I don't know much about Islam, But i want to know about, especially in this moment

Check this out as an introduction to Islam https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsmYQl3xy_Y

May be Islam is a wonderfull religion but I'm obliged to note that actually the more violent movements of terrorism or ideas the more obscurantist found their roots in the Holy Koran. It's a strange contradition.

I've heard many different things about Islam but never by a Muslim him/herself and I'm interested in other cultures so I'd be curious to know more ...

The Quran contains over a hundred verses that sanction violence
Quran (2:191-193) - "And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief or unrest] is worse than killing... but if they desist, then lo! Allah is forgiving and merciful. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah [disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah] and worship is for Allah alone. But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zalimun(the polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc.)"
Quran (3:56) - "As to those who reject faith, I will punish them with terrible agony in this world and in the Hereafter, nor will they have anyone to help."
Quran (3:151) - "Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers, for that they joined companions with Allah, for which He had sent no authority". This speaks directly of polytheists, yet it also includes Christians, since they believe in the Trinity (ie. what Muhammad incorrectly believed to be 'joining companions to Allah').

Basicly it says to kill me because I'm a Christian.

Well in that case christianity is no better. If you do what ever you read and take it as an order without thinking what that actually means is, that the problem is yours. The movies (especially from western world /christian world) tell you to kill and show very well an example of how to do it. For some movies can play a part of religion giving faith and guidance. So they should obey?
I think if there is God He he has created humans to be able to use their brain and sense of morality and ability to analyse what they read and what they deal with in this life. I think its built in us but we refuse to use it.
Most of the world of islam is in peace and it has been throughout the history the religion of peace.
The christian propaganda feeds to think otherwise and its sad that people do not want to find out the real knowledge but just feed themselves with what ever pleases them.
Christian religion if we look all throughout its history cannot possibly distinguish itself as a religion of peace and you must be able to admit that. Im a christian myself by religion and it gives me many advises and examples to be honest, it also tells not to make others deliberately be seen in bad light for no reason.

Islam is an ideology which despises human beings and its founder Mohamed was an mentally disturbed mass murderer.

Edited by Sigfried .

I never judge without knowing the facts and/or history. Islam is like the other main religions, they have the same end goals, but of course people go a bit to far and make up there own versions which then lead to widespread media panic. my rules are if there not bothering you don't bother them. after all they are supposed to follow the ten Judaism commandments like Christianity does, well 9 they miss out one for obvious reasons.

May be Islam is a wonderfull religion but I'm obliged to note that actually the more violent movements of terrorism or ideas the more obscurantist found their roots in the Holy Koran. It's a strange contradition.
Like any religion, Islam’s holy book can be misinterpreted for horrible actions, but that is not it’s purpose; we have seen racism take place because of how people misinterpreted the Bible. In the Quraan, terrorism has been forbidden; our prophet has also said that extremism is frowned upon.

Yes I know a lot, I'm very interested about teology



May be Islam is a wonderfull religion but I'm obliged to note that actually the more violent movements of terrorism or ideas the more obscurantist found their roots in the Holy Koran. It's a strange contradition.
Like any religion, Islam’s holy book can be misinterpreted for horrible actions, but that is not it’s purpose; we have seen racism take place because of how people misinterpreted the Bible. In the Quraan, terrorism has been forbidden; our prophet has also said that extremism is frowned upon.

Yes we have seen, in the past, racism because of the Bible, as we've seen racism because of Quran... (Slavery was not a unique "white crime" as some leftists trust... Slavery in Islamic world started way earlier than USA and still existing in some regions...)
The difference is that where Christianity world is trying to be more peaceful (I said TRYING not succeeding) , we tend to think the opposite with Quran...
And yes, of course, in the hamper of Islam, not all the apples are rotted... But in our times, all the rotted apples tend to come from the hamper of Islam...

