do u believe in god ? write here why?

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Well, I don't really like going to the church if you know what I mean.
I believe there is a God, but not Jesus.

Anyway, I hate when people say that just because I don't believe him I am a bad person and I like that "other guy". It's so stupid!
It doesn't matter our religion, but our actions: we have to try to be better people everyday 😁

Yes, I do. he created all of us. We did not become from nothing. Look at sea,earth, moon ,stars, tres, flowers, rain, sun. How do u think it happened? Only God can make it. Man has only made things to fight with.
yeah rahil is right and im absolutely agreed with him.have you ever thought who made this wonderful enormous world?theres only one.the almighty.some people say theres no righteous religion which can lead us to right way.well i cant say anything cuz its their oppinion but ok here, everyone believes in you think thats the end of life?think about the life after death.well you know heaven and hell.what do you think this supposed to be?or maybe theres some of us who doesnt belive in this thing too but naa..they all know whats best for their lives.

ps.i dont want this matter to be taken seriously.its just what i think of.plz no hard feeling if i say something which against your oppinion.thx sweatdrop

I agree that humans suck and that's what i wanted to show when i wrote that.
Religions are human, not divine.
If there's a god like you describe Him, do you think there's any religion which is right?
Well, maybe the question would be why such a religion would be right.

God loves us, but we are unable to truly love someone

He is righteous, but we are unable to be completely fair

He is good, and we are unable to fully stop being evil

See its just like dating someone. He is truly in love with us and wants to date us, but to us because of our very nature, He is invisible, like someone else in the hallway at school. But he seeks us you know? He is really crazy in love. Like when all of the sudden we wonder about God, or when we listen to Bach, or when you have a garden and feel so happy when it rains and so happy when its sunny, both opposites but its good for your plants. But even if we tried to hace a relationship, we're not good enough. We don't even get it, like the whole idea of this world.

So the "right" religion would be the one that'd let us have that relationship, with a God that is willing to forget all our stupid actions and our imperfections, but this can only happen if we actually feel like loving someone so much you don't wanna hurt that Person, even if its impossible but we'd do anything to stop it.
There needs to be a special trick though, for we selfish beings to embrace that God. In addition, this religion would still make you take a decision, and face the outcome like in real life.

You know what i mean?

Well thats exactly what Chirtianity is about, Jesus' sacrifice being the ·trick·

This is simply what I believe.

Edited by grama.Lunar .

I respect what you believe in. But that's not my opinion. So, convince me, answering to my questions :
1 => Why do you think that "somebody" created the world ? According to me, it needs no one to create itself.
2=> Why does the pope doesn't want men to use condums? It could save many poeple, you know?
3 =>I think that what you call god is only moments of happyness we feel in all days life... Does god create hapiness hormones? (sorry for this stupid question)
4 => If there's a god, why doesn' he help more poeple on earth?
( i have another questions that i'll ask you later, if you want)

Edited by Vandien .
I respect what you believe in. But that's not my opinion. So, convince me, answering to my questions :
1 => Why do you think that "somebody" created the world ? According to me, it needs no one to create itself.
2=> Why does the pope doesn't want men to use condums? It could save many poeple, you know?
3 =>I think that what you call god is only moments of happyness we feel in all days life... Does god create hapiness hormones? (sorry for this stupid question)
4 => If there's a god, why doesn' he help more poeple on earth?
( i have another questions that i'll ask you later, if you want)
Does that mean you'll believe me if i answer? I'd be more than glad to answer then, but don't believe me, believe God. Why don't you ask Him some other time?

So to your questions. First i would like to ask you, are you willing to believe you may be wrong? or perhaps just confused? anyways...

