Sorry, my english is bad, but i'll try to explain a little my vision of america! maybe it will not the truth, but it's my vision!
In my opinion, it's not american's who are bad! An american is same as an other man from Europa, Africa, Asia, etc... From France where i'm, my opinion about USA is bad. But i say against USA and not against USA citizen's!
Why ?
because a people become what he is in fonction of his education. And problem is that in america, it's the lobby and the financial men who stay in shade who hold tight the real power! It's not politicians who command, but the men who keep money! result is that american citizens can elected all politician they want, from every political ideas, the real politic will stay the same, because it's the Firm interests who guide the political program! If a politician want to stopped the "gun trade" he is confronted at a lobby as national riffle association by exemple, or other associations more or less official who make pressure!
what i want to say here, it's that it's the same in all in america: all is govern by monetary interests. and to put about message, financials use TV, medias, propaganda, etc... result is that american population begin to trust what it say to him by propaganda. but american citizens are inocents: they are manipulated by politics, themselves manipulated by lobby and financial interests... it begin to be the same in France since 15 years, since economical europe is building and i'm against this politic of my own country!
I'm happy that a little part of american population see clear in this game, but they are not a lot!
So, american citizens are closed in a way of life dictate by lobby who create a feeling of fear: idea they create is "we are in the best world possible, and a lot of people want to destroy our system! so we have to bring them our "civilisation", our way of life.
And when other people than americans see in their country arrived a lot of american investment in their country, they feel their economy is colonisated! and if you control economy of a country, you control this country!
about terrorism, in my opinion, america who agravate situation: the fire engender the fire! so when american army destroy a village in IraQ, it's a big advertising for terrorists! solution is not the war!
To finish, i can resume it in 2 sentences: what american are often see as bad in the world ?
Because as France or great-britain knew their period of colonisation and the people colonized protested, it's today the turn of america to be in position of power, and america, governed by lobby profite of it to install her "soft-power" in all country(a sort of neo-colonization), or to play at the police in the world by the war (the "evilness-axis" is an invention!) and the result in the world is the reject of this american power in their country!
Personally, when i see a country young of 300 years old teach a lessson at a 3 000 years old country (Iraq - mesopotamia) i laugh! and don't say they are right but we are not better then them! only dialogue and understanding could create good prospects. i have nothing against americans, but against their politic in the world dicted by lobby!
each people is free !