Communism" works only in small community, where everybody knows everybody.
But when the community starts to grow up, well communism begins to be an Utopia...
I have an example in my mind, but can't remind me the details nor the references of it, of a little community in France where a rich man built a "real" communism community that worked pretty well... but, as usual, at his death, things started to fail cause the main figure disappeared and the community was too big without its leader...

And about History, I think that Red Revolution was a mistake, as French Revolution was(#ChangeMyMind).
Finally, I will let you search for the most murderous Regimes in History and look how Communism marked History...
But as it says "It is not truth that matters but victory"...

I live in Poland. This is the country where communism reigned 40 years. Communism could became the best system in my country, but people don't grow up to have got the same like other people. They always want to have more and that is the reason why communism died

great in theory, terrible in practice. for every country, every regime. Greed is an innate trait that a lot of politicians have.

There is the rare case where a political party truly cares for the well-being of their country, in regards to communism. However, from what history has shown us, it isn’t such a great ideology.

Communism is a theory that wants all men to be equal, without considering that a human being has ambitions, desires, selfishness, will to possess, to overcome, and that the most capable, the most skilled, the most intelligent (that he really is or believe it makes no difference) would never accept being equal to others. It is therefore a theory that dehumanizes man, considering him a simple component of an economic mechanism.

Best said in the work "Animal Farm" by George Orwell : “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” It is a brilliant political satire pointing the gaps between the lines in Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto. Sooner or later it turns into a perfect totalitarian regime.

I think, people are keeping to forget that a real communism has never been built in a state-scale. It was a goal for all red regimes, but has never been achieved. Soviet economy and society were socialist, not communist. Nonetheless communism works pretty good in small communities. Communism in communities, huh? Fun thing is, that the most socialist regimes seem to be in countries that never had a real red government: Northern Europe, Germany, etc. And they also are seen to be the most pleasant to live in. Well, some forms of socialism do work, don't they?
If we think in a Marxist way, then the socialism is a step on a way to communism, however, the communism itself doesn't seem to come any closer, everybody seem to be ok with current capitalist system and don't attempt to break anything. So, maybe, it is never to be reached, who knows, or a Marxist point of view is incorrect in this perspective.
However, a rate of inequality grows higher and higher these days, and more and more people turn themselves to left-wing ideology, so, perhaps, we will see a renaissance of movement to communism. We'll see.

my view on communism is somewhat theoretical. first of all, I think it's rather difficult to outline "the" communism, as the systematic foundation of a collection of ideas that might share communist ones in common, is rather uncertain.
anyway, what they all have in common is an ideological standpoint. and that's where my guts get rumbling.
ideology, other than theories, can hardly be verified or even be discussed outside their own belief systems. that's not particularly true for communism exclusively but pretty much all -isms out there. when you follow an ideology, you would put certain "truths" in front of any thinking process and any reason, action or change must by definition serve this already acquired "truth".
as for communism, one truth might be that the collective is to be valued higher than the individual. that's why you don't need more than one ruling political party, right? why have competition over what's already good for everyone and thus, for you and me.
well, I'd argue that logic. but in communism, there is no space for arguing that because the ideological foundation would not allow that. the utilitarian truth has already been discovered, no need to adapt the system to anything beyond that.

you see, I am not saying that communism is the pure evil, that's just the same ideological bogus from the opposite viewpoint. I am sure that we can learn one or two things about effectiveness and efficiency under communist regimes. why not copy some of China's without a doubt very successful concepts realizing long-term, crucial projects as a state? but I wouldn't want their system as a whole as it gives too little space for adaption and flexibility.

that being said, I am very aware that it's pretty human to believe in something and thus being limited to rationality. personally speaking, I'd consider myself a humanist and I'd find it very hard to debate any concept that doesn't include the already discovered "truth" that all mankind is born free with equal rights.

I think Communism is insane! - How can men be free under a dictatorship...and a intolerant, violent and brutal dictatorship is the aim of Marx's theory! All the other idees of Communism are madness! When i read all the nonsens about working class, ecc...mankind don t exist only for work in an dictator-state, where the individual is slaved! Even the negation of private property is ill! The only thing that really count in the life is: Liberty! A word, that Marx and all of his followers never have heared!