1= well, why wouldn't the world need someone to create it? i mean matter simply does not pop out of nowhere does it? The existence of Life makes no sense at all, i mean why would life happen? and all of this world is so beautifully and finely created. Can you explain feelings? Can you explain the perfection in mathematics? the delicate and perfect values of the fundamental particles and more amazingly the fundamental energies? The universe as we know it wouldn't exists if protons had just .02 times more of the strong nuclear force they possess. i don't expect you to understand that. I don't even want to prove to you someone created the world. i just want you to think, how illogical is it that all of the world popped out of nowhere?

2= well i dont know about the pope but i'm pretty sure what he really is not into is people having sex before they marry. not exactly the condom thing. just no sex before marriage. sex was meant to be a special and private ritual, secret, enjoyment or whatever between to persons really in love forever.

3= see, happiness hormones exactly do not exist. or it depends on your definition of happiness. But sure God created hormones. He surely created happiness. I mean he created you. He is a cool God.

4=Because people don't usually ask for it. They rather hate God, for some reason. And other people want God to be good to them, but they still wanna do bad stuff. God gave people the ability to choose their actions. if not he would've made us like slaves. He is a nice God. But we chose to do evil and to ignore him. But if we chose him, he really helps. He helped me, and many people i know in amazing ways. He can help you. He can help anyone. Thats why you see missionaries everywhere. we are giving people the ultimate cure and he ultimate love.

that was a long post sorry...

Edited by grama.Lunar .

I totaly think that religion has been created by human. Human neede something or someone to trust in. And governement needed it like a police. Someone who really trust in good do not kill, do not steal.... Someone who really believe in the message of Jesus or Mohamed can't be a killer.

Politics used religion to have more power. Jesus would not be happy if he could see what hapened with the religions war, the some pope were happy to do.

If there is a God (I don't think so, but if.), religions are useless, and they lie. Who could say that he has the answer....

---French-touch, that's exactly what I think--

"1= well, why wouldn't the world need someone to create it? i mean matter simply does not pop out of nowhere does it?"
===> Why not ? So, stupid question again, if universe was made by someone, who made this "someone"?
"2= well i dont know about the pope but i'm pretty sure what he really is not into is people having sex before they marry. not exactly the condom thing. just no sex before marriage. sex was meant to be a special and private ritual, secret, enjoyment or whatever between to persons really in love forever."
===>Well, tell me what's bad with having sex before to get married...
"3= happiness hormones exactly do not exist".
===>Sorry, it does.
Well i'm not a believer, and i'll never be a believer. Honestly, my first aim when i posted a message on this forum was to show to everybody that God do not exist, but that was stupid. I have to respect what you think and what you believe in, and i'll stop to try to show it to you.
To finish, here's my definition of god : poeple always needeed to believe in something, to give meaning to their existence or to their death, and to explain things they couldn't understand. Politics and leaders used this fact to lead more poeple, to control them, to give them rules and limits, and hope.(To me Jesus didn't believe he was the son of a god, he just tried to make the world better, and that's why i respect him a lot). That was a good thing but today we don't need it any more. And poeple like the pope use old rules to lead a world that don't need them any more.

Edited by Vandien .

actually, I dont really know if I belive in god. it just isn't one of those things i think about all of the time. and i don't think you should... first of all, consider: will believing in god and trying to follow his rules make you a better person?
if the answer is yes, ... I have met people who went from a life with drugs to a (much better) life with god. they had nothing, but god made them happy, and gave them something to believe in.

but my answer to the question is more like, live for the moment, believe in what you have. live for mankind, live for yourself and the people you love. don't waste your life.

everyone has a right to live eftr their own standards (:

When you speak about taking drugs... I think that when you take drugs, that is because you have nothing to hold... To go out of there, you need something that you can not see, you need believe in something. You need a god.

Religions are kinda unless stuff. They have a lot of absurd rules made by humans themselves. most religons are opposed to changes and it makes more miserable people lives,anyway they never will agree about that. But God is not religion, has no rules, I think. It must be something more personal, a free choice... A song says:
"...Religion is only a method with title: "don't think, everything was written before"
In the world there are more religions than happy children...
Jesus thought: "I'm going to become invisible, so people'll stop talking about me and help to others..."

