how to learn english

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Aho Aho

I wanna improve my english, especially in speaking and reading, i don;t know how to start it

Find someone here to talk with. This site made more for my english than school xD

Write with someone, send voice messages if feel comfortable, and use translator for things You don't know or have doubts about.

hi nice too meet you

Find someone here to talk with. This site made more for my english than school xD

Write with someone, send voice messages if feel comfortable, and use translator for things You don't know or have doubts about.


Just try, experiment and don't be afraid of making "mistakes" for nobody will judge your English.

I wanna improve my english, especially in speaking and reading, i don;t know how to start it
Watch YouTube videos in English. First start with subtitles on, then when you become Better at It, subtitles off. I did so and I already read various books in English and also watch films like so