[Official Contest] We need you, let's evolve!

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Maybe it's a good idea to have a 'www' : Who, what and where?
You write what you're doing, and where you are. And when you're post it, it's on the homepage of your friends.
And maybe you can show it by the little pictures of people that just logged/signed in.

[i'm sorry for the bad english, i'm not so good in it]

You should put all the polls on the home page, in the same box that they are now. except make it so we can flip through them and only see one at a time.

there should be an icon next to friends pictures to show if they are online or not.

Implement an option so you can change the site color (blue) in some few others (red,orange,green,purple etc.)
Let us upload couple more songs 😃

The 'Games' category seems pretty useless..a thing would be to add some other games with the possibility to compare the best scores with other PG members (like standings or something)

Also , I thought about some Q&A's section in forum (something like Yahoo! Answers) where you can post your question from various domains 😁

i agree with the color changing thing. we could also put patterned wallpapers like flowers or stars. the games is not a very good idea. what would it help? u could just play games on a game site! Q&A sounds okay, because u get to know people, right? But songs are definitely not necessary.

Thanks all for your suggestions. The custom theme is a very "nineties-MySpace-ish" concept though so I don't think it will be implemented! The stronger and deeper the suggestions are, the better it is. I definitely won't have time in the upcoming few weeks to do anything else than routine maintenance, but I'd like to come up with something strong before the end of the year. Maybe something almost entirely based on Google Maps and real-time messages!

How about a picture contest ?
We had a french which was doing that, I think it can be pretty fun to give a note for members pictures and then you have a classement. You could do a classement by countries, and a world classement, like a beauty contest but more fun. And you can had videos and everything.

Ok. Thats a really good question though. I discovered Penpal thanks to a friend and I am really grateful. I have an opportunity to speak with other people in lots of languages : German, French, Polish, English, Dutch. In the future I want to become a translator so this site helps me much in it. It's actually one of my favourite sites 😉 There aren't lot of bad things about Penpal, nevertheless I would change the chat. More language rooms would be a good idea. There might be videos chat too. That would be great !
To sum up, forgetting the chat default, this site is the best ! 🙂

Sorry for my English.

Who agrees with me??? 😃

I believe that you should just be able to chat between one person. Much like on facebook, its just more private and you get to know the person you are talking to, not everyone in the chat room! Thats my idea!

i agree with the most of people about the chatroom, it would be better if there were more chats to speak all others languages that we're learning because chatting in live is more convenient to improve. 🙂

Hi everybody!!!!!
How are you guys doin'? =D
Maybe it is a good idea to do some exchange-programs? =)
I was just wondering..., yeah maybe it is a good idea ;D

Ok. Thats a really good question though. I discovered Penpal thanks to a friend and I am really grateful. I have an opportunity to speak with other people in lots of languages : German, French, Polish, English, Dutch. In the future I want to become a translator so this site helps me much in it. It's actually one of my favourite sites 😉 There aren't lot of bad things about Penpal, nevertheless I would change the chat. More language rooms would be a good idea. There might be videos chat too. That would be great !
To sum up, forgetting the chat default, this site is the best ! 🙂

Sorry for my English.

Who agrees with me??? 😃

-> I agree with you!!! There should be more chatrooms, like one; french,, one; english,, one; german,, one; dutch,, one; finnish,, one; chinees,, one; italian,, one; spanish,,... And of course, one with just all people like there is now!!!
But maybe there aren't enough people online on the same time for this...
But I agree with you 😁D

Edited by Eline_COB .

it would be nice to custumixe your pro like give it a lay out with your own pictures..that would be fun

It wpuld be kind of cool if there was a video chat on here. Like if some people had a camera on their computer or something they can chat. I would want to do that. But I'm really glad I found this place 'cause I've made ALOT of friends here and I have ALOT of fun. This place rox the sox off a fox in a box when he knox on a door in mars. Lolz. BE MY FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How about a place to list your religion? This could bring people together with a common interest.

Why not show how many of the members are currently online and how many visitors are now visiting the site?-on the homepage
like many other websites.

well I hope that the everyone who wants snail mail friends they can put their home address on some profile box.

That was proposed before and rejected. Imagine strangers and unwanted people sending weird things or showing at your frontdoor. If you want to exchange snail mail with someone just send him/her an e-mail with your address in advance.

well that is true.

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