"other" option for gender

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Having just the binary sexes as options is exclusive to to a lot of groups (non-binary, genderfluid, agender, intersex etc). I'm not suggesting that there is an option for all of these just that there is an other option where you could write your gender yourself.
If that is too "political" than another suggestion would be; don't force people to set a gender because that really is the biggest issue here. You are forcing people who don't identify with a binary gender to set one of them on their profile.

Also, gender is not political. It doesn't affect anybody but the person who's gender it is. On this website, you can choose not to chat with someone, if a person doesn't like that someone is non-binary than they can just choose not to talk to that person.

Edited by Wren .

It can be used as a synonym of "sex", so I don't see the problem. As for hermaphrodites, those are rare enough and mostly with a dominant trait, so they could pick the dominant, or just play head or tail.


It can be used as a synonym of "sex", so I don't see the problem. As for hermaphrodites, those are rare enough and mostly with a dominant trait, so they could pick the dominant, or just play head or tail.

OK first, words can have different meaning depending on the way they are being used. I was obviously using the word gender to differentiate from biological sex.
Hermophroditism or intersex (the more modern term) is actually not that uncommon, its about the same percentage of the population that has red hair, so about 1-2% of people are intersex. And, just because someone has a dominant trait they don't have to pick a binary gender, even though many do.

As for the definition of gender: either of the two sexes (male and female), especially when considered with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones. The term is also used more broadly to denote a range of identities that do not correspond to established ideas of male and female.
There you go a different definition. The point is, there are a bunch of different dictionaries with a bunch of different definitions. Words are defined by how people use them, and in the current day and age people are using gender to refer to gender identity and sex to refer to biological sex. So if you needed a definition for this then there you go.

Finally, why do you care if a feature like this is added? It doesn't affect you negatively in anyway, but it would affect other people positively. Personally, I have and continue to struggle with my gender identity, and it is horrible, it is crushing to have these two options that you feel so disconnected from, you have no answer to how you feel cause there seemlingly isn't one. I am not a boy, but I hate my name and voice and feminity of them. I feel so disconnected from my self and it feels impossible to know myself. Even, on this website having, having essentially a female persona, it seems small and like it wouldn't affect anything but its invalidating and it just adds to all the confusion.

So that is why I am saying that there doesn't need to be a bunch of other options, you just shouldn't be forced to put your gender at the top of your profile.

OK first, words can have different meaning depending on the way they are being used. I was obviously using the word gender to differentiate from biological sex.
And I remind you that it could be a simple synonym.

Hermophroditism or intersex (the more modern term) is actually not that uncommon, its about the same percentage of the population that has red hair, so about 1-2% of people are intersex.
Contested numbers, and with a strict definition, you could lower this to ~0,02% (1/5000). If it's about 0,02%. More serious numbers with not an as reductive definition as the previous would be ~0,4%, or 1/250 person.

And, just because someone has a dominant trait they don't have to pick a binary gender, even though many do.
If it's a synonym of sex, then taking the dominant phenotype seems just legit. If it's about gender dysphoria now, then they could still pick either the other one, or play head or tail or change whenever they want just like I did.

As for the definition of gender: either of the two sexes (male and female), especially when considered with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones. The term is also used more broadly to denote a range of identities that do not correspond to established ideas of male and female.
There you go a different definition. The point is, there are a bunch of different dictionaries with a bunch of different definitions. Words are defined by how people use them, and in the current day and age people are using gender to refer to gender identity and sex to refer to biological sex. So if you needed a definition for this then there you go.
I took the first link I had, I'm not here to do cherry picking or anything else, but it seems that google shows the definition you copy pasted.
Still, I'd argue that this is an anglosaxon/american concept mostly. Futhermore, for the social sciences, you'd have to acknowledge the pertinence of the term, but considering how full of flaws gender studies is (crappy methodology, ideology being blatant...), and how it sometimes attempt to make a clear distinction between the social and the biological despite of the evidences that show that being transgender, for instance, is biologically influenced, I'd be cautious with all of this.