And also, you can see the difference in development between Islamic and "Modern" World ...
All the developed Islamic regions were built by Western people because of oil (or other natural resource), while regions without oil were left aside (like Pakistan/Afghanistan located in/next to the British Empire, you could imagine than if any interesting natural element was found, the region would be more like Emirates than the current s*** )


And also, you can see the difference in development between Islamic and "Modern" World ...
All the developed Islamic regions were built by Western people because of oil (or other natural resource), while regions without oil were left aside (like Pakistan/Afghanistan located in/next to the British Empire, you could imagine than if any interesting natural element was found, the region would be more like Emirates than the current s*** )


OKay, i don't think that you checked history, where we find 'the dark ages' in europe, the muslim empire was in her golden ages and it was a period of cultural, economic, and scientific flourishing in the history of Islam and they developed lot of diffrent concepts as literature, philosophy , mathematics ..ect they made lot of inventions and exprementation which helped the world to be as it is now by translating all these science into other languages to benefit all the world . by the way there is a british movie about the golden age and so many books to learn about that. and you cannot interpret the coran easily you need to go deep into it and understand the real meanings .

I have a lot of muslim friends and I'm really interested in different religions. I think that in todays world muslim people are often discriminated, for there are different extremistic parts of the Islam, which are very difficult and aggressive. But I think that most muslims are very nice and intelligent. Anyway I think that I would like to learn more about it. 😉

I think Islam along with all the other religions of the world (Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism etc.) have only ruined the human being

I don't know a lot about it but it doesn't sound fair for women

And also, you can see the difference in development between Islamic and "Modern" World ...
All the developed Islamic regions were built by Western people because of oil (or other natural resource), while regions without oil were left aside (like Pakistan/Afghanistan located in/next to the British Empire, you could imagine than if any interesting natural element was found, the region would be more like Emirates than the current s*** )


OKay, i don't think that you checked history, where we find 'the dark ages' in europe, the muslim empire was in her golden ages and it was a period of cultural, economic, and scientific flourishing in the history of Islam and they developed lot of diffrent concepts as literature, philosophy , mathematics ..ect they made lot of inventions and exprementation which helped the world to be as it is now by translating all these science into other languages to benefit all the world . by the way there is a british movie about the golden age and so many books to learn about that. and you cannot interpret the coran easily you need to go deep into it and understand the real meanings .
May be the Muslim world had a golden age between the eighth and the eleven century but what invention or scientific discovery of the modern world was made by a Muslim mind? Electronic? Relativity? Evolution law? Motor? Television? Telephone? Computer? Genetic? Travel to the Moon? They never evolved since a long time... Human rights or democracy also are certainly not a Muslim invention. Of course the majority of Muslim are very nice people. But this religion seems to be a real handicap for those who want to have an open-mind.

And also, you can see the difference in development between Islamic and "Modern" World ...
All the developed Islamic regions were built by Western people because of oil (or other natural resource), while regions without oil were left aside (like Pakistan/Afghanistan located in/next to the British Empire, you could imagine than if any interesting natural element was found, the region would be more like Emirates than the current s*** )


OKay, i don't think that you checked history, where we find 'the dark ages' in europe, the muslim empire was in her golden ages and it was a period of cultural, economic, and scientific flourishing in the history of Islam and they developed lot of diffrent concepts as literature, philosophy , mathematics ..ect they made lot of inventions and exprementation which helped the world to be as it is now by translating all these science into other languages to benefit all the world . by the way there is a british movie about the golden age and so many books to learn about that. and you cannot interpret the coran easily you need to go deep into it and understand the real meanings .
May be the Muslim world had a golden age between the eighth and the eleven century but what invention or scientific discovery of the modern world was made by a Muslim mind? Electronic? Relativity? Evolution law? Motor? Television? Telephone? Computer? Genetic? Travel to the Moon? They never evolved since a long time... Human rights or democracy also are certainly not a Muslim invention. Of course the majority of Muslim are very nice people. But this religion seems to be a real handicap for those who want to have an open-mind.
here is a short article about muslim inventions http://edition.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/meast/01/29/muslim.inventions/index.html , and check this one also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_inventions_in_the_medieval_Islamic_world because if i started talking about how muslims changed the world and even the modern world i wouldn't stop, human rights! and democracy! there are lot of things you must check before you talk about, if you want to know how islam treat humans here is an article https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/religionglobalsociety/2018/06/islam-and-human-rights-clash-or-compatibility/#:~:text=%E2%80%9CIslam%20has%20laid%20down%20some,justice%20are%20basic%20Islamic%20rights. and of course it is nt enough because islam is more than that, i don't know your ideas about islam is based on what but i am sure that you don't know it well.