How to stay awake without coffee🙈🙈🙈 English


Keep moving.


just keep some parts of your body really works.

additionally,to eat something,to chew,to swallow

Amphetamine always works for me

Amphetamine always works for me
Amphetamine? Is may have some disadvantages in your health.

Take exercise and recite something

There is an old Chinese saying that the head cantilever cone piercing the strand, you can try it。

stay with the people you love

Amphetamine? Is may have some disadvantages in your health.
Sure so what? Nowadays kids don't understand that primary goal of every self-destructive behaviour is self-destruction 😛

My tip is small naps during the day. Not often, but maybe like two naps of just 15 minutes or not more than 20 minutes every week feels very nice and it gives a lot of energy.

Like when you are at home or in a break and you can find a nice quiet place and nobody disturbs you or you have a friend who is staying with you and she is scrolling on phone or watches a series on her mobile and you just take the mini nap. It is a good idea to try to get more energy!! 🙂 😛

Go to bed early and get up early.

coffee doesn't work for me 😭😭😭 what do you guys usually do to avoid dozing off😂
a redbull

be excite, be stress, be overthink

Edited by mayuuram .

play computer games

i hate coffe

I don't drink coffee, never