Unfortunately many people have a completely false "evil" simplistic idea about both communism and the communists.

While not a communist, and after years of personal political engagement including public disapproval of the so called "real socialism", I must pay a tribute to all the honest and good willing people who tried to do someting good for human beings in the name of communism.

Communism is an ancient utopia. Stalin is only one episode. Many of his victims were communists.

Communism implies the freedom from the want. Many communists died for the liberty of everybody.

Never the less, the quantity and the seriousness of undemocratic regimes started in the name of communism shows that some-thing does not work in that ideology.

The authoritarian turning point is in Lenin (and could make sense during a revolution). Stalin dictatorship and all the totalitarian rules in the world are far away the utopia they abused.

But I think that Marx and, even more, Engels, were wrong already, also if with good purposes.

Planning a "dictatorship by the ploretariat" as step to the perfect freedom is wishful thinking.

It is not the whole ploretariat but a caste of apparatchik which take over the power and they will not give it back to the people.

Pay attention "communism" as general idea and the political debate after Marx's proposals are much more serious and respectable than fascism. Synthetically the history of communism shows dictatures built on deep thinking and good ideas while fascism is fake concepts built on the dictature.

Edited by CallMeIshmael .

I believe that socialism is a better choice... See that...

Enough to say... just look at all comunistic systems world had. Talk with people, who lived in comunism. It is freedom and good life just for chosen people. We can't say: Yeah, this is good, and could work, but people didn't grow up to this. Because with this argument, we would say, that everything could be good.
We can't ignore human nature.

Caro CallmeIshmael

Pay attention "communism" as general idea and the political debate after Marx's proposals are much more serious and respectable than fascism. Synthetically the history of communism shows dictatures built on deep thinking and good ideas while fascism is fake concepts built on the dictature.

Marx has never seen a factory from inside, but has lived in London like a royal! Very serious! E per me: Communismo e fascimso sono tutta la stessa roba di merda! E dove sono le buone idee del communismo! Miliardi di morti negli stati communisti! Che bello deve essere la vita in Corea del Nord! Grande, il communismo! wow

Caro Piwipete,

you write slogans not reasonings.

As many other people, you confuse "communism" as idea and related theories with last century governments which ruled in the name of communism. They never made a communist society.

It is true, and I wrote it, that the failure of communist parties where they took the total power is generalised and suggests some faults in the ideology which after Marx tried to imagine a scientific way to communism.

Never the less fascism and communism are not the same. Communism is a noble utopia and many communists have been very good people.

Caro Piwipete,

you write slogans not reasonings.

As many other people, you confuse "communism" as idea and related theories with last century governments which ruled in the name of communism. They never made a communist society.

It is true, and I wrote it, that the failure of communist parties where they took the total power is generalised and suggests some faults in the ideology which after Marx tried to imagine a scientific way to communism.

Never the less fascism and communism are not the same. Communism is a noble utopia and many communists have been very good people.

Scusarmi, ma penso che non abbia mai vissuto in un paese communista come la passata Germania dell'Est! Stai sognando della "tua utopia nobile" (che sciochezze!!!) e goderti la tua vita nella libertà e il capitalismo! E nessun communista è mai stato una persona buona, ma forse un figlio di una buona donna!

Apprezzo il livello del tuo italiano. Per quello non hai bisogno di lezioni ma un po' di storia e di filosofia dovresti studiarle. I regimi dei quali scrivi non sono tutto quello che è stato fatto in nome del comunismo e moltissimi comunisti brave persone sono stati uccisi da quei regimi. Non possiamo decidere noi di chiamare comunisti gli oppressori e non anche molti comunisti dichiarati oppressi da quei regimi e da vari fascismi e servi dello strapotere economico di pochi.

In Italy we used to have more than a third of the people (not including me) voting communist. Most very honest and democratic. You can say that in your opinion they where wrong not that they were evil.

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