Finally, why do you care if a feature like this is added?
I don't care. I told you that the problem you point out can be seen as a non problem.

It doesn't affect you negatively in anyway, but it would affect other people positively.
Only if you make them care about it and a so called expectation of being male or female. I personally don't give a shit if people think I've "feminine traits/behaviours" or if I can't find the Breton territory among the countries while one could find Palestine, western sahara, French guyana, Réunion... Same for not being able to put it in the language list.
Once again, if you care about only can it be positive, and yet, I honestly find it sad if some group of people need a random website from the internet providing them "psotivie" feelings with a features because of how superficial it is.

Personally, I have and continue to struggle with my gender identity, and it is horrible, it is crushing to have these two options that you feel so disconnected from, you have no answer to how you feel cause there seemlingly isn't one.
I suppose "horrible" is an exagerration, else, I'd suggest you to seek for help because a distress for a feature on the internet seems to be a bit of an extreme reaction to a small event. On my part, I feel very disconnected to France and other countries, yet I don't find it "horrible" not to be able to show off a Kroaz du or a Gwenn ha du here for the simple fact that I know who I am, and that not being able to show it won't change anything to that very fact. Same for my gender obviously since I don'(t care about being labeled as a female.

I am not a boy, but I hate my name and voice and feminity of them
Well, then use your second name? If you have multiple names including male and females, that's just a bonus. Else, get a new one; among which you could eventually pick an epicene name for example (Camille works fine in French). As for the voice, you're the one describing it as feminine and it's up to you to accept yourself the way you are or not, and to eventually change it when it's possible, but I don't see how an option on a small website would change anything to this.

Even, on this website having, having essentially a female persona, it seems small and like it wouldn't affect anything but its invalidating and it just adds to all the confusion
To you.

Last but not least, I'm not against having a third option or being able to just not fill that part, but if there is no such feature, then I don't think it's a big deal at all because it could just be seen with another angle.

Just a reminder, I am asking to be able to not put a gender not necessarily add more options.

1. Biological links or reasons for people being non binary are unimportant, the proof of its existence in the fact there are enough people to have a quite widely known term for it.

2. For someone who doesn’t care you are arguing a lot against it

3. I did not say it have positive feeling, I said it would give a positive affect. As in it takes away the negative affects. It is not superficial either, firstly there was a forum for comments and suggestions so I’m not exactly going out of my way to ask for this. Secondly, you think it’s sad that some people want this, well a lot of people struggling with gender are sad they’re depressed, and it’s not particularly pleasant when your constantly seeing little things that remind you of it. It’s accumulation.

4. This event isn’t horrible, I was referring to dysphoria as horrible.

5. I do see a therapist, I don’t know why you’re assuming that I wouldn’t have

6. … I am using a different name, Wren is a gender neutral name.

7. You are saying I need to find a way to accept myself as I am, that is literally the point of a non binary gender identity. It’s working out how you feel and what you are I guess. And as I said before, the website just adds to accumulation of a bunch of things.

8. What angle, “oh these people have found away to express their gender identity which makes them happy, let’s pretend they don’t exist”

9. “To you” sure, but there are literally other requests for this on the website.

1. Biological links or reasons for people being non binary are unimportant, the proof of its existence in the fact there are enough people to have a quite widely known term for it.
So? I was talking about how gender is sometimes described, making a clear separation between biology and sociology making the whole definition arguable.

2. For someone who doesn’t care you are arguing a lot against it
Where did I argue against it?

3. I did not say it have positive feeling, I said it would give a positive affect. As in it takes away the negative affects.
Then what positive/negative affect if it's not about your feelings? You said that you felt

It is not superficial either, firstly there was a forum for comments and suggestions so I’m not exactly going out of my way to ask for this.
When I said superficial, I meant giving importance to this website specifically and get positively or negatively affected because of a small feature. I haven't denied your right or the pertinence of your request to be here, I denied the importance of it and the strict view you apply to the choice of a gender (so far, I haven't transformed into a woman or felt anything wrong since I switched it...)

