Hi, there 🙂 Thank you for comments.
I'm not a Japanese teacher so that I have no idea what to teach. So when you have trouble with leaning, ask me here..... or Skype?
By the way, I've just memorized Cyrillic characters recently. Reading Linaaa's comment, I wonder if I can master Russian. >_<
I could do German more or less because German and English are similar. But Russian is quite different.
Thanks HoolKD! What is you Skype account? You can add me if you want : happy.shin
I started learning Japanese today with a book I borrowed at the library 😛
hi, Benjou, moving here seems troublesome. Japan has strict regulation for immigrants though the government considers promoting it because of aged society. What kind of job are you thinking of in Japan?
Computer? Something like programmer or web-designer? It's a decent job and I've seen people from foreign countries working IT companies.
But in the Information industry there are lots of companies called "black company" which often violate labor law.
You should choose which company you enter carefully.
Toshiba is a stable manufacture company. But I seldom hear about about its IT section. Basically Japanese industry is poor at IT 🙁 Critics often say, Japanese IT industry is like Galapagos Islands (their technology evolved uniquely in Japan but not evaluated in other countries like many spices have done in Galapagos Islands).
What is your specialization in computer?
Hi!!! I'm looking for someone (girls, boys, young, old, it doesn't matter) to learn Japanese from the basics. I hope there is someone willing to help me!!! See you !
HI, I´d like to learn japanese from zero, I love japanese culture but i did not have the chance of learning it. It would be great if someone helps me. Thanks, jimmy.