Give me a song in your language to listen to !

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Give me a beautiful song in your language that almost everyone in your country knows! I am curious to know how are the rhymes, the consonance, etc ...

La playa - La Oreja de Van Gogh

I don't know if you will find it beautiful, but a song REALLY EVERY German knows is "Atemlos" by Helene Fischer. It's of the typical German genre "Schlager". Stereotypically "Schlager" is listened "just" by older people, but since Helene Fischer introduced Schlager-Pop many young people are listening to it, especially at beer festivals when they want to get drunk.

Generally I don't like German songs, but beautiful songs (lyrics, rhythm, melody) in my opinion are:
> 194 Länder - Mark Forster
> Sowieso - Mark Forster
> Wir sind groß - Mark Forster
> Geiles Leben - Glasperlenspiel
> Leichtes Gepäck - Silbermond
> Astronaut - SIDO
> Tausend Tattoos - SIDO
> Bilder im Kopf - SIDO
> Namika - Je ne parle pas français

Maybe there is/ are some song/s you will like.
Have fun listening to them! 🙂

- Night Traveler : Don't Forget About Me
- Brakence : Ginger Tea
- Jelani Aryeh : Stella Brown

You could listen to AnnenMayKantereit and Von wegen Lisbeth they have great songs

Keny Arkana: La rage du peuple
HK et les saltimbanques: On lâche rien

Current songs:
Printemps eternel by Flo Delavega
Kiki by Julien Doré

One really older song (1975) :
La balade des gens heureux by Gérard Lenorman

起风了 by Wu qingfeng

this really trending song in India is called ‘Enjoy Enjaami’. it has great visuals so that the viewers are really engrossed. it's a song about the tribal people and ancestors. it's a really meaningful and awesome song. it has English subtitles so that everyone can understand! (:

Edited by hogwartsdropout .

Elefant- Lea
I very like this song but i think in Germany we are Listen more to english songs than to german one’s


Malaya by Moira Dela Torre

Here's a link if anyone's interested:

Rapide - Mahmood (Ita)
Creioane colorare - Feli (Ro)

„Einmal am Rhein“ from the great Willi Ostermann

Edited by Piwipete .

le coup de soleil, by Roberto Bellarosa

Seiler und Speer - Soits lebn
Falco - Egoist
Falco - Nie mehr Schule
Pizzera und Jaus - Mama


Marlow & Reum: "Die besoffene Bimmelbahn" - A hip-hoppy song about alcoholism
Keine Zähne im Maul aber La Paloma pfeifen: "Lebe so dass es alle wissen wollen" - Post-Punk
Ton Steine Scherben: "Rauch-Haus-Song" - Left Punk, very iconic song
Reinhardt Mey: "Gute Nacht Freunde" - Beautiful singer-songwriter-song
Schnipo Schranke: "Pisse" - very authentic kind of music that is not easy to place in ay category. They have a very honest and playful vibe!

Arttu Wiskari - Tässäkö tää oli