I don't believe in god. I think world would be better if there wasn't any religion. There wouldn't be 9/11, 7/7, Crusades, Arab-Jewish War, Jewish Genocide, India-Pakistan War or Bin Ladin or Taliban and all the problems about the religion. Philosophers indicated there's no god nearly definately. (If you know how you can look at Richard Dawkins's last book "The God Delusion") Universe doesn't need a controller, it has an own motor; battle of opposite power. Everything in nature is its product (for example: I ask someone his or her name. This is because of contradiction of my wish for know the name and my ignorance about that name. This is the motor for my question. This is not a god. Just like a cell's system; a side and its opposite side.) I think religion is like drug, it's not necessary. It's not neccessary for ethics or anything.

Maybe you want to how did first living creature come into existence. You think there must be a creator. But you forget something; science's infinity. You forget perhaps we don't know that now but maybe we will understand it a hundred years later. Who knows? We wouldn't understand raining event 150 years ago, but every primary school student can explain its causes. Don't forget; an age's religion is literary plaything for next age. Just like Greek myths. Ancient Greeks believed them, but now, we know it's a nonsense.

I totaly think that religion has been created by human. Human neede something or someone to trust in. And governement needed it like a police. Someone who really trust in good do not kill, do not steal.... Someone who really believe in the message of Jesus or Mohamed can't be a killer.

Politics used religion to have more power. Jesus would not be happy if he could see what hapened with the religions war, the some pope were happy to do.

If there is a God (I don't think so, but if.), religions are useless, and they lie. Who could say that he has the answer....

Yes, religions were created by humans...but does that mean that it HAS to be bad? Don't you "believe in Man", French-Touch? 🙂
Maybe some of us do trust in religions (but it's not necessary to trust to follow the traditions)'d be so much better, if we stop following the customs and traditions blindly and learn the reasons (they were created by our ancestors...most of them probably have a meaning), then follow it only if we want to and feel that it's still valid in our time. Freedom is important. I'm telling all this cos in Hinduism (that's the religion that I was born into and I know some things about it), we have many traditions...most people don't know the real meaning of them, but follow them blindly...they have done a lot of good. (unless we misuse them) E.g. caring for animals and thanking our Islam, there's giving alms to the Christianity,'s there for us to take the good! See? Not all of the 'religious' (to me they aren't "religious"...just knowledge passed on from our ancestors) 'rules' (I'd prefer calling it something other than 'rules') are absurd! Religions aren't useless! They don't HAVE to lie! And, they aren't necessary to lead an ethical life!!! I can practice forgiveness, without following Christianity, too.
Maybe religions have created problems...but aren't they, essentially, OUR mistakes? I'm intolerant to Islam (say), so I go and hurt a Muslim. It's my mistake...I don't think any religion asks us to hurt any other person, other religion or not. But, some religious leaders do spread bad things. I don't worship a religion or a religious leader or something, but I don't think a religion's necessarily bad. Ha!!! I tell you, man fights all the time...religion is just a tool. If you don't have religions, why can't we fight on "nationality basis"? I'll start fights using "race basis" or anything else!
I don't think atheists have to hate religions, do they? Cos I don't! 😉
P.S: In short, religions aren't necessary for living, but they certainly didn't cause wars and they aren't useless! 🙂 Phew! That'a lot of writing! 😃

About the creation of the Universe and it's perfection...Who created this Universe which is so perfect? Time!!! Evolution! Because the protons were that size only, our Universe became what it's now! It's not the other way round-Universe was created by God and He made the proton in the right size! Because Oxygen was present only, life evolved depending on oxygen! Not that "oxygen, which is essential for life, was present" and so life was born taking in the oxygen! Meaning that, life would have evolved no matter what gas was present, maybe it'd have taken a different shape, but it'd have evolved! We're nothing but "star dust"...stars died and earth was formed...I'm formed from this earth elements...i.e. "star dust". It's crazy, I know! 😃
I hope you get what I mean!