Secondly, you think it’s sad that some people want this, well a lot of people struggling with gender are sad they’re depressed, and it’s not particularly pleasant when your constantly seeing little things that remind you of it. It’s accumulation.
Ok, but if it's sadness, then you'll just keep being sad in case you can't change it? If so, maybe it's time to change your angle/viewpoint/philosophy?
If you're depressed, wouldn't you rather need help, especially in case it doesn't change?
What you seem to say here is that you'd act on the symptoms rather than on the roots of the problem...

4. This event isn’t horrible, I was referring to dysphoria as horrible.
Then I don't see how a feature would fix it. Englight me please.

5. I do see a therapist, I don’t know why you’re assuming that I wouldn’t have
I'm not omniscient, and I didn't think of adding "if you aren't already" or something like that.

6. … I am using a different name, Wren is a gender neutral name.
Again, I'm not omniscient, plus I don't see what's the problem if you already use an epicene name. I mean, as far as I know, your name isn't written on your face so you can basically use the one you want in most of cases.

7. You are saying I need to find a way to accept myself as I am, that is literally the point of a non binary gender identity. It’s working out how you feel and what you are I guess. And as I said before, the website just adds to accumulation of a bunch of things.
I'm only saying to accept yourself the way you are ot not depends on you, not to find a way to do so. If you already know who you are and accept it, then it doesn't matter what others think or say about it, neither if there is something or not about a tiny part of your individuality, unless you live only though your "non-binarism" or a specific population.

8. What angle, “oh these people have found away to express their gender identity which makes them happy, let’s pretend they don’t exist”
The one I mentionned in my first post for example; that gender can be used as a synonym for sex in some case, or that you could just not care much about it, or that you could consider it differently from pretending it doesn't exist, the same way you can see it like a way to pretend that non-binary people dont exist, that it's a form of opression/discrimination, that it is made to divide humanity or other viewpoints. If you want to trigger or find a bad thing about it, you always can, the same way you can always find it to be good enough just like I do now.

9. “To you” sure, but there are literally other requests for this on the website.
I only clicked on this one. If others said that a feature is invalidating or that it just adds to all the confusion, I'd probably say the same.

Edited by Lianshen .

I agree. We need an 'other' gender option

In fact, I'm astonished about the fact that a 3rd option wasn't able yet. The thing is, even if you feel female in a XY body or male in a XY body, sometimes, people don't feel neither one nore the other. And sisgender can be influenced by the way the profile is written. For example, some people want to talk only with males or females (more often women who want to have female pen friends but it itn't an absolute thing), but maybe they can be opened to other kind of genders. Some people might say that you can precize your gender in your profile, but some people don't really look at all the informations. As a sisgendered male, I'm not personally concerned about it, but I think that a global third possibility could be a good idea.


Your gender is required, just like your age or location are. To provide some context: it isn't just for who you wish to be, but mostly for other members to choose who they would like to interact with based on these profile properties. As much as we encourage conversations with people from different countries/cultures/backgrounds, there needs to be explicit parameters available for filtering based on the physical world in order to maintain trust.
Eg: some people are only comfortable interacting with people of the same gender, or people around the same age.

As a result, there is no third gender and it will not become an option.



Your gender is required, just like your age or location are. To provide some context: it isn't just for who you wish to be, but mostly for other members to choose who they would like to interact with based on these profile properties. As much as we encourage conversations with people from different countries/cultures/backgrounds, there need to be explicit parameters available for filtering based on the physical world in order to maintain trust.
Eg: some people are only comfortable interacting with people of the same gender, or people around the same age.

As a result, there is no third gender and it will not become an option.

Wouldn't other members like to interact with people of the same gender? What about non binary people? Maybe they want to talk to other non binary people! Non binary people are very real. They exist in the 'physical world' as you put it, and it is who they are, not just who they want to be. Non binary people have been shown to have existed for hundreds of years, in numerous cultures all around the world.

I understand that many people do not understand much about non-binary people, and I urge you to do your research. Please make this website available for all people, of all genders. People of a third gender exist, and they should be included. Please rethink your choice

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