Opinion homosexuality Politics and governments

I think I should respect them, but I never support them in adopting children. Can't experiment exposing children to such other upbringing. And besides, how will these children later start their families?
They will be confused.

No one will be confused if the parents tell them that there are not only straight people, that there is a variety in life.

I don't know if just saying them is enough. I have not heard that adult homosexual children had the same parents before ... Their difference is usually due to the lack of a father, the lack of his love. Excessive dominance of e.g. mothers can also be.

I think that's an insulting generalization. People can be homosexual even if they grow up in a loving family, they don't become homosexual because of problem with their families. In contrast, a loving family is the best atmosphere where people can accept their selves and comprend that they are homosexual.

Haha I did speak about Education/Upbringing...
I've simply talked about the construction of the children's mind.
You can't denied the Oedipus' complex, you can't denied the diversity of mixing gender, etc.. As example, I've grown with only brothers, and in this male environment I'm glad that I've gotten my mother for other point of view, discussion... and mainly for "Female Presence"... Yes, you could always denied (as the homophobic you criticized) this last point, saying that one of the homosexual couple could take the "other gender duty" but it will never be the same... And if there is no Homosexual Oedipus' complex, it is not because children are homophobic...

And yes, some straight couples may be worst and I'm 100% agree that they should not have children (I'm a pro for a kind of "Children Diploma") cause yes, in my job I've seen some horrible situations !! But situation in EU is what people wanted... Social, with more rights than duties...
But there are plenty of straight couples that are waiting for adoption too...

I agree and accept that the habits and customs are changing; but in this changing seas, I think that we should keep some lighthouses to guide our society... Tolerance should not mean over-acceptation.

But what is with those being raised only by a father or a mother? There is one part missing, too. You can not generalize it.

In my eyes discussing topics like this one is so important in our societies that are unfortunately changing in a direction that quiet often allows only one ultimate opinion.

It's just not right to say a queer environment would be confusing. We were all born straight, gay, lesbian, bi or trans no matter what environment surrounds us.
Straight parents can never raise their gay son to be straight, that's as impossible as gay parents raising their straight son to be gay.
And let's be honest, loving and understanding parents would never ever try this.

About your topic of more or less rights for lgbtq+, we should have ALL the same human rights as straight people. It's just that simple.
Gay activists are not asking for special rights, they only ask for equality. And as it was said before, unfortunately equality is not given in every place.

I've also didn't say that mono-parental upbringing was good...
And yes, divorced family make sometimes horrible situation, especially when this divorce is made in shouts and anger...
And mono-parental upbringing can lead to fusional relation which I do not have to explain the consequences...

In your eyes, you see this magnificent tree, which is the Traditional Family, doesn't falling from your chainsaw's hits and you find it unfair because you want it down... But the situation is that this tree is still holding, despite the plenty hits it has already suffered from.
But yes, unfortunately for me, this tree will surely fall down... but this time is not yet here ! You can continue acting with your chainsaw but don't tell that it is unfair that this centenary tree is still at the place you would like to build the bitumen parking of your family vision...

Hold on, I didn't say that I want this tree to come down. I didn't. But you should hold your speeches in front of all those heterosexual couples, that refuse to live the "typical" and traditional way of life.

It's just not right to say a queer environment would be confusing. We were all born straight, gay, lesbian, bi or trans no matter what environment surrounds us.
Straight parents can never raise their gay son to be straight, that's as impossible as gay parents raising their straight son to be gay.
And let's be honest, loving and understanding parents would never ever try this.

About your topic of more or less rights for lgbtq+, we should have ALL the same human rights as straight people. It's just that simple.
Gay activists are not asking for special rights, they only ask for equality. And as it was said before, unfortunately equality is not given in every place.

But you know, a homosexual couple is totally free and has the same rights as straight couples to make kids !

Hold on, I didn't say that I want this tree to come down. I didn't. But you should hold your speeches in front of all those heterosexual couples, that refuse to live the "typical" and traditional way of life.

Yes, I stand with the same words in front of those couples !
Example, when I see a single mother with a fusional relation I tell her that her relation is pathological even if she try to explain how proper she is...

This time I didn't get you. What exactly do you mean?

Ok, a fusional relation (don't know if is it the same in English) is when, generally a single mother with a single child, carry all her thoughts and love over her child. That kind of mother generally control a big part of the life of her kid. We call this Fusional cause it results in a real fusion of the two persons. Example, the kid can't take decision cause his mother has always did it at his place.
Beside all the troubles that it could make, it also bring stress and anxiety about the separation, which push the relation to be even more fusional... Here is a brief summery of it, with lots of approximations because it is a Psychopathic Entity that cannot be resume with 3 lines.
So yes, I agree, mono-parental family is absolutely not a good solution

Well, what shall I respond. First of all, thank you for giving further information. I think having a conversation in English is sometimes difficult for all of us who do not speak this language as their mother tongue.

In the end I suppose that raising a human being has always something to do with love and creating a loving environment, teaching everything that is important to be an independent person with morals and a sense of good behaviour.
We won't agree on this obviously, but I strongly believe that this has absolutely nothing to do with the gender of the parents.

i don’t discriminate or sick off gay people, unless they are too out of line.

Well, what shall I respond. First of all, thank you for giving further information. I think having a conversation in English is sometimes difficult for all of us who do not speak this language as their mother tongue.

In the end, I suppose that raising a human being has always something to do with love and creating a loving environment, teaching everything that is important to be an independent person with morals and a sense of good behaviour.
We won't agree on this obviously, but I strongly believe that this has absolutely nothing to do with the gender of the parents.

Well, I think that we have dealed the question and each will stay on his position at the end of the debate.
Even if there is no real surprise about the end, I'm very glad that I could have a real discussion about this with someone that doesn't share the same point of view. As you could see, despite all the people who interacted in this topic, you were the only one you have continued the argumentation till the end.
Even if we were "on opposite sides", I wish you good fortune for the future and let the fate decides who will finally be right on all this.


I've never seen gays here where I live. When I was younger, I used to support their fight, but now it's not more important for me... I don't know. If a person is gay, it's ok, it's his matter. But I'd prefer not to know about his sexual life. I don't publish my life everywhere.

@Verinus, in the end the basic biological picture applies to an older world😛
In our world it is possible to have a child with the same sex.
That it becomes more and more "normality" is absolutely right.
Why should a child grow up totally confused? That a Christian from 1980 tells me something like this I expect, but no modern person 🙂
The complexes do not occur with a missing mother, but with a missing mother person.
Also a man can be a mother, just as a woman can be a man in this case.

Apart from that, this also exists in "nature". Animals do not behave differently 😛

I've never seen gays here where I live. When I was younger, I used to support their fight, but now it's not more important for me... I don't know. If a person is gay, it's ok, it's his matter. But I'd prefer not to know about his sexual life. I don't publish my life everywhere.

So what does this tell us? I mean that you never recognized gays or lesbians in your environment?
It tells us, that not all lgbtq+ people are giving their environment the full stereotype fantasy of feminine men or women looking like men. They are normal people living their lives.

And the quintessential part of what you said is quiet ok, I think. They don't need to tell anyone in public about their (homo)sexuality. It is ONE part of their personality not the personality itself. Heterosexuals don't need to have a coming out, so why is that seen as such an important thing for gays?

We should all be equal with all the same rights. In any question like adoption the suitability of the people should matter and not if their straight or gay/lesbian.
Once again this is only one part of the large variety of a human character.

@Verinus, in the end the basic biological picture applies to an older world😛
In our world it is possible to have a child with the same sex.
That it becomes more and more "normality" is absolutely right.
Why should a child grow up totally confused? That a Christian from 1980 tells me something like this I expect, but no modern person 🙂
The complexes do not occur with a missing mother, but with a missing mother person.
Also a man can be a mother, just as a woman can be a man in this case.

Apart from that, this also exists in "nature". Animals do not behave differently 😛

Well said!

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