RainGoddess, how can you say that religions aren't causes of wars? Do you know what is 9/11? Did Bin Ladin do this horrible thing for "nationality basis" or something? There are thousands of wars because of religions. This is scary... And that's a fixed idea: Always there is a war in the world. This is not a correct idea. If you destroy sources of the wars, world will be a better place. Don't you agree?

And you say; thre must be creator. Why? Yeah, you think protons could be larger, I think so. And this time, all the System(I mean Universe) would be different. It would be a different start so things would go different. Maybe there wouldn't be living creatures. Maybe there wouldn't be earth or Solar System. Maybe there wouldn't be any planet in Universe. BUT THERE WOULD BE A UNIVERSE JUST DIFFERENT THAN NOW'S. There would be a system after all. Only side is that system would be different.

Religions are fable, they are fetters of free human idea. Because religions say that we are slaves of gods or Jesus or Allah or something like this. They say we can't change anything because God is in control and we are poor creatures near God. They have lots of delusions. For example; God makes destiny, -he or she or it- knows your end, knows everything about nature and you, but sends you to the world to test you to what you will do. It knows that are you a sinner or a good servant, but it needs to make a test for you. What a nonsense!

I tell again; we can't understand something about the universe for now. but maybe we'll learn every answer about the universe later 100 years. Who knows? Can you prove opposite? What a silly idea;"We can't understand something about the universe, so there may be a god. There must be a director." Our science is improving and I think one day it will explain evertything.

RainGoddess, yeah it's true. I don't like religions and I still say world would be better if there weren't any religion. But I am secular. Do you know secularism? I'm respectful to people who believe in god and a religion, but I don't like religions. I just want a powerful evidence about god's existince. Can you show me? I just want one of them? Please somebody show me...

At last, I AM ATHEIST AND MY LIFE IS ETHICAL. I don't know about your country, but here in Turkey, there are too many people that who is believing Allah but doing bad things like burglary, smoking(it's banned in Islam) telling lies. I think people are believing God because they think it's obligatory. They think they will be "isolated" or "excluded" from community.

I hope I could tell something impressive for people's fixed brains.

Edited by efrasyab .

Efrasyab, you've got me completely wrong! 🙂 I don't believe in God! I'm an atheist, like you! I believe in Science, like you! I don't believe that someone's out there, controlling or directing me, it's my life, my choices! I'm Secular, dad and mom belive in God, most of my friends do...I don't mind them believing in God, as long as they don't force me to believe in God!
But...I don't agree with what you and most athiests here say about religions. Yes, I again say that religions aren't the "causes" of war. We, humans, just use religions as a "tool"...Jewish-Genocide (which killed much more people than 9/11) was mainly based on "racial superority". Hitler considered people outside the Aryan race, to be inferior to him. He considered Germany to be the best nation in the world. And, he was especially against Judaism and Jews. What I'm telling is that, if religions didn't exist, we'd use something else as the "tool" for fighting...nationality or race or anything, really!
Sorry, but I'm afraid I don't agree with you.. no123 we just cannot destroy the sources of war...cos we'll keep coming up with new ways to start a war. We need to realise that wars are futile and really want peace...only then will wars be stopped.
I believe in Big Bang for now. I agree that some system (a different Universe or something) would have existed even if the protons were larger in size. We (scientists and humans, in general) can't define "life" or "planet" properly for, we'll just have to wait till we actually come up with reasonable definitions for them. 🙂
Maybe, religions are just exagerrated "real" things...rather than complete fables! Maybe there was a Jesus, who was just a very good, forgiving human, whom, people worshipped cos of his good nature. In Hinduism, Gods (yes, it's plural) have most of Human me, they're just Humans, but they've been blown out of proportion. Hindu Gods and Goddesses make mistakes, are playful (Child when they're just little children...there's Lord Krishna who "steals" butter from the kitchen and eats), Lord Murugan ran away from home and sat on a hill cos his brother won in a contest-of-sorts (believe me!!! I'm telling the truth! Promise! 😃 ) and, just, human!!! But, during the passage of time, people manupulated the facts for their own benefits. And, that's why they appear as fables and contain some really stupid ideas (like destiny created and changes are bad and that God controls us) . That's what I think! 😉
And, definitely, we aren't slaves of Gods! Just because some of these (most of them, perhaps) religious "leaders" go about talking rubbish and ordering us about, doesn't mean that a religion is bad. I don't like religious leaders at all...but there must be some of the good ones. I hope! 🙂
Yes, you are probably right...people think it's obligatory to belive in God. Or at least they do the rituals just cos everybody does them. But, those people do bad things. 🙁 But, really, very few have the nerve to think and act different! Accept it! I'm not supporting them, but, sometimes, I'm afraid of being the only different person too...maybe, it's human nature or something. 001_unsure
If you still think that sources of war can be abolished and then wars will stop, answer these questions please. How can I erase my Dravidian racial identity? What if I didn't want to? What if I wanted to remain an Indian? Then, how do you say we stop wars?
I write way too much! 😃

RainGoddess, you say there are every time a war in the world. This is not true. This is methaphysics. You say we can't do anything for hinder the wars. I mean this is a fetter to free idea. This is fatalism. You say like a pope "Nothing is different under the sun". We must struggle for peace. And a way for that is to destroy their sources.

In my country, people depend on Kemalist. Kemalism's leader is Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. And he says "If you are a Turk, at first you must be feel yourself as a Turk" . I believe in this. And so if you say you are not a Dravidian, you are a Dravidian. If you don't, so you are not a Dravidian.

For a month I won't be able to be online, so I'm afraid I won!t be able to answer about this topic. Bye RainGoddess, it is really taughtful with dispute with you.

Well, I'll take again what I said. Raingodess if something isn’t necessary that condition doesn’t make it useless? But well, freedom is important, everyone is free to follow a religion or not. Nevertheless, forgiveness, tolerance, gratitude, respect for nature etc, etc aren’t religion. They are human values. Religions are closely connected with their god or gods, because they were born from the belief in something divine and supernatural, their natural mission is find sense, meaning to what people misunderstand. But wait, Religion is like politics is or culture... and so. Then it has to get its own resolutions. Those resolutions contain different ‘things’, values are into those things. It has a social intention, simplifying, for instance recompense, punishment, resignation appear. Trying to keep the order. Ok, affirmation I said above was quite shallow. Humans need systems to strengthen their social connections, convictions. Maybe, religion is part of that, so it isn’t totally useless. Other people prefer choosing other system. It’s valid too. There are absurd ‘rules’, e.g. to clothe this way and not other one
Well, religions cause wars. I wouldn’t say it’s not religion but human mistakes because it isn’t an individual entity, it is human creation and essence. Politics, economical interests, anything can cause a war. Then, extremist religious points of view or just religion aren’t the only reason of all wars, that’s a fact. The world without religion wouldn’t be better or worse. A believer isn’t better than an atheist vice versa. In any case, everybody believes in something, maybe doesn’t realise it.
And...I'm not an atheist

yinyang I am going to start out by being extremely frank. I beleive with my whole heart that anyone who does not beleive in Jesus Christ will go to hell. I beleive that someday Jesus will come back to earth and take his fallowers up to heaven and for 7 years all the non beleivers will live in chaos on earth. I beleive this will happen before the earth is swallowed by the sun or before the CO2 in the ozone kills us or however that story goes.
I do think that science has a point. They are just not 100% correct. Only Jesus knows all. He made this earth so we could live and learn about it. There are different stories on how the world was created. But has no one ever thought that the big bang was God's doing? He has the power and always will.
Long Live the Christ who saves and lives! yinyang

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