First of all I don't see this conversation as something anybody should justify themselves in. If these are your thoughts, well it's fine. It's not up to me to convince you or anyone else.
And I didn't say that you've denied anything. I ment it in general because it doesn't matter what arguments you serve while talking to stubborn people, they'll always find an argument against it.
First of all, this topic has been named "Opinion Homosexuality".
Everybody here was saying exactly the same as "That is normal", "that is natural", "I'm ok with it" ,etc...
For such discussion, could we say that this topic was useful... or even interesting ... Don't thing so... And that is why I came, to challenge a little bit what was thought here. And I'm glad that finally someone tried to response/discuss with me.
SO there are no questions about convincing anybody, it is just a question about explaining your point of view.
You are talking about Stubborn people "on my side", but did this topic show you stubborn people on "your side" ? People who, at least, didn't even try to discuss because "it is normal" and that's it. Is that a sign of stubbornness ?
Anyways, I suppose that you can't compare a lions behaviour to the behaviour of a human being that is way more developed in thinking and that has morals.
It is funny that your are talking about Human Moral on these Crisis Times... Finally, there is no a big step to make to come back to our primitive instincts as we could see...
But the purpose of this comparison was not to compare animal and human instinct... The purpose was only to show how stupid the argument "it is normal because it is found in nature" is...
This is a very emotional topic and to me it is actually not so much about biology and whether homosexuality is 'natural' or not. We as humans were all made naturally and we're all part of the nature devoted to it's rhythm. That's why I strongly believe that lgbt+ is absolutely natural.
But most importantly this topic is about acceptance in my eyes. When two people, no matter if they are two men, women or one man and one woman, love each other, support each other and want to spent the rest of their lives together, what on earth should speak against it?!
The arguments against it, are simply ridiculous and always based on norms made by society not nature.
No one will make any man marry another man or a woman marry another woman if they don't want to. Why should they?
Homosexuals won't try to turn you gay or lesbian, that's a prejudice. All they want is acceptance and a peaceful, happy life, just like everyone else.
All that matters is, don't matter what opinion we have, a conversation should always be held respectfully.
There is a big difference between Natural and Normal... A psychopath is natural but, in our society, abnormal (I think we could agree on this...). As I've already said and you too, normality is totally depending on arbitrary arguments (in some societies, marrying a 14yo girl to a >50yo man is totally natural... which could shocked many of us here...).
Personally, I don't have anything against homosexual cause, yes it is natural as you've said.
But, I stand against homosexual adoption.
I'm sorry for you but that is my opinion even if some straight parents are surely and totally worst than homosexual.
For those mistreated kids, there are plenty other straight couple that could and want to adopt before homosexual parents.
And finally, I'm 100% against all this "normalization" of homophilia. I think and respect all the homosexual but did not approved that we could make the "advertising" of it.
As a conclusion, I think that Homosexuality belongs to Paraphilia, but with a normal-greater tolerance than the others.
And, as I see a schizophrenic, I do, of course, not split on him nor insult him, but if he says to me that he is totally "normal" I would say to him that "even if he is natural, he is not normal; although it does not bother me nor really him if well controlled (for the case of Schizophrenia)."
As a gay, I think you can say what you want about homosexuality, you can hate lgbtq+ community but love needs to be respected and no one has to go against homosexuals' rights.
Who told you that you could have more rights than me ? "Homosexual rights ? You mean that you could have more tolerance about yourself ? You only have access to the general rights.
Positive discrimination is a mistake that only make growing frustration and hate against the "favored community".
So stop talking about Homosexuals' rights and simply say instead "our rights to be